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Everything posted by PELHAM


    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    You do realise this talk you see on the internet of 1000's of foreign bases is just manipulated statistics and lies? Really Pelham??!!! strong accusation to make!! - proof? easy - took me 20 mins research: Every year the DOD releases the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BASE STRUCTURE REPORT and it's a long document listing totals of facilities and buildings owned and leased in the US and Worldwide. You will see the various anti-war and conspracy theorist web sites list between 800 - 900 military bases on foreign soil as an example of US imperialism, but is that actually true? E.g. They state that in this article (reprinted from good ol GlobalResearch.ca): Empire of over 865 U.S. military bases on foreign soil Empire of bases by Prof. Hugh Gusterson http://milfuegos.blogspot.co.uk/2009/03/empire-of-over-865-us-military-bases-on.html Certainly there are figures listed in the DOD statistics that could enable someone to calculate 865 bases simply by adding some numbers together, but did they get it right? If you scroll down to the totals column on page 33 of the referenced DOD document it's certainly easy to make that mistake: http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/BSR_2007_Baseline.pdf Site Size By Location - FY 2007 Baseline Data Worldwide Total: Large Site 114 Medium Site 129 Small Site 4446 Other Site 622 Total Sites 5,311 Notice that 114+129+622=865 Unfortunately they fucked up and misinterpreted 'Worldwide' which includes US bases as well, the actual figures they wanted were from the line above - 'Overseas'. Site Size By Location - FY 2007 Baseline Data - Overseas Total: Large Site 14 Medium Site 20 Small Site 742 Other Site 47 Total Sites 823 If you add up the same columns as Global Research & Prof. Hugh Gusterson did: 14+20+47=81 That number can be further reduced as some of the listings are just 1 house, apartment or building and are less than 2500 SQFT. Is a rented house used by air crews to get some sleep a US Military base? Now you might be tempted to take the overseas total sites fugure of 823 and be tempted to say "Ooooh the imperialist US has 823 bases overseas!!" Well that would also be misrepresenting things because if you look down the list, items such as housing, bachelor quarters, storage, waste disposal, press office, recreation area, water treatment, Admin office etc are listed separately to the main base. Is a house used by an airman to live in with his family a US base? I think not. e.g. Aviano Air Base, Italy has 13 different listings for just 1 base - is it 1 base or 13? I think we can eliminate the 12 housing annexes and call it 1 base, is that logical or not? So be careful what you read and do your own research, the urban myth of +800 US bases on foreign soil simply isn't true. It took me 20mins to look that up, yet Global Research and a 'professor' got it completely wrong and based an entire article on something 1 person misread. I suspect they were lying deliberately as most high school students wouldn't make such a simple mistake? edit: Just wondered if anyone else had noticed? Yes they have with specific reference to the comments made by Ron Paul: Ron Paul says U.S. has military personnel in 130 nations and 900 overseas bases http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/sep/14/ron-paul/ron-paul-says-us-has-military-personnel-130-nation/ I can see why he is so popular in certain circles as he has much in common with some of the electorate. He's another clueless imbecile that falls for stuff he finds on the internet lol (not including u there nodunit). I don't base that on just this item - there are many others including his comments on bin Laden.

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    ROFL your reasoning has no factual basis and does not fit the timeline of events. Supplying arms to one side in a civil war simply for profit is morally wrong but I guess some peope have different standards when it comes to money. Russia was supplying weapons 1st in both cases, for money, the Arab League do not expect payment for the weapons they supply to the FSA to counter the Russian/Iranian support for Assad. I suggest a name change to 'Squeaky Lynx'. It all ends up the same way unfortunately, spot the difference, Homs and Sarajevo:

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Why does Russia keep putin it's nose in then? lol Russia was involved in arms smuggling in the Yugoslav war despite voting and signing for an arms embargo at the UN: http://macedoniaonline.eu/content/view/19733/46/ Russia was the main supplier along with Romania and Bulgaria.........Keep hearing this tired argument and yet the arms flights continue daily.

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    What possible reason could Russian aircraft have to be flying in and out of Aleppo and Damascus on a daily basis? The thriving tourist industry? It's September, maybe there is lots of fruit and cotton to export? There are some russian businesses still operating but employee number only a few hundred so that doesn't explain it either. Humanitarian aid? Not likely, the government isn't offering any and refuses to allow most organisations to send anything which is why 1% of the population have left the country. Sorry but it's a civil war, there is evidence that Iran, Syria and circumstantially Russia is flying in weapons in civilian cargo and passenger aircraft, under the rules of war shooting them down is perfectly legal under international law provided a warning is given. You just had that warning. If this is not the case I'm open to explanations for all this activity, as I don't speak Russian perhaps you could ask someone what all the urgent air freight is exactly? Further to the Iranian weapons flights intercepted by Turkey (post #457) it looks like Iran has changed it's air route: U.S. senators concerned Iran aiding Syria via Iraq http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2012/Sep-05/186808-us-senators-concerned-iran-aiding-syria-via-iraq.ashx#axzz25ahKW1BZ

