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Everything posted by PELHAM
Before and after pictures of the missile base near Tehran: http://defensetech.org/2011/12/01/before-and-after-photos-of-irans-destroyed-missile-base/ Most buidlings are completely destroyed. I guess we all know rocket fuel is explosive stuff, covert war or maybe it was an accident? Odd coincidence that the General in charge of the missile programs was visiting and was killed in the explosion? The other explosion heard in Isfahan is more interesting, it was reported in the Iranian media then removed. Everyone is wondering if it originated in nearby Natanz. All this, as well as the UK embassy invasion makes you wonder what is going on. The UK Ambassador says the looters were surprisingly selective, removing computer hard drives but leaving the computers themselves behind. It shows they were looking for something.
Hmm could be - what he fails to mention is that while software is capable of doing some of those things it has to be specifically coded or set up to do so. The fact is, it's not in this case. They are looking at the original full code and saying this is what it could potentially do, doesn't mean it's actually doing it. So yeah, it's bollocks. Some people in the world have an inferiority complex and seek self confidence by spreading falsehoods, the more people that believe their tall stories, the better they feel.
Feck - does that make me a geek?
These guys have a cool suggestion about what to do with your sim-card to stop people tracking you: 2tKi_ufYRQw Carrier IQ? It's setup to log dropped calls etc. Think of it as an anonymous diagnostic survey tool. Good news is it's not used in the UK and many other countries and most phones don't have it. Mainly a US problem. It's not installed by governments but by network providers, if it's installed on 141million phones they don't have the staff to physically look at everyone's records, the data will be summarised into categories by computer so they can analyse problems and trends.
What don't they like about Iceland then?
Anyone want an Embassy? The UK kicked Iran's diplomats out of the country today, they were given 48hrs to leave following the organised violence at the UK's embassy compounds in Tehran. The UK staff's personal posessions and homes were looted.
They used to be, bit dumbed down and over PC these days. The recent arctic nature docs didn't show a polar bear making a single kill (audiences find it too upsetting). BBC3 is full of rubbish, BBC4 seems to be controlled by an aged Sociology Professor, the news24 channel is awful, no interviews, just journalists talking back and forth. They seem to think we care for their comment & opinions! Viewers find news24 better quality when all the front line staff are on strike lol. I hardly watch any BBC channels now, 2-3 items a week on beeb 1&2. Next time I move house I'm not setting up another licence fee in my name.
Does anyone have any good missions using this yet? I have your example missions Reezo all works and is fun but must comment on the suicide bombers. 1) When they spawn they don't chase blufor, seems to take 3/4 mins then they chase but if you move they run to your old position and stop? 2) If you run over the dead body in a humvee they explode lol. Not sure this is a problem but is it intentional?
I'm always puzzled by people who promote violence and non-violence in the same sentence? I think it was started by some guy with lots of spare tents he didn't want.
Psst I've got some spare tamiflu.... wanna buy some? :D
Lol a colleague told me the instructions went to the banks this week to seize and stop anything Iranian. I wondered what would happen, organised embassy invasions seem to be the fashion these days, lol at the reports describing them as students (watch a video and see what you think). Wow I do wish they would stop burning flags - it really upsets me every time a flag is burnt. I'm so tired of their tedious nonsense I would go for free, just gimme a rifle and some ass kicking boots, forget logistics, I'll take what they have. :D Iranian grave diggers, coffin builders and shroud knitters?
Ahhh the ol virus schtick....Is it that close to winter already? Who is it that makes tamiflu? I had better get some shares now before this years wild story is up and running. Viruses have been engineered for years, the curious make up of the swine flu had many, including me, wondering if it was an escapee from a lab. This genie is already out of the bottle folks. Nature would come up with it eventually anyway - remember 1918?
Yes...can you prove yours? -Linking to the ONS website is not proof of anything - please cite the document and page number. -Linking to statistics and evidence for the US when the point was about the UK is misleading. -Linking to press stories about out of date statistics is bad practice. Try again please.
More Walker myths.... State workers earn MORE - not less- than equivalent staff in the private sector -Difference in pay between private and public is 7.8 per cent -88% of state workers have company pension compared to 44% of private workers
Civilian Interaction Module (beta)
PELHAM replied to Nielsen's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Great Mod! If this could be made suitable for Multiplayer it would be one of the greatest. Myself and another guy are working on a coop game mode and he added some interrogate and search add-actions but this does so much more. -
Someguywho's Middle Eastern Rebels
PELHAM replied to someguywho's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I have CO (non steam) and I had to create an addons folder inside @SGS_MER and move the 4 files in addons for it to work. The retextured AI look great - nice work someguywho! I look forward to making a Libyan campaign and video for this. -
UK Civil Servants are not having their wages cut. The strike is about pensions and the Unions are upset that civil service pensions are being 'reduced' (cough) from unbelievably generous to just ridiculously generous. It's an aim to bring some sort of equality to the 2 tier system that exists between the public and private sectors. Most people in the private sector do not have any of the benefits and entitlements that the public sector have. That inequality cannot continue. This is nothing to do with the 1%.
US Senate attempting to designate the entire world as a battlefield.
