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Everything posted by PELHAM


    Terrorattack in Norway's capital, Oslo.

    Well said. Politics only works well with opposite sides finding common ground, if one has the upper hand it just leads to disaster. I don't know how this idiot thought mass murder would further his cause. He has done nothing but end his side of the debate for the foreseeable future. Sadly I think we will see more of this kind of thing all over the world. People in general are becoming more militant and more and more are turning to violent action if they don't get their own way.
  2. I have an old MS sidewinder with twist-grip and a throttle - With a lot of practice I am able to fly it reasonably well and I am starting to get adventurous. Honestly, the secret is small movements, care with the throttle (less power is better) so you don't over torque and follow the bouncing white stability ball! Landings - I either hit too hard and roll over or get over cautious with stopping and fly backwards! Anyone got any tips on the last 5m of flight?
  3. Have a look at the original - your name is in the Credits lol! It's amazing how much time you can spend making dynamic markers and it's all your fault :D.
  4. Mission updated to include cargo lifting - see Original Post. UPDATED! 21-07-11 I have updated the TKOH mission below to include cargo lifting. When lifting cargo it has the same guidance markers in the GPS as in the LZs. -You need to have your speed under 10kts and your altitude between 12m and 7m. -If you fly too fast the load becomes unstable and may break away. -if you drop the load outside the target area you will have to pick it up and try again. -The smoke markers are now created 30m ish away for improved visibility. -The script creates objects and vehicles suitable for the size of helicopter. You can't lift tanks lol. -Saving is enabled and the start position is next to the helicopter now. -I am working on an OA & TKOH version in Takistan for those without A2. Should have that finished next week. Updated 21-07-11 TKOH_Ass&Trash&Cargo requires: Arma2, Arma2:OA, TKOH Community Preview http://www.mediafire.com/?qdusm5tdzgr4agd
  5. Yep it's realistic - flying helicopters is very difficllt lol. It took me awhile to realise it too. I was flipping the throttle to max for takeoff and wondering why the helo was bucking all over the sky - it's the torque + tail rotor. We have to forget the way we flew in Arma 2.
  6. Kylania is right: I'm not sure you are feeding in the %1 part correctly, do you need brackets? This is how they do it in Insurgency: _mkr = createMarker[format["%1intel%2", _cache, _i], _pos]; Then you can also use: getMarkerPos format["%1intel%2", _cache, _i] select 0, etc To delete it is tricky - you have to define the name _mkr = format["%1intel%2", _cache, _i]; delete _mkr; (The above may not be 100% accurate - had to do it from memory as I could not find all of it but hope you are now on the right track.) If you have created multiple markers you have to call the delete part multiple times. I have a friend who has been very frustrated with all this for a week. Still don't understand it fully myself.
  7. Agree with nightsta1ker 100%! Read Chickenhawk by Robert Mason and he says the same thing. You have many forces acting in different directions at the same time. Each time you mess with pedals, collective / cyclic things change and you have to counteract them. E.G. pushing the pedals makes the tail rotor work either more or less. For a given power setting the tail will be taking more or less power away from the rotor when you push the pedals. So the heli will also climb or descend a little. Mason describes escaping from a low hover over a minefield he was trapped in (overloaded helicopter) by pushing the right pedal. This allowed enough power into the main rotor for him to climb a little and hover back over the fence. The Helicopter was loaded with a cargo of rockets so if he had not understood that he would have been a dead man! The more I learn to fly TKOH the more I realise the DEVs have it right. I agree people who fly with keyboard may need extra things but I have tried and you can't react in time (not enough fingers lol). You need a joystick with a twist grip for the pedals - minimum.
  8. Anyone noticed that if you are careless with the Joystick throttle it has a bad effect and causes most of the trim problems? Make slow increases and decreases with the throttle or you get bad torque effects. Fast throttle increase = roll + yaw right Fast throttle decrease = roll +yaw to the left I think that's normal in a helicopter? Once I learned to be cautious with the throttle and anticipate how much power I'm going to need - I don't even worry about Auto-trim now. If you have any bad habits from Arma 2 - e.g. slap the throttle on full for take off and cruising you will have bad stability. You only need 25% - 50% power for most situations. 50% - 75% for entering a hover if speed is low and you have some downward velocity. Probably the same with the keyboard throttle keys?