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooo ROFL
  6. Thanks for the info. I think people need to understand that cold fusion and LENR are two different things. Cold Fusion isn't possible but there is something odd about LENR and it requires investigation. As yet there is nothing concrete about LENR and it's possibly too early to get wildly excited. Walkers 1st link: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook by Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center The above requires experimental validation, that has not yet occurred. NASA is required to give press releases detailing work that may have manufacturing / public benefits. It does not mean they have anything promising to offer yet! Hence the statement on the blog of the project head I posted on the previous page, he says he is highly sceptical.

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Well they will not be targetting Aeroflot passenger aircraft because they have suspended all flights to Syria along with all other airlines. So why is Russia upset about this? What other flights does it have? http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CEAQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.themoscowtimes.com%2Fmobile%2Farticle%2F463218.html&ei=P2FGUNbBD8O30QXvjoDABQ&usg=AFQjCNGEYRkO2DwbvdnbUvo5Dme3377QzA Transporting Arms by air is usually done in 2 ways - military airlift or under contract with civilian cargo aircraft. Targetting either of those is not against the rules of war and would not be an act of terrorism under the context of a civil war. The situation in Syria has been defined as a civil war by the UN. Syria has it's own cargo aircraft that could be used to transport weapons from a variety of sources. The Mi-35 helicopters that Russia sent earlier this year were transported in a civilian ship - the MV Alaed and was confirmed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the shipment was only stopped when the UK insurer cancelled the policy: Air transport works the same way. The proof that the flights are occuring come from Russia's own postulations: ‘EU has no right to inspect Syria-bound Russian transport’ http://rt.com/politics/eu-russia-syria-military-transport-693/ They get very upset at the prospect of any ships or aircraft being inspected - no one else has a problem? Wonder why that could be hmmm? If they allowed inspections it would be the perfect answer to their critics - we are not shipping weapons, we have nothing to hide? To be fair it's not just Russia - Iran have been caught in the act: Iran now using commercial airlines ‘exclusively’ for arms shipments to Syria http://www.worldnewstribune.com/2012/06/01/iran-now-using-commercial-airlines-exclusively-for-arms-shipments-to-syria/ http://articles.cnn.com/2011-05-12/world/un.syria.iran.weapons_1_iranian-weapons-conventional-arms-report?_s=PM:WORLD http://iranprimer.usip.org/blog/2012/mar/27/us-targets-iran-arms-shipments

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    I have justified every claim I have ever made on this subject with references to UN reports etc, the only one to do so. Here is something new for you (rarity by me but hey, responding to the usual gets boring): More than 100,000 flee Syria in August, highest monthly total so far - UNHCR http://edition.cnn.com/2012/09/04/world/meast/syria-civil-war/index.html 1% of the Syrian population have left their country. Why is it hundreds of thousands of people choose to leave instead of moving to a government area? Why would so many not seek the protection of their own government? It's a similar story, after the Houla Massacre, despite being a few hundred meters from a government hospital and in a government controlled zone, none of the survivors sheltered there, they all travelled more than 3kms to FSA territory. Yet our Russian friends still try to convince us that Assad has popular support and that he is protecting people from terrorists? Why don't they seek his protection then? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135597-Syria-What-should-we-do-if-anything&p=2216067&viewfull=1#post2216067 Link to discussion on the Houla Massacre, UN report showing Syrian Govt involvement and statements and movements of victims afterwards.

