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Everything posted by PELHAM


    Libya today

    Sorry I disagree, there has been no freedom in Libya for decades. Now there is some, there will need to be a period of readjustment. These armed militias will continue and worse things will happen until they learn to trust a new government and work together. I think it's worth it. People who travel to dictatorships and enjoy the fruits of the suffering of millions of people are more than a little strange. Only someone who didn't experience day to day oppression or suffer personally could think that was ok.
  2. What's your point there mrcash? All he really says is all options are open and they are using an escalating system of political and economic means. The main point he makes is to stop loose talk about war as it isn't a realistic option yet. I don't give much validity to the Russian view as it has been demonstrated several times that they don't know what's going on. It was the US that handed them the info on Qom. Russia didn't know about it which caused them great embarrassment.

    Depiction of war in video games

    So you're saying those particular groups don't have any empathy? Obviously not true, and as you don't know the above you can't prove it either. What they do have is better understanding of life and death and how the world works. People living in cities have very little experience of anything, that's why their opinions often don't make any logical sense.

    Libya today

    Not enough time has passed to give a conclusive verdict on Libya yet. We have graveyard destruction where I live by groups of idiots. After a few weeks the gravestones are replaced and everyone forgets about it. They say this was triggered by the burning of some confiscated Koran's in Afghanistan by some US troops who were not aware of the religious significance of such an act. They should have turned them over to the local Imam but instead they got put on the trash pile. Got to say the destruction of inanimate objects does not upset me, they can always be replaced. They can kick over as many grave stones as they like, they will hurt nothing but their own feet.

    Depiction of war in video games

    Feel free to speculate on that, I will not confirm or deny anything relating to names or locations for personal reasons. Lets just say, part of me will always remain, green, white and green :rolleyes:.

    Depiction of war in video games

    My father and uncles fought in a very bloody civil war and show no signs of battle stress or PSD. My grandfather was a butcher and during the summer holidays from high school my father and uncles got jobs in a slaughter house. They would dispatch animals with a captive bolt pistol, slit their throats, stomachs and skin them. In battle my father told me he was able to deal with severely wounded people (guts hanging out and screaming) because of that experience. Other men would run away and break down because they had led more comfortable lives. Similarly they could kill without emotion, it was no different to them. Completely unrelated to that, although I grew up during a war in a 3rd world country and have seen some gruesome shit, I have always loved the outdoors, fishing and hunting and have killed my fair share. After school I was on a outdoor course with someone who was thinking of joining the marines. He caught a fish and proceeded to run up and down the shore babbling in a panic because he didn't know how to kill it and didn't have the stomach for it. I had to do it for him. That bothered me tremendously, how was the poor fool supposed to kill a man when he was unable to kill a fish to eat? (yeah I had to gut it and cook it for him as well) He also suffered from claustrophobia in his sleeping bag. We were woken up one night with his terrified screams when the cord he had attached to the sleeping bag zipper for emergencies became wrapped around his neck after he rolled over several times. The other potential military candidates were not far removed from this particular asshole. My confidence in my new countries defence has never been 100% since this and other encounters. Just watch some of them on TV, it's pitiful. It's all down to lifestyle and experience. That comical Taliban in turban and dish-dash has a lifetimes experience of death, illness and suffering, killing animals for food etc. How does your average urban European/American soldier stack up to that? Train and equip them equally and we would lose. It's not a rifle that kills, it's the hard heart behind the rifle. You might call them sociopaths, some of them might be, most just have the balls and life experience to get the job done.
  7. ^^^ Spot on One or two people in here trying to claim there is some global conspiracy (how it's funded and carried out is never explained) as to why the media is silent on this when what's most likely is this.

    US Stealth Air Fleet mostly grounded?

    @Rock (sorry slight detour) would you buy the V-22?
  9. To the right under settings and logout I'm told I have 83 unread posts. If I click on it I get a list of threads 95% of which I have never visited. Any explanations for this? Why I mention it is the list grows ever larger and I was concerned resources are being used unnecessarily?
  10. Once the exact details are known, I hope someone can suggest some online learning sources. I think many would be grateful if the learning side is given some consideration. Codecademy was suggested to me and while a good code learning site, probably isn't exactly what we need.
  11. PELHAM

    Depiction of war in video games

    Yeah change the argument as soon as you lose it or whatever, but in answer to your original question............ You can't fight this [image above] with this [image above].......right?
  12. PELHAM

    Depiction of war in video games

    Perfectly logical really (fingers crossed) You can't fight this: with this: You see someone has given the first mob, who want to kill someone, some guns and bombs. We need equivalent people to whom we can give guns and bombs or it will not work.
  13. PELHAM

    Depiction of war in video games

    Nothing fresh there? People have been writing that stuff since Vietnam. It's all true. RE the gaming side people who play other FPS games complain about the restrictive movement in Arma2. They never 'get it' no matter how hard you try to explain it. I think the only way would be to dress them in full battle kit and see how far they get sprinting around and jumping off roofs. Passed out with broken ankles after 20mins! RE collateral damage we have everything apart from kids simulated. It would not disturb me to see them in game and might deter those mortar and A10 junkies who like to flatten whole towns rather than being a man and killing up close. 2 problems though: 1. Kids come in a variety of sizes which takes up a large chunk of models and modelling time as you have to make 2 of each type. 2. As soon as you did it, some hack would scream 'PC game glorifies shooting children' so no one will do it. He also doesn't mention people who shoot dogs, fully grown men who shoot defenceless dogs are just as shitty as those who shoot women and children.
  14. PELHAM