  9. You can use hint and taskHint at the same time? If you use several taskHints at the same time they will show in sequence. taskHint also has different colours. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/taskHint eg: taskhint ["New Task\nDrop off cargo at the\nnext waypoint.", [1, 1, 1, 1], "taskNew"]; colours: [1, 1, 1, 1] = white [0, 1, 0, 1] = green [1, 0, 0, 1] = red [1, .7, .4, 1] = orange You can also get complex with hints and put pictures in them: // Prepare variables. private ["_pname","_picture","_color"]; // Customize hint colors. _color = "#FFCC33"; _pname = name player; // Grab image of players primary weapon. _picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> primaryWeapon player >> "picture"); hint parseText format[" Pilot Officer <br/> <t size='1.0' color='#668CFF'>%1</t> <br/> Welcome to Advanced Rotary Training.<br/> Your instructor is waiting.<br/> Get in a Helicopter!<br/> <t color='%3'><img size='4' image='%2'/></t>", _pname, _picture, _color ]; Another example: I learned most of that from Kylania's website I think. http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=65 http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=15 http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=43 There is a mission with all that in here: The original Ass&Trash requires Arma2, Arma2:OA http://www.mediafire.com/?6ok9f67bmfcao66 See here too: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1837528 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=115445 http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/parseText
  10. I have a 25 year old joystick somewhere in the loft with manual trim wheels. I think I might use that lol. Why don't they introduce manual trim in the keyboard so if you press shift and W,A,S,D,Z or X it gives 1 measure of trim in the given direction? (I think someone has sort of mentioned this.) Also lets face it - if it's a realistic flight sim it's reasonable to expect the player to use something more than a mouse and keyboard as standard. You would never be able to control a real helicopter using such basic input devices.
  11. Build 82767 is working well for me. Sound is good, graphics look better and most importantly it's flyable!
  12. Oh dear it's going to be a tough week at no.10 lol. Nothing unusual in that though. You will find the previous 2 PM's did the same thing. I read something about Mrs. Brown having a slumber party for Brook's children. Until recently the entire cabinet and shadow cabinet were all attending Murdoch's private parties but many people seem to have developed selective amnesia about that lol.
  13. Not sure about that one? I have unPBO it and there are no extra addons showing apart from the Vanilla ones. Do you own steam versions of the game? I have friends that own the steam versions and have the same problem as you - not sure what it is? Do you get the same error with the non TKOH version? I am working on an update which will include sling load tasks. It will be out this week so try that. I made that mission in build 82309, I think. We are now in 82767 so that could also be it. I will have a look and update it.
  14. Who do I blame most in all this? The people who buy newspapers in the first place..... If the great British Public did not have a great appetite for nonsense and also had the brains to realise most of it is just nonsense, we would not be in this mess. If not for the support of the public the press would not have this power, politicians would be concentrating on getting on with real work rather than this pantomime and their petty vendettas and the police would do something about the organised crime that pervades every corner of the nation instead of spending all their time out having lunches with the press. The public worship the cult of celebrity, inhale every item of gossip and believe the first thing they hear, always. It's a very shallow country. (I live there BTW, Great Britain, small minded nation inc. lol) What we have here is greasy press, greasy politicians and greasy career police officers involved in a very public falling out. All of them seem to be former friends and associates who have previously socialised a great deal and have even visited each others houses. I have not bought a tabloid in 20 years, and have not bought any newspapers for the last 10 years, can any of you say that? (I urge you to see the big picture in all this and do what hurts all of them most - ignore them lol.)
  15. "An act of MOD" lol - that's a good one!