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Free Pussy Riot lol...... Errr I'm not paid and rarely post anything new, I only ever respond to things I disagree with, yet every day there are new posts by the same half dozen simply repeating what they have watched on RT or 'found on the internet' which state opinions that are obviously full of holes. Keep your political views to yourself if you don't want them challeged. I do realise dissent is not universally tollerated, you can be sent to prison for years simply for singing an inappropriate song in a church lol. Perhaps that is why people from certain nations are so unused to debating in a logical manner. All that was asked initially of Assad was political reform and free and fair elections. I'm sure the fighting could be stopped in a month if he would allow the UN in to oversee such a process. Problem is it carries the risk of losing power so he doesn't seem interested. So he is killing people to stay in power, that was how the whole war started in the 1st place. People were shot in the streets simply for asking for political reform. Also why do certain people have to resort to underhanded things like duplicate accounts, multiple users using same account etc. if they are arguing from a position of strength? It's something I have never done and will not do becuase I respect the rules here and have no need to break them.
  10. Install programs with command prompts in Linux? Very unusual these days, haven't actually done it for 18 months, getting lazy and slowly abandoning the terminal. It's not necessary either in synaptic package manger or the software centre? Completely outdated view...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Software_Center Hundreds of items of free software, comparable or better to windows versions and you just point and click to install!
  11. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Apples and oranges spooky, different situation, Bahrain isn't engaged in the mass killing of it's own people and Syria is as confirmed by several UN reports. 2nd time someone brought this up but glad you now get the name of the country correct (memory OK? see your doctor just in case), here we go again with exactly the same response. The FSA is comprised mainly of Army defectors that went home to their families. They are in those neighbourhoods because that is where they live, that is where their families are and the Syrian government has a long history of arresting and killing the family members of those it considers it's enemies. Asking the FSA to abandon their homes and family members is rather silly. I explained this once before - did you forget? There is much evidence to show that the syrian government is targetting civilians and 3 major UN reports have stated this and the human rights organisations agree. So the issue of supplying arms to a regime that kills it's own people is a moral one, if Putin had any morals we would see that supply cut off. All the Russian Government care about is money and their Naval Base at Tartus, the Syrian armed forces are huge and they spend billions on Russian equipment every year. There is also the question of unpaid billions in debt from the building of the huge security aparatus which wouldn't be repaid if Assad fell.
  12. Did read it all, just questioning his competence, someone who works in the industry should have a higher level of computer literacy than the average user and not make such basic errors of judgement. Glad he is sticking with Linux but he really should do some more research before writing such silly things. You also miss the point about what OS games are designed for, yes getting windows games to work on linux is difficult. That isn't what steam are proposing, they will be selling games designed to work on Linux so the situation described in the article will not occur.
  13. Doesn't sum it up at all - that is about getting windows games to work on a different OS which is of course not straight forward, if the games are designed to work on Linux, it will be as straight forward as using windows, that is 2 completely different situations. Valve are proposing a Linux steam version with Linux game versions designed to work on Linux, see the difference? The article is written by someone who doesn't seem to understand the basics of dual booting, why he was attempting to use wubi as an installation method for gaming is beyond me, it's a bad idea and isn't designed for that as a simple search will tell you, and the next steps he talks about are utter rubbish, changing boot order in bios??? WTF???. (edit: thinking about it he probably was doing something this strange because he didn't want to overwrite the windows MBR with GRUB2, It's slightly complex to uninstall Linux and restore the windows MBR but is pefectly simple for someone who works with PC's and I can't understand why someone who writes for this publication wouldn't be able to do it?) http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/20864-mbr-restore-windows-7-master-boot-record.html The GRUB2 bootloader works perfectly well without any manual editing and I have no idea how he got into that mess as the dual boot method of install is well known? You can simply select which OS you want from the boot menu, I have 4 different OS's on this machine and select them at boot - that is standard and how Linux installs with the dual boot method. If you really want it to boot Windows by default it takes 1 minute and a reboot to change it. Less time and less complex than installing an Arma2 beta. As for the complaints that games designed for Direct3D will not work/have limited functionality in Linux..........well QED genius. Maybe he was also astonished that games designed to work with OpenGL worked well. lol what a tool, can't even read the basic installations instructions properly. As for Arma2, it is possible to get it to work as Dwarden and another forum member have a thread describing the method somewhere and some have reported success on the Wine website. Not tried it myself as Arma2 isn't designed to work with Linux so I don't see the point. When a Linux version is available, I will ditch Windows altogether.
  14. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    The Russian Government and Russian media both openly admit supplying weapons to Syria? Nothing weak about it, how do you think the weapons are transported to the country? Poltergeists? @ Instagoat - ridiculous, baseless nonsense that has been disproved and refuted many times over in this forum. Not that it surprises me though, it's always been the Russian way to repeat the same thing over and over again until it sticks with some people.
  15. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Well hundreds of people die every week in government shelling and air raids, this has occurred daily for over a year now and they don't seem to be running out of artillery shells, spare parts, rockets and bombs. It is well known that Russia and Iran are supplying these items so what do you expect the FSA to do? If military aircraft are being refueled or using the runways at Damascus and Aleppo to conduct bombing sorties, why should the airport facilities be off limits? It would surely be better for the government and Iran/Russia to stop using civilian airports for miitary purposes then they wouldn't be targets? The Russian Governments own propaganda tool even confirms that weapons are being supplied using the rather lame excuse of 'contractual obligation' lol: Russia will continue to supply weapons to Syria by contracts http://rt.com/politics/russia-syria-arms-farnborough-933/ We can't have any external interference in a nations internal problems, can we? lol.
  16. I have noticed that certain accounts seem to be used by 2-3 different people - what's the policy on that sort of thing?
  17. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Lol well informed you aren't. Actually most rebels are defectors from the Syrian Army and there are many pictures and videos of defectors displaying their Army ID cards and stating their willingness to fight the government. Reports suggest 20,000 have left the army and are now fighting for the FSA. If you need some examples: Colonel Riad al-Asaad and other ex-Syrian Military announcing the FSA's formation in an online video statement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVPakZyeJvY Syria Army Defector General who served in Assad's Army for over 30 years but who now helps plan strategy and tactics for the Free Syria Army in northern Syria. Syrian Generals and Colonels defecting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXL6hPIZj7g Army defectors organising a patrol - Rastan (speaker is ex-Syria Air Force Pilot Kasim Muhammad Saad Aldeen) Syrian Army defectors operating from Lebanon. 1xWTub2Qkwc eGygHVeYJZg Hama | A colonel with a large group of army defectors join Free Syria Army and Vid2 Rastan | Homs | Army defectors join Free Syrian Army Officers retain uniforms and show ID cards.
  18. Yep poetic justice! Every time I play on public servers these days something fishy is going on, keep killing people and finding they have weapons not available in the map and thermal imaging gear, spawned items such as artillery & AC130's and others things I will not mention.
  19. PELHAM

