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Everything posted by PELHAM


    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Probably is bollocks to cover todays bad news and a recent faux pas by an IRGC general - PressTV is owned by the Iranian Government and has been involved in numerous tall tales and complicity in the torture of Iranian prisoners, it's another dubious news source beloved by conspiracy theorists along with Russia Today (see post #421). It's likely they are trying to counter the diplomatic problem that arose when an Iranian General admitted in a speech earlier this week that Iranian Special forces were fighting in Syria. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444230504577615393756632230.html?mod=googlenews_wsj By continuing to support Assad, Tehran's popular support in the region is slowly evaporating. They also suffered a black eye at the NAM conference in Tehran today when Egypt strongly supported the FSA, causing a walkout by the Syrian regime. Iran had openly floated a plan to support Assad using diplomatic assistance from Egypt. In May this appeared: This was a quote from the deputy head of Iran's elite Quds force, Ismail Gha'ani in an interview with the quasi-official Isna news agency. The item was removed from its website within a few days. Iran was widely reported to be aiding Syria to monitor the comminucations and mail of Syrian dissidents, it has also been involved in training the Shabiha which were involved in War Crimes such as the Al-Houla Massacre.

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    I downloaded the UN report on the Al-Houla massacre and the evidence that the government carried out the killings is very compelling. They don't think much of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)'s or Russia Today's journalism or investigative skills: Office of the high Comissioner for Human Rights Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic pg64 Rainer Hermann has based his story on anonymous interviews with activists in Damascus, he has not visited the Houla area or interviewed any witnesses. pg10 pg11 The national hospital is around 100m from one of the crime scenes and less tha 300m from the other 2 locations. In addition this took place in Syrian Government held territory and the roads were blocked by Government checkpoints. Direct link to report: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session21/A-HRC-21-50.doc Map of area showing surrounding Government positions: http://blog.amnestyusa.org/middle-east/un-reveals-further-evidence-of-atrocities-in-syria/ Larger map showing local Artillery and Shabiha positions: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-18274542
  3. Spoke too soon - it fixed a lot of my problems but still getting some slow loading LODS here and there. Nothing too serious though, occasionally a vehicle stays in long distance LOD for 30 secs, seems to happen after you have spawned in the area or moved to it quickly in an aircraft or vehicle. Lower video settings on textures, shadows etc affects buildings and trees, with most settings set to very high I have no problems with terrain, buildings and trees. (leave antiailiasing low if ur system struggles - doesn't matter)
  4. Been trying some more tests with this - one thing that made a lot of difference was to delete the playername.arma2OAprofile file located in: documents/arma2 other profiles/playername. When you restart the game it creates a new file with the correct format, I was getting a clash with the old file and 1.62 that was causing graphics hardware problems - you could hear the fan surging along with FPS drop - things back to 1.60 standards now. You will have to redo your keybindings. Along with the above make sure textures is set to 'Very high' as recommended many times by others. Good to have the game back to normal.

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Yeahhh all those were written before the UN investigation was concluded and there was still some doubt over what occured - The UN concluded their full investigation on August 15th - all your links are from June. Do keep up Oxmox - there are no longer any questions open you are working off old, incorrect info, the UN has concluded that the regimes version of events has no credibility......it's now historical fact that the Houla Massacre was conducted by Assad's Army and the Shabiha. hence: Syrian troops and militia were behind the Houla massacre of 108 people in May, UN investigators have concluded. Report issued on 15 August 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houla_massacre http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/aug/15/houla-killings-un-blames-syria-troops Today in a Sky interview with captured Shabiha they confessed to killings and rape which they conducted in return for drugs and money. They said the regime paid £240 for every protestor killed and one described participating in the punishment rape of 5 female students.

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Thanks for the hint - this cleared up many performance issues that are nothing to do with the ACR DLC - it's the 1.62 patch conflicting with the settings in your old playername.arma2OAprofile file located in: documents/ArmA 2 Other Profiles/playername Exit the game, delete the above profile and restart, game will create a new profile with the correct format - graphics card stops misbehaving and game is back to how it was under 1.60!

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Thought that was all cleared up? pg-39. keep up with developments folks.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houla_massacre
  8. You will not find SpaceX on the list because they are providing the Falcon9 launcher, the entry is Astrobotic Technology not sure why that isn't clear from the above? - 2nd one down on entry list, mission was put back to 2015. Sending a small payload to lunar orbit is well within Falcon 9's capabilities. The tricky task of de-orbiting and landing will be the responsibility of Astrobotic. For a similar mission on a much less powerfull launcher see Chandrayaan-1. http://www.googlelunarxprize.org/featured-article/astrobotic-technology-announces-launch-contract-with-spacex http://www.space.com/10787-private-moon-race-team-signs-rocket-deal-spacex.html http://astrobotic.net/2012/05/22/polaris-prototyping-underway-polaris-will-ride-falcon-9-to-the-moon-to-find-water-at-the-poles-in-2015/
  9. Great landing and one of the greatest technical achievements in space to date. I was up early to watch and hopefully everything is OK. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/msl/index.html gwinFP8_qIM oHLbXTOaw7w qrxvbRA2xCI
  10. PELHAM

    European Politics Thread.

    Managed to find some time lol but as you are still ranting incoherently and ignoring the latest R&D which completely nullifies the hazards and privacy issues that concern you about current technology (5min search, you will find it), I guess I'll leave it there. PS future scanners will most likely be passive and not have operators so no need to worry about anyone discovering this:
  11. PELHAM

    European Politics Thread.

