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Everything posted by concurssi

  1. concurssi

    Recommend a good server??

    Try Naked Fanatics! Links are in my signature :)
  2. concurssi

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    but are there other net files besides zeu_netcode.pbo?
  3. concurssi

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I'm still waiting for a response to this.
  4. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    I can't remember the name of the company, but they made a robot that you can control using your mind :D I wonder how long till we're playing ArmA with that system?
  5. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    *cough cough* Yes. Crouch with your weapon lowered, and then hit your Prone key. You will move forward a bit and then go prone, happens every time. Solution until it's fixed: avoid crouching with your weapon lowered, or going prone if you still do so.See? These things will probably eventually be fixed, but until then it's perfectly simple to adapt and overcome, not just give up entirely and demand it be fixed. ;)
  6. concurssi

    Russian Naval Infantry

    On the squad picture, is that a Batman logo on the flag on the right?
  7. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    FFS, this is so frustrating :( And before you tell me to go play COD, I'm an ArmA guy, through and through. These things are not what was asked for here. No one mentioned being superhuman here but the "go play COD" people. Why is it that there's this need to suddenly jump to the extreme in the face of criticism?
  8. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    I also think the "go play cod" argument works against us. Instead of telling these people to piss off and play the little children's games, why not instead convince them that ArmA is best?
  9. I dunno about the PBO tool, but I've been reading this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9220
  10. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    Okay, cool. I was wondering why that happens for a while now. Never really had any problems with it though :)
  11. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    Does the forward lunge only happen if you have your weapon lowered?
  12. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    Smooth, high FPS, low lag? :bigsmile: During actual gameplay I probably average something like 25 fps.
  13. concurssi

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    :confused: Seems to me like all this is fixed by the Shacktac movement mod. I haven't had any problems with collision or clunky movement in CQB since I started using it.
  14. concurssi

    Kill da rabbit!!!

    :D hilarious
  15. concurssi

    Kill da rabbit!!!

    Someone needs to make a map titled Rabbit holocaust and just fill it with rabbits :)
  16. concurssi

    Kill da rabbit!!!

    Do rabbits even spawn without the ambient animals module?
  17. concurssi

    AI Medic "Supporting"

    Select him, press 6 to go to the actions menu, and give him something else to do. That's how I fixed it. I can't guarantee that this'll fix it for ya though.
  18. concurssi

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Net files meaning zeu_netcode.pbo? Are there more?
  19. concurssi


    So I was watching this video about arma on youtube, and it had a bunch of old soviet tanks in it. Then I started thinking about tanks. IIRC, the current "the tank" is the Abrams or whatever. If there was, say 1 Abrams and say 3 of old soviet t-## (I don't know anything about tanks, really, so insert whatever model you like) tanks, which would come out on top, generally speaking?
  20. Search yielded nothing, so here goes: Ever since I installed a beta patch I can't play a cherno mission for more than a few minutes before it freezes and I have to exit through the process manager. The patch I installed was 1.57.76815. The strange thing is, I tried installing the latest beta and the installer says it's all cool, installed correctly, the ingame version indicator still says 1.57.76815. Also, the game works just fine on Takistan :j:
  21. concurssi

    Freezing on Chernarus

    Which version are you using? And are you playing on Chernarus? Before, I had problems with the AI getting their feet bolted to the ground after combat. Now this. I'm hngh'ing like hell here, man! :(
  22. concurssi

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    So, anyone else having problems with the game freezing on Chernarus while using Zeus AI?
  23. concurssi

    Freezing on Chernarus

    *sigh* I started going through my mods, and I don't know why, but it was Zeus AI causing this. I updated it recently, but I played on Chernarus after that and it worked fine then and I don't know what's changed, but... *sigh* Sorry I wasted your time. This is so frustrating too, Zeus AI would be an awesome mod if it worked :(