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    If you actually watch the video it has "scenario 1" and "scenario 2" for a yes or no vote. It's difficult to assess if the aye's or no's got it without seeing video of the crowd, small mics on mobile phones or cameras are more sensitive to local sound. That is how they vote at party convensions, not elections. Controversial though - maybe it would have been best to have a roll call vote over such a major issue? If Ron Paul's supporters lost the vote, which was likely, they wouldn't have so much to whinge about. At the Paul Festival in Florida very few turned up to support him, they were expecting 40,000 but got less than 5000. I am wondering if the rule change was brought about by delegates not casting the votes they were supposed to, e.g. In Nevada the results of the state caucus votes for the presidential candidates meant that under national and state party rules, delegates were required to cast 22 votes for Mr. Romney and six votes for Rep. Ron Paul. Instead they cast 17 votes for Rep. Paul, five votes for Mitt Romney and five delegates abstained. Clearly against the wishes of state caucus members. It's a bizarre way of doing things lol.
  20. Just had a fly across all islands and joined a server to test multiplayer - LODs and FPS much better generally but the foliage LOD problems still occur in the two ACR islands with certain trees. It must be a problem with the textures in ACR? Somtimes the trees don't change from low to high LOD until you are 50m beyond them - if you look to the rear while flying they change to high LOD much too late. Something that seems to have started a while back is a freeze for 30 - 60 seconds or so when you initially join a server lobby. Your ping in the list stays at 0 during the freeze then changes to the normal value and you can click on OK to join the game from the lobby. 1 in 10 occasions the game stops responding and I am forced to ctrl+Alt+delete and end the game with task manager.
  21. PELHAM

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Really? It's a video produced by the National Inflation Association - it's a pump and dump scam - you will notice that the 1st entry on the wikipedia definition of pump and dump is J. Lebed the co-founder. He has a long history of trying to artificially inflate stocks and was prosecuted for it. This latest one is designed to artificially inflate gold and silver stocks - check their web site, it's all about getting you to buy shares they promote which usually become worthless. The other co-founder has an interview here where he exposes the fraud: XYOclEsKHtc There are specific warnings all over the web about the NIA. Nice try NetTroller. You can watch Lebed squirm here lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFcgwZ3xjJg
  22. Lol - the only unimportant fundamantal interaction in this case would be gravity.
  23. NASA patent is here: http://www.google.com/patents/US20110255645 It's not really for a working machine, more for a proposed method of realising the Widom and Larsen theory. Unfortunately this field of science attracts much quackery and the NASA scientist himself has complained on his blog about the embellishment of the facts, he has not commented since: Joe Zawodny 14/01/2012 http://joe.zawodny.com/ Do the guy a favour, let him work in peace, if they come up with something I'm sure they will let us know. They are simply investigating the effect and attempting to explain it at this stage. This subject involves a 'holy grail' - cheap energy. It therefore tends to attract the usual set of wierdos who gather together and get that strange look in their eye as if they are having a religious experience. I would treat all info as suspect unless it can be verified. If they succeed no one will be happier than me, but for now I'm going to wait for proof from a credible, official source.
  24. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Just shows you how carefully you have to look at things. That is why I take such a dim view of certain news outlets that many others seem to place great faith in. The tin foil hat mob drink this nonsense like beer - just check out the earnest discussions about this on the various anti-war and conspiracy sites. The David Icke fans are particularly engrosed lol.
  25. PELHAM

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Yep thought you might take that view which is why I thought I might save this till now, where did PressTV get this spoof SAS story? Ooh Aah Daily Star, I said, ooh ahh Daily Star ROFL: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/268989/SAS-hunt-bio-arms/