    Funny & interesting videos

    ^^^ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the DVD is out of stock! Anyway on with the beauty of toroidal vortices: mHyTOcfF99o
  15. Would anyone recommend this?: http://www.codecademy.com Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends. JavaScript is a programming language that grew out of a need to add interactivity to web sites within the browser. It has since evolved into an incredibly versatile language that is used for both client-side (within the browser) and server-side (code that serves web pages to users) applications. Who is going to be our Mr-Murray for Arma3? :D
  16. PELHAM

    Prototype Navy Railgun News

    It will be interesting to see how they protect the guidance engineering and electronics from the extreme forces involved. Discarding sabot? The friction and heat involved at launch turns the air into plasma! We know that can destroy the barrel fairly quickly but what about the surfaces of the projectile through dense air at sea level? Data page here: http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_Rail_Gun.htm I suppose the effect will be similar to this, larger projectile and higher velocity though?: yHbf-Eb3xak Barrel Solution speculation: Just watched the video again and it looks to me like they solved the barrel problem by not using one? It's possible the acceleration is done in 2 stages. The 1st stage which you can see, gets the projectile supersonic and uses a traditional barrel to get it stabilised. The second stage, hidden behind the wall, accelerates the projectile to hypersonic speed in a larger 'tube' with sufficient space around the projectile that the surfaces and equipment aren't damaged by friction. To achieve this you would need to get the magnetic field dynamics spot on. Once the projectile is moving and stable it's possible a traditional barrel isn't required as long as the additional forces you apply don't deflect the trajectory. A traditional barrels purpose is not only to stabilise and point the projectile in the correct direction. It needs to seal the explosive gasses of the propellant behind the projectile to achieve the muzzle velocity. That sealing is not required in this case.
  17. Ideally so, but that, unfortunately, is not what happens in practice. Assange says he is for and against certain things. Then you learn that what he is for and against don't apply to himself or his organisation, he doesn't practice the openess he says others should. The most revealling thing is that last year he Trade Marked himself. Yes, "Jullian Assange TM". Turning your name into a trademark is an increasingly common legal move for celebrities seeking to protect the commercial use of their name to sell goods and services. I'm not sure what his agenda is exactly but from this and other things I can take a fairly accurate guess.
  18. (Can we not name Wikileaks? I have serched both moderator threads and the rules?) So Stratfor pays people for gathering information, how wicked, it's obviously a global conspiracy. But wait, isn't that what journalists do? Aren't journalists paid to gather information and interview people. Do all journalists work exclusively or do they freelance? This "story of the century" of yours does not appear on the front page of any newspaper. Does Stratfor have the money and the influence to make that happen? It really isn't likely is it? Wikileaks is trying to claim that Stratfor, a small media and analysis company of 600 employees, has bought off the entire worlds media. It's absurd. The future of journalism may not be clear, but if the media are ignoring Assange it's because they think that publishing stories under the direction of a single person with an agenda isn't journalism. It's dictatorship - the thing we are all supposed to abhore. I think this guy says it in a nutshell: Stratfor Is a Joke and So Is Wikileaks for Taking It Seriously The corporate research firm has branded itself as a CIA-like "global intelligence" firm, but only Julian Assange and some over-paying clients are fooled. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/02/stratfor-is-a-joke-and-so-is-wikileaks-for-taking-it-seriously/253681/
  19. PELHAM

    Funny & interesting videos

  20. PELHAM

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    USA bashing is so popular and fashionable at the moment. The stories and claims get more desperate and absurd every day. I like to point out that while the USA isn't pure, it certainly doesn't have have the bad records of many others. I don't follow fashion and I don't spread nonsense across these forums like many others do. This, for example is untrue:
  21. Ah, so they have managed to persuade the boss of every newspaper in the world not to talk about this? Is it not more likely that there is nothing newsworthy here? Do you think this small news company of around 600 employees has the resources and influence to do that? I read the emails on Wikileaks too, couldn't find anything. If Wikileaks want to relaunch themselves, they will have to come up with something better. Do yourselves a favour and stop and think for a moment - reading this might help: Stratfor Is a Joke and So Is Wikileaks for Taking It Seriously http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/02/stratfor-is-a-joke-and-so-is-wikileaks-for-taking-it-seriously/253681/
  22. Really? They have corrupted every journalist in the world? Or, is it more likely that there is nothing in this?
  23. PELHAM

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    A quick head count tells me that's incorrect, are you sure you have evidence for that? As for propping up dictators well yes politics is a dirty game but the USSR and China are Olympic champions in that field.
  24. PELHAM

    Any interesting books to recommend?

    Extreme Risk by Major Chris hunter A life fighting the bomb makers. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Extreme-Risk-Chris-Hunter/dp/0552157597/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1330396343&sr=8-3 The title says it all, a lifetimes EOD experience in many theatres defusing mechanisms designed to maim and kill innocent people. Fantastic book covering Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Colombia, UK mainland - London bombings and others, Iraq and Afghanistan. He also spends time as a close protection operator after leaving the army. No ordinary biography - this is very special.