Well, what I did to get this all working is actually just to take the addons folder from ARMA 2 (And take out all the UI.pbo and related ui files out of the folder) and copied it into a mod folder in ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead called @ARMA2 and then just enable this mod folder and you now have Combined Operations. The Steam Combined Operations .cmd file actually works in close to the same way as the one I just described, but doesn't actually combine them so its easier to update them. And also to update ARMA2 in the mod folder just update the original ARMA 2 in Steam and simply re-copy and paste the folder to the ARMA 2 mod folder in the Operation Arrowhead directory. Depending on your hard-drives read/write speed, the copying and pasting may take between 6-12 minutes, but in turn it is much easier to do then to singularily type each mod of yours into the execution line of the ARMA2OA.exe.