PELHAM replied to Darkhorse 1-6's topic in OFFTOPIC
Lol don't believe the hype..... there is much hocus pocus in the ACLU article and whoever wrote it has not read the draft bill. Or did read it and chose to publish false information because it doesn't square with their general philosophy and beliefs. S. 1867 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) .pdf http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CFQQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gpo.gov%2Ffdsys%2Fpkg%2FBILLS-112s1867pcs%2Fpdf%2FBILLS-112s1867pcs.pdf&ei=4u_OTt6JCIWtgQf8n8XMDQ&usg=AFQjCNGnu8a63PkbLr6qgYO2Kmma3w6soA Always read the thing yourself before making a judgement - the relevant sections are 1031 and 1032 starting at page 359. The ACLU would have you believe that this law relates to US citizens in general - that is untrue. It's interesting to note that they do not include a link to the text of the bill so you can read it for yourself. Subtitle D—Detainee Matters SEC. 1031. AFFIRMATION OF AUTHORITY OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES TO DETAIN COVERED PERSONS PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF MILITARY FORCE. COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under this section is any person as follows: (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks. (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces. Further, it goes on in Sec 1032 to explicitly say that this law does not extend to US Citizens or Lawfully Resident Immigrants (Aliens). The Obama Administration are against it because it clashes with an existing set of legal measures. Reasoning here .pdf: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/legislative/sap/112/saps1867s_20111117.pdf I think Obama is opposed to it because in Sec. 1032 it states that once enacted he has 60 days to present to congress procedures to implement this law. That drops him in the shit because he will be responsible for the way this is enforced and any resulting messy consequences should things not go as planned. Not sure if it is good law or bad but the reporting of it is more than a little misleading. The Armed Services Committee responsible is headed by Democrat Senator, Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and this section of the bill was drafted by Levin and Rep Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) outside of committee session. -
Why bother? The giggle factor should be enough of a reward. If someone used my video by mistake like this, you would have to sedate me! I can't read this thread without chortling for a good 15mins.
No you are digging in the wrong field :D Lop Nor test site is close by but further west at 41.56N 88.70E Columbia University have plotted the test tunnels using seismological data: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~felixw/research/LopNor.html FAS produced an assessment of Chinese Nuclear Forces in 2006: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/china/Book2006.pdf Anyone looking for further hints at missile testing will note the last entry on pg107 September 5th 2006 DF-31 Launched from Wuzhai. Flew about 2,500 km into the Takla Makan Desert. The strange patterns on the bombing range are located about this distance from the Wuzhai space centre on the edge of the Takla Makan Desert.
If Walker ever gets his way I do hope union bosses will contribute, 37 union barons pocketed more than £100,000 each in pay and perks in 2010: Derek Simpson former Communist Party member, was the joint general secretary of Unite, Britain’s biggest union, until last year. Severance package of £510,659. Gross salary of £97,677 and more than £51,000 in housing benefit and car allowances. Lives in a Union owned property at a rent of just £1 a week, and is entitled to remain in the property until he dies. Royal College of Midwives Cathy Warwick salary, £129,663 benefits £41,691 total £171,354 Unite the Union Tony Woodley salary £93,815 benefits £28,293 total £122,108 Christine Blower, National Union of Teachers. Earns £103,003 with annual pension contributions of £26,007 and £11,157 in national insurance. Dr Mary Bousted, Association of Teachers and Lecturers. General secretary has a £108,000 salary, supplemented by a pension contribution of £27,096 and £13,148 in national insurance. Mark Serwotka, Public and Commercial Services Union. Mr Serwotka’s £89,000 salary is topped up with a pension contribution of £26,159 and another £9,410 in national insurance. Overall, his pay package is worth £125,000. Dave Prentis, Unison. He takes home £97,237, topped up by a pension contribution of £24,919 and £9,250 in national assurance. Sally Hunt, University and College Union Total package was £126,502 last year. No doubt comparisons will be made with top executives who earn more but just what do Union bosses do to justify such amounts? Sources: Trades Union Rich List: http://www.taxpayersalliance.com/tradeunionrichlist0611.pdf http://www.metro.co.uk/news/867663-union-bosses-pensions-equal-to-members-pay#ixzz1ejU5rzE5 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2016418/Derek-Simpson-Former-union-boss-pocketed-500k-golden-goodbye.html#ixzz1ejUqnH1k http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3663299/100k-deals-for-striking-bosses.html
Have you ever actually visited a bombing range or know anything at all about military engineering and testing? If not I recommend it, it's better than any air show, believe me! Apaches, A10s and F15Es are the best. Bomb and missile tests are not always carried out with live warheads. Most are inert or are small practice bombs and most cruise missile tests are conducted with a 'soft landing' so the components can be examined to determine how they performed during the flight. There are many many well known bombing ranges and missile ranges all over the world. Have a look at any of them on Google Earth and tell me how many craters you can see? They actually pick up the pieces, make safe any UXBs/ordinance and fill in the holes on a daily basis? Range maintenance is essential and makes the job of finding any left overs easier. If you look at the various targets across the range you will see evidence of explosions. Not holes (although there are a few) in the ground but destroyed structures, roofs blown out from the inside etc. There probably will not be much to see because the simulated street layout is a test for the guidance system, most of the debris is towards the centre of the range.
Well if that's the case why didn't Obama refuse to accept the money?
Could someone explain this: Top donations in 2008 for the Presidential elections. If Obama doesn't have a cosy relationship with Wall St. Why did they give him so much money compared to McCain? source: Obamahttp://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00009638 McCainhttp://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00006424