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Everything posted by PELHAM
Band of Skulls anyone? 4XUwKewzdNs ZEbBIswSsEA nOxPpYDXw5k nxzmXBbhN_4 last vid - cover of Strict Machine by Goldfrapp - acoustic fwd to 1:15
To the Muslims much of Israel is holy ground and that holy ground is in Jewish hands at the moment (e.g. the al-Aqsa Mosque). They don't like it, not one bit. Muslims see the whole region as belonging under their sphere of influence because it was in their possession for over 1000 years. They are right about that but we are where we are because America pushed to allow millions of Jews to flee Europe after WW2. Britain actually resisted that because they knew the history and could see the future trouble it would cause. Americans are good guys with a very simplistic world view. Apart from the genuine religious beef, Islamic political leaders have traditionally used Israel as a slide for when things got tough and it's made a difficult situation worse. Ever notice that Hamas and Hezbollah tend to make mischief whenever there are problems either domestic or international for Syria or Iran? The Arab state controlled media's fill the airwaves and people forget their problems with their governments. I'm sick and tired of hearing about it. It's one of those things that will drag on until there is a war to settle it or they agree to share. -The Americans are stuck with supporting a problem they created. -Israel remains aggressive because everyone around them wants to push them into the sea. They will not give up easily defensible borders because in the future America might turn it's back. -Iran will keep destabilising and using the situation as a tool to get it's own way. -The Palestinians are mostly living as refugees elsewhere, no one wants them on their turf. -No one involved will give an inch.
Fantastic addon - probably one of the best yet because it combines so many of the other great addons! Already had hours of fun setting up ambushes and other trouble for myself. Great work and hope addons makers continue to collaborate to make great things such as this! 1 question - when you spawn groups and units is there a way to set waypoints for them? edit: NVM I read the manual - you can't unless in high command mode for the side - or, the way to get some movement is to enlarge the zones and use the settings (UPSMON) defensive/offensive for spawning.
OFFTOPIC: Politics & uncool topics Anything slightly political or similar uncool goes here and nowhere else, don't try cross the red thin line! As I will probably frequent the new 'padded cell' a great deal. Could we have a definition of 'uncool topics' and 'similar uncool' please? I would not like to unknowingly cross any thin red lines. :)
(Reuters) - Iran appears to have worked on designing an atomic bomb and may still be conducting secret research, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said in a report likely to raise tensions in the Middle East. Tehran's history of hiding sensitive nuclear activity from the IAEA, continued restrictions on IAEA access and its refusal to suspend enrichment, which can yield fuel for atom bombs, have drawn four rounds of U.N. sanctions and separate punitive steps by the United States and European Union. Iran is a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) but was found in non-compliance with its NPT safeguards agreement and the status of its nuclear program remains in dispute. European states call for stiffer sanctions against Iran following the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report on Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program. France took the lead in ratcheting up pressure, calling for a meeting of the security council; the foreign minister, Alain Juppé, said sanctions against Tehran should be raised to an "unprecedented scale" if Iran fails to co-operate with the IAEA investigations into past work on designing a nuclear warhead . In a report issued on 01-11-2001, the UN agency said it had found credible evidence that Iran had been carrying out experiments aimed at designing a bomb on a substantial scale. The IAEA report estimated Iran now has nearly five metric tonnes of low enriched uranium (LEU) easily enough for four bombs, if it was further enriched to weapons grade. It also has 73 kg of 20% enriched uranium - a fraction of what would be needed for one warhead but it could be turned into weapons grade much faster. In a statement to the House of Commons on Wednesday morning, the British foreign secretary, William Hague, said: "The assertions of recent years by Iran that their nuclear programme is wholly for peaceful purposes are completely discredited by this report." Moscow and Beijing have both said they would study the IAEA report before issuing a definitive judgment, but both had argued strenuously against publication of intelligence on suspected weapons projects. Israeli officials had no immediate comment on the IAEA report, which was big news in a Jewish state that feels uniquely threatened by Iran. Israel is widely believed to harbor the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal. The Israeli government maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity on whether it has nuclear weapons, saying only that it would not be the first to "introduce nuclear weapons in the Middle East." Former International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei regarded Israel as a state possessing nuclear weapons. Much of what is known about Israel's nuclear program comes from revelations in 1986 by Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at the Negev Nuclear Research Center who served an 18-year prison sentence as a result. Israel has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but supports establishment of a Middle East Zone free of weapons of mass destruction.