    Your imagination is running away with you Cash, if you read the document outlining the research proposal it states: Nothing more but already, as usual, you are imagining all sorts of other scenarios without the slightest evidence. No methods have yet been outlined, no contracts awarded, no working hardware built. It's simply asking for ideas and will award contracts to research the technology if manufacturers can come up with something concrete in their proposals. Put the tin foil hat back in it's box and wait till there is actually something to discuss. At present you are simply arguing against scientific research which is of course a bit silly. You have been stung by a headline designed to provoke a response. Airport style screening is not actually mentioned in the proposal as it couldn't possibly work given the numbers of passengers involved, a method and suitable hardware doesn't exist yet, hence the research proposal. One of the main criteria is that passengers must not face a greater delay passing through the station than they presently do.......i.e. no Airport style security control.
  12. PELHAM

    European Politics Thread.

    Lol oh it's being expanded into another conspiracy theory. Yet again we wonder into an irrational fantasy land full of big brother nonsense. Sorry haven't got the time for the usual trolling from the same people.
  13. PELHAM

    European Politics Thread.

    Providing they can develop something that does not cause delays, what's the problem? This is not only about terrorism, there is also a problem with criminals carrying guns and knives around London. They have had trials with metal detectors and drug dogs at weekends conducted on a random sampling of passengers and recovered a significant trawl of weapons and drugs. If it can be implemented I think it's an excellent idea. It probably will not happen this decade as the technology doesn't exist to put it into every day practice.
  14. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Not doing much good back there - they are supposed to be in front clearing the way lol. The Syrian Army has pulled back to Aleppo and Damascus leaving much of north eastern Syria under FSA control. The Syrian Government is simply bombing towns without striking any specific targets, there are many such videos apearing online at the moment. It's interesting to note that all the casualties are taken to Turkey, the Syrian state is not providing any medical services to civilians it injures in shelling and bombing: 78dqjog-uZY yXg0pO8xQfQ No doubt some will doubt the authenticity of the above - if you search "Azaz bombing" you will see the dead and wounded children exactly as described.
  15. PELHAM

    European Politics Thread.

    If it also detects lip movement during reading there may be some merit to the study? RE railway passenger scanning: It's beyond current technology and is unlikely to succeed, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it lol. The leading company that manufactures airport scanners has serious doubts about the feasibility of any such project. This is just a draft idea to look at current technology with a view to improving railway safety in the future, lest we forget 7/7 and the 52 deaths and 700 injured just 7 years ago? Without some good luck and the failed second attack it would have been much worse.
  16. PELHAM

    Neil Armstrong (82) died

    Just seen it - great shame. Armstrong after piloting the X-15, lets not forget all the great things he achieved.
  17. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    They have a good record of destroying tanks in Douma, search for it there are many videos. The date fits as there was heavy fighting there earlier this week, you could hear the sound all over Damascus and it was witnessed by Sky reporters. Can't be 100% sure but it look like the tank explodes after being hit by the RPG (0:31) and that sets the car on fire - you can hear the small calibre rounds cooking off. If the car was hit by HE it wouldn't still be in the street. Tank is a T-72M "monkey model" with thin armour, downgraded weapons systems and they can be easily destroyed by RPG's as seen in many other videos. Shortly after being hit they just explode, spare rounds are stored in the crew compartments and the main autoloader cassette is easily breached when these explode. There is no effective separation of the crew from ammunition and no ammo explosion venting as in later tank designs.
  18. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    It's an old lesson learned from WW2 - tank in town without infantry support = dead tank. You can see it proved in Arma2 nearly every day, it's so easy to sneak up on them.
  19. Steam Linux Beta is out soon - read previous page for info.
  20. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Hmm interesting to note that Syria has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC): Syria is one of the small group of nations not to have done so (including North Korea). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_Weapons_Convention Also the full text of the Downing St. press release - always best for clarity as certain quotes can be taken out of context :rolleyes:: Prime Minister David Cameron spoke with President Hollande and President Obama yesterday evening about Syria and the Eurozone. http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/prime-ministers-phone-calls-with-presidents-hollande-and-obama/
  21. Curiosity leaves first tracks on Mars: This was a test of the turn-in-place maneuver and assessment of the properties of the local soil structure. The tread pattern is broken on a rear wheel so the distance travelled can be callibrated and checked from the photographs (termed visual odometry markers, at red arrow). The holes in the section of wheel are in a pattern that spells JPL in morse code to honour the Jet Propulsion Laboratory which had a significant role in the project. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Curiosity_wheel_pattern_morse_code.png
  22. PELHAM

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I am using ARC lite at the moment and just played a map in multiplayer. Something is very, very wrong here. The whole performance of the game seemed to degrade compared to OA, FPS reduced, lag and terrible LOD problems with terrain, some objects, buildings and foliage. Has anyone noticed if this occurs with the DLC, does it improve over ACR lite or not? Using patch 1.62.96016 The previous map was OA and was perfectly OK, as soon as ACR was started things were not as they should be. ACR content seems to cause problems with other terrains such as Zargabad and Takistan. Someone suggested I should re-install, will try that and will comment back here if it solves anything.
  23. PELHAM

    Gunmen disguised as SWAT officers kill 27 in Iraq

    This occurred on the 4th March 2012?
  24. Whats the situation with empty vehicles at the moment - should AI destroy them? Noticed that AI shoot empty vehicles until they explode with this patch but think I remember reading somewhere that this was solved and shouldn't happen?
  25. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Nice execution scenes in the 1st vid at 1:26 ............ :butbut: @Villas: Furtive Fallacy