  16. Crash at Duxford Imperial War Museum on Sunday 10th July 2011 during the Flying Legends air show. Mid-air collision between a P51 and a Skyraider during a break formation after a flypast involving 3 aircraft. The P51 crashed - pilot bailed out. The Skyraider managed to regain control and landed safely missing the outer section of a wing. edit: Just looked at some other photos and the Skyraider is missing 1/3 of a wing! Hi res pictures here: http://forum.scramble.nl/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=75882&p=511889#p511889 Video here: http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/Home/Video-Dramatic-moment-planes-collided-at-Duxford-show-11072011.htm
  17. I considered joining up once but was put off by a course I went on that was designed to attract Infantry candidates. You had to spend a week (days only) with a locally based Regiment. I soon found I was the person that attracts the wrong sort of attention lol. During the trip to the orienteering course I taught everyone on the bus how to use a map and compass. This upset the regulars as they expected an afternoon of fun watching us all get lost. They even cheated by confiscating the maps but I had memorised the route so they were even less pleased when we completed the course ahead of schedule. On the laser shooting range (very impressive equipment!) I scored better than some of the regulars despite never having fired anything more than a bashed up air-rifle. Hill running. I had just come back from a 3 month trek in the Andes and saying I was in shape was a bit of an understatement. I came close to beating the record for the route and had to wait an hour because everyone else had got 'lost' in the woods to have a smoke break. By the last day they had had enough of me and decided to give me a good kicking during a game of football to see if I would lose my temper. "But I've just punched you in the face!" says one. "Don't worry about it." I said, "I'm sure you didn't mean it?". I'm glad that was the last day. All that was left for them was attempting to kill me! What I learned. -Never laugh at Sergeants no matter how ridiculous they are. -They probably wouldn't be able to teach me anything. -The real enemy would probably end up being the idiots you have to serve with. -If you have brains to start off with they will attempt to remove them so you comply with army standards. (It's possible the retards I met were not the best examples of the usually very professional Yorkshire Light Infantry)
  18. Quick note on the full screen GPS - now that I have used it for a week and learned to look though it - I am beginning to like it. It would still be a good idea to have a smaller version as an option though. Orientation - more importantly would it be possible to orientate the GPS to the helicopter so that up is always forward? It's difficult to use it when not flying south to north. When flying on another heading you get confused because although the LZ is in front of you the marker on the GPS may be moving side to side or even in the opposite direction. You lose situational awareness and end up flying the wrong way or losing control. 82503 -I am suffering with the joystick deadzone/sensitivity problem too and overcontrolling. -The aircraft is too light now? (was too heavy in previous version lol). -Does auto-trim off always have the same effect? I find that if I push the joystick half way to the 10oclock position and add 1/4 turn left rudder, then set the trim it flies straight? It's always rolling right, pitching up and yawing right so that counteracts it.
  19. I must remember not to drive past on the M11 during Airshows! Problem is the BBMF crowd, The C-47 Dakota and old warbirds often fly over my house during the summer. The RAF/ Army Helicopters use the route all week long too. Is an aircraft crashing into your house covered under insurance?
  20. Add. info running this once: soldierOne action ["salute", soldierOne]; makes the unit salute and stay at attention with the hand raised. To lower the hand and return to normal, just run it again after a sleep, e.g.: soldierOne action ["salute", soldierOne]; sleep 2; soldierOne action ["salute", soldierOne]; Salutes for 2 seconds.
  21. Not flown them in real life but from reading, controls are often sluggish. It's a common mistake for student pilots to move the stick and expect an instant response, then move the stick further and find they have over controlled. There is always a delay of a second or two for the disk to move and for the air column to react and overcome the inertia of the aircraft. Try not moving the stick so much - when trying to hover - a few millimetres out of the dead zone on the joy stick is plenty. Got to say my landings are terrible - often roll over no matter how gently I put it down lol.
  22. Gary Numan on Flying: I gave up flying because I'd lost so many close friends I haven't done flying for a few years now. The big thing was that I was an air display pilot, and I used to teach aerobatics and formation flying in World War Two aeroplanes. And then, one by one all my friends were killed in crashes. In a very quick period I was fine fine fine fine, then all of a sudden it just went. One particular person died, and my brother had a big crash and was lucky to get away with it. Where before my wife didn't mind me doing it, but when this one particular person died, the first person she'd known who'd been killed in a crash, then all of a sudden she was done with it. She didn't want me to fly at all. There was a different atmosphere at home. That coincided with my own feelings that I felt like I'd pushed my luck. Everyone I knew apart from two or three people who I was distantly connected to had died. I don't have a photograph in my house of my flying friends where everyone is still alive. I'm the only one still alive out of six or seven people. I started to wonder if it was down to luck. (Think I'll give this hobby a miss!)
  23. Same here - all sounds for helicopters apart from starter/startup in "Light Heli" not working.
  24. From this photo it looks like the Skyraider nearly took the tail off the mustang. Maybe the control cables to the tail were severed making the P-51 unflyable? Apart from that it looks less damaged than the Skyraider! This guy did a first class job too! Pointed the aircraft into a field, bailed out and lived - not easy from a few hundred feet.