What a vivid imagination - ever considered writing fiction?
A guy in my father's unit attempted suicide. He put his rifle under his chin and pulled the trigger but changed his mind as he did so and ended up with a cleft chin. Unfortunately that was not all, the bullet gave him cleft lips, cleft nose and a cleft forehead. If you think that sounds like he had a butt crack carved into his face - that's exactly what he looked like. I'm not sure what was troubling him before, but despite his horrible disfigurement he seemed happier with life and did not attempt it again. Isn't life odd? I blame wives and girlfriends for much of it. If they didn't write dear John letters dumping people in the middle of war zones many would still be alive.
So google have highlighted 2 requests out of a total of 93. Two police departments who were not happy that their officers were caught on video misbehaving and tried to have the videos removed. Wow, shocking. Where is the story? America is studded with small town hick police departments that do such things. They know about it already. The main focus of the other news stories is the high number of user information requests - 11000 or so. That might be worth examining, but remember people involved in criminal activity, posting pictures of gun use, reckless driving, drug use, incitement to riot etc might be of interest to the police. Is it simply US police cyber crime detection units trawling the Internet for crimes/witnesses in their area or something else? Your conclusion that the US media are censoring the news might be a little far fetched? They may have researched this properly and not responded to viral hokus pocus. I see no wow factor here. The Mail and the Guardian have alerted you to the fact that the US has more removal requests and more user info requests than any other country. That coincides with the fact that the US has the highest number of Internet users. QED
Google's own Transparency Report From January - June 2011 there were 92 removal requests covering 757 items on google services. 63% were complied with - 477 items were removed at the request of US citizens (courts), and government departments. Reasons for requests included: Defamation - Copywright - Impersonation - Privacy and Security - Government Criticism - National - Security - Violence - Hate Speech - Other If you look at the Google statistics for youtube there were: 6 court orders 26 police/executive requests for a total of 113 videos (not sure how many were removed - 63% is 71) A possible 71 videos removed for all the thousands posted each month - is there really a problem? There was only 1 request for removal based on Government criticism made by a police department, executive department or other. Who knows which oddball filed that one and it probably wasn't complied with? Are all these requests unjustified? Probably not. When you consider the numbers - 757 items requested for removal vs millions of items posted online in that time. Is this really censorship and oppression? Remember some of the requests are on grounds of copywright, impersonation, defamation and privacy, from court orders brought by private individuals not the government. Someone above has commented that 63% seems high, but that depends on the content of what was removed. The UK has an 82% removal compliance rating, is censorship in the UK worse than the US or are we more balanced in what we are requesting to be removed? I would not let Walker interpret data on your behalf - he does not seem capable of an objective opinion. Look at the data for yourself and come to the only reasonable conclusion - yet another Walker Troll post.
Excellent post! I posted some statistics from HM Revenue & Customs that shows the 1% pay around 24.1% of the total UK income tax collected each year. They also contribute through investment, enterprise and job creation. No doubt they also spend much of their income in the country they live in and pay VAT. Walker's idea to just get rid of them fails to suggest how we would replace this huge loss of income. The economy would fail and we would all suffer. Who would open a business if the consequence of being too successful meant automatic deportation and confiscation of your assets? If most of the businesses closed, where would we work? He calls this defeatist nonsense which tells me he reads a little too much Lenin at bedtime. We have also seen this policy at work in Marxist governments from Albania to Zimbabwe and look what happened to their economies? Zimbabwe is a complete disaster and Albania will take years to recover. I suggest Walker visits Zimbabwe on his next holiday so he can see for himself what happens when flawed ideology is put into practice. If he thinks we are suffering now, let him see people striping bark from trees because there is nothing else to eat.
[SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission
PELHAM replied to dragon zen's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
The ammo crate only has ammo in it not weapons? I'm thinking of trying out this addon with it: RSLO: Riouken's Selectable Load Outs ver 2.0 You need to add this to the init.sqf RSLO_Auth_Mission = true; and setup custom loadouts in your userconfig -
[SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission
PELHAM replied to dragon zen's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
OK managed to change units for the side and had some great action, but the player is still a US Marine - how do you change his faction and initial loadout? I want to practice with different weapons and having to chase the weapons crates every time you get killed is frustrating. -
At the moment most banking is free, they make their money out of the interest and charges for going overdrawn etc. Tax the banks and they will start charging a monthly fee for your current account. £5-£10 a month!
[SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission
PELHAM replied to dragon zen's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Fantastic mission - best SP mission I have played to date! Is there a way to change the US Marine units to US Army units for Zargabad / Takistan maps? -
The investigation phase of the report was completed under the last government so you are yet again talking crap as you well know. There is no private contract nursing on NHS Geriatric Wards in hospitals. The well documented incidents of neglect and ill treatment of patients on NHS wards goes back to the changes in training brought about in 1997 by the Labour Government. Since they made nursing a degree only course it became all about medication and administration and no one likes getting their hands dirty anymore. They changed the culture you see. No one can tell if funding has gone up or down slightly but it's about the same really. As for making any changes, they only had the vote in parliament on that last month so you fall flat on your face right there. PS I know 2 senior NHS managers and have 1 relative that works in community care. I get my info 1st hand and I can list the waste and mismanagement of the last 10 years chapter and verse if you like.
No nothing against Lenin - he had some nice sounding, unworkable ideas like someone else we all know. He failed to look at the practicalities, the common failure of dreamers.
We already do that in the NHS in the UK and it's not working. The standard of care in many hospitals was found to be so low it was illegal. eg.Elderly patients dying of dehydration because no one can be bothered to get them a glass of water - doctors have started to put them on saline drips because the nurses cant be trusted. Same with malnutrition - food left out of reach, patients not fed, bedsores, and being left to lie in own waste for 24hrs. I had a first hand account recently of an old lady dying of terrible neglect in hospital - the nurses on the ward falsified the medical records to cover it up. I'll take the Android - it's less likely to skive off.
Thought control interface for 3D environment proven in helicopter
PELHAM replied to walker's topic in OFFTOPIC
The use of thought control was first proposed to allow a faster interface between man and machine. If there is no pilot there is no point to this technology as the time taken for signals to travel from the control station to the aircraft introduce significant delays in response. Most recent UAVs are semi autonomous and you don't actually fly them real time. You simply put in waypoints and the aircraft does the job of flying itself. So will you actually see this put into military aircraft - probably not. It would be of more use to disabled people. -
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Thought control interface for 3D environment proven in helicopter
PELHAM replied to walker's topic in OFFTOPIC
What would be the point of it when most future aircraft will be unmanned UAVs? The pilot is going to be removed from the cockpit so who need this? -
Humans are short haired chimps that can talk (we even have the same number of hair follicles)- go and sit at the zoo and watch the chimps for a day. Human nature and chimp nature are very similar, our societies work in precisely the same way. That is why the idea of equally sharing things will never work. I'm sure if someone taught a chimp to use the Internet it would read things, believe all it read and would repost it in the BIS Offtopic forums.
I am not 100% satisfied, putting words in my mouth again Mrcash. What you suggest is that Walker be left alone to post his beliefs here without comment or criticism. His ideas and beliefs would make things worse and it has been demonstrated to be so many times over in recent history. My point to counter the original post by Walker is that increasing the taxes on the 1% would cause them to leave. That would be bad for everyone. He can't answer that one and neither can you. Therefore his idea is unworkable, it doesn't work, it doesn't add up in the 2+2=4 sense of basic logic.
If it will not work, it will not work.
I'm not suggesting changing anything. It's Walker and yourselves that are unhappy with the way things are - I'm open to workable ideas. Is capitalism broken? We have had major economic problems roughly every 10 years for more than a century. Problem is, many young people have never experienced hard times or had to go without. I have lived through 3 major recessions and much else including a civil war. Every time it happens there are protests and calls to lock up the rich, it all returns to normal once people are getting everything they want again. The problem this time was that the politicians desperately tried to fudge things by borrowing and spending money. Huge sums of it. They created a false economy and false capitalism to try to extend their time in office and keep the inevitable at bay. If Capitalism is broken what do you suggest as a replacement? Workable ideas please.
I have simply stated the pitfalls involved in slapping a 15% tax rise on the 1% or locking them up and taking their assets. It will not work and I doubt you could find a way to make it work. Labelling me a heretic just because I point out uncomfortable truths is effectively hiding from the facts of life on your part. Find a workable way of changing the system if you can. The methods suggested by Walker will make all of our lives worse.