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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Some soft skin vehicles have a MG mounted. For example a Humvee, a SUV or a "technical". I am in command of a team of 6 infantry and we have such a vehicle in support. The vehicle has great firepower but it is very vulnerable. How should I utilise such a vehicle in action? . .
  2. The first 3 lines...... ---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ---------- Firstly I bought OA on DVD Secondly I bought Arma2 on DVD - some 18 months later I bought them in the wrong sequence! I asked around here somewhere but no answer was forthcoming. I am an Experienced Microsoft User (“EMUâ€) so I knew that Combined Operations would be impossible. Anyhow late this year I will get a new PC and try to install CO. (I also have Reinforcements on DVD) I think this is the correct sequence - please advise. 1. Install Arma2 and run it for a minute 2. Install Arma2 patch 1.00 to 1.09 and run it for a minute 3. Install Arma2 patch 1.11 and run it for a minute 4. Install OA to the same folder as Arma2 and run it for a minute At this point I should have Combined Operations but there is more to go 5. Install Reinforcements and run the game for a minute 6. Install patch 1.60 and run the game for a minute 7. Install patch 1.62 and run the game for a minute
  3. This thread is 87 pages long. This thread should be deleted and a new instruction provided. At this point there are NO INSTRUCTIONS! . .
  4. There is "Blueforce not present" fires the trigger but that dos not seem to apply to you. Instead of 100 triggers just place 4 triggers around your area. One trigger on each of the 4 sides. Set the trigger to fire "repeatedly" . .
  5. Place yourself on the map on a hill with a good view into the distance. Place enemy soldiers on the map and give them a move way point. Place a trigger on the map. The trigger fires as the enemy moves through it. Place something small on the map just in front of your position. You might choose for example: Empty -> Objects (small) -> skeet disk Name the object skeet1 Your friendly troops will see this and report “object front 100 meters†so you need to hide the object. In the init line of the object type: hideobject this; In the OnAct cell of the trigger type: Smoke1="G_40mm_Smoke" createVehicle [(getPos skeet1 select 0),( getPos skeet1 select 1), 20] Preview. As the enemy trigger that trigger white smoke will rise over the object. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = To make a wall of white smoke place a line of objects across your front. If you place 3 objects you might name them skeet1, skeet2 and skeet3. Your trigger now needs 3 commands so that smoke rises over all 3 objects. The 3 commands are: Smoke1="G_40mm_Smoke" createVehicle [(getPos skeet1 select 0),( getPos skeet1 select 1), 20] ; Smoke1="G_40mm_Smoke" createVehicle [(getPos skeet2 select 0),( getPos skeet2 select 1), 20]; Smoke1="G_40mm_Smoke" createVehicle [(getPos skeet3 select 0),( getPos skeet3 select 1), 20]; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Finally, smoke comes in different colours. They are: White =......G_40mm_Smoke Red =.........G_40mm_SmokeRed Green =......G_40mm_SmokeGreen Yellow =......G_40mm_SmokeYellow
  6. Assume the 3 units are named tung1 tung2 tung3 In the Condition cell type: !(alive tung1) && !(alive tung2) && !(alive tung3) : Note the spaces are required
  7. It should work. Firstly instead of using a tank use one soldier and try adding weapons and ammo from a script. Secondly: If I have say 7 soldiers on the map, I might name the soldiers red1 to red7 I then place 7 ammo boxes on the map in the top left corner in an out of the way place. I use one ammo box for each man. And in the init of the box write the code that adds ammo and weapons to each individual soldier. Then I might place another 7 ammo boxes on the map and here write another command adding equipment. Then I might place another 7 boxes on the map where I might specify the stance of each man. And so on and so forth. Keeps it all neat and tidy without a script :) .
  8. Joe98

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    ISIS are not terrorists. They hate us and want to kill us and rape our wives and our mothers - but they are not terrorists. Instead their opinion is different to your opinion. That's my opinion. . . .
  9. Give the leader waypoints but place the way points very close together. Then they will follow the curve of the road. They tend to walk in a near straight line from one way point to the next. For example place way points 200 meters apart and see where the soldiers go. .
  10. The mortars carry limited ammo by default. Each magazine has only 8 rounds. You need to use the editor and add more ammo. this addMagazine "8Rnd_81mmHE_M252"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5]; In this example I have added 5 magazines each of 8 rounds. By adding 6,7,8 etc etc on the end you can add more magazines. Instead of HE you can instead use smoke. . . ---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 PM ---------- And..... you must have Operation Arrowhead. If you have Arma2 as a stand alone, mortars-artillery just don't work.
  11. First, move them out of the trigger area and see if that solves the problem for the moment.
  12. You don't need a script. Instead use the "Outro". Then use the Effects button and type the text you want.
  13. Wow this is fabulously useful! Thank you!
  14. I name a soldier green1 and name a truck truck1 I want the soldier to start 20 meters to the east of the truck so use this command green1 setPos [(getPos truck1 select 0) +20, (getPos truck1 select 1) +0, (getPos truck1 select 2) +0]; Now instead of using 20 meters I would like to use a command such as “Random Between 20 and 500â€. How do I write the equivalent of Random Between?
  15. I have confirmed this works thank you! Blues! Blues! Blues! :cool:
  16. The sequence is: The trigger is activated The trigger is deactivated The trigger is activated a second time. If the trigger does not deactivate it cannot be activated a second time. .
  17. What is the meaning of: "integrated card" and "dedicated card" ? .
  18. Only the other day I learnt I can add and remove weapons and magazines from ammo boxes and vehicles. As a test, I successfully added weapons to a tea pot but my soldier could not pick up the weapons. I think you need an "event handler" but I have not had the time to search
  19. First post in the thread: 1. Where is the link to the download? 2. Are there any requirements? 3. I have A2 and OA as separate installs. Will it work for me? . .
  20. Joe98

    helicopter rearming question

    There is a command to add many magazines to see you through a mission. Or: there is a command so you have unlimited ammo.
  21. It is very easy to do so without a script. Is there a particular reason you wish to do so with a script? . .
  22. Your scripts folder would most likely be stored on the "C" drive hence: "C:\ ............"Scripts\smokeloop.sqf" . .
  23. Place your script in the mission file. In the trigger you would type: nul=[barrel01,1] execVM "smokeLoop.sqf"; .
  24. With the script above I have created a wall of smoke. Instead of using a barrel I used a baseball. It is tiny and difficult to see in grass. Instead of using one baseball I used 20. I placed them in a straight line across a field. I named them base01 through base20. In the trigger I typed 20 commands: nul=[barrel01,2] execVM "smoke.sqf"; through to nul=[barrel20,2] execVM "smoke.sqf"; When the trigger fires, a wall of white smoke is created. If you feel the smoke dissipates too fast, create a second trigger that runs the script a second time . There is some great stuff on this forum!