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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Joe98

    Survival Mission

    The game does not have money. As for missions, go to armaholic.com and many missions are stored there.
  2. Place the mission in a zip file, upload it somewhere on the internet, and place a link in this thread.
  3. Joe98

    Arma 2 DLC in steam

    And how do you that exactly? .
  4. Place an ammo box on the map and name it box1. Give the box a placement radius of 500 meters. Place a soldier on the map and name him blue1. In the init of the soldier write this...........blue1 setpos (getpos box1); When you start the mission the box will start in a 500m radius - and the soldier will always start standing on the box. ============================================================================== In your case you seem to want to place the soldier and have the box start where the soldier is. In which case you reverse the order of the code: box1 setpos (getpos blue1); .
  5. Joe98

    Arma 2 DLC in steam

    There is nobody to help. The short answer is: If you have everything on DVD it will all work just fine. If you have everything on Steam it will work just fine. If you try to mix and match DVD and Steam - you will have problems. and there is nobody to help. (hey Joe, you don't know what you are talking about).
  6. To execute a function, you need a soldier to walk into a trigger area. The trigger fires and the function is executed. So, place a waypoint on the map. As the solder begins to move he goes through a trigger.
  7. I have the same slow internet in Sydney - in Joe Hockey's electorate - and have the same question. . .
  8. In the triggers there are only 6 “win†triggers. They are named End#1 to End#6 I have been trying to find a way to have more than 6 win endings. I have found a solution. This post is for those interested. Place a trigger on the map and name it t1. In On Activation type e1 setpos (getpos box1); Place a box on the map and name it box1. Now place a second trigger on the map and name it e1. In that trigger set the ending conditions, namely End#1. Start the mission and have the soldier move through t1. When t1 is activated e1 moves to a position over the box. Attack the enemy position and when the criteria are met e1 will fire and the mission ends! Using this you can set up 100 enemy positions at random across the map. As you approach a position a trigger fires placing e1 at the enemy position. Capture the position and presto – you win! .
  9. No, that only applies to you. I have WIN 8.1 and Reinforcements on DVD. You have the problem and I do not. And I feel that I know the reason. . .
  10. I have WIN 8.1 and it installs just fine. I do not have Steam. Reinforcements is perfectly compatible with WIN 8.1
  11. Doesn't need a fix. It works just fine. . . .
  12. I have Arma2, Operation Arrowhead and Reinforcements. I have them all on DVD. I have Windows 8.1 and it all works just fine. I do not have Steam installed. I suspect that your problem is Steam - and not the DVD's. Footnote: I have Arma3 on DVD. It must be activated with Steam. I am reluctant to install Arma 3 or Steam as I have a feeling Steam will wreck my installation of A2, OA and RFL Many people have this problem and there seems no solution. . .
  13. Always start everything at the bottom. Do a little bit at a time and get that stage perfected before you go up to the next stage. Your first 2 commands are simple. They can be placed in the init field of the unit. Microsoft Notepad is a text editor. Copy and paste this to Microsoft Notepad: this allowfleeing courage; this enablefatigue false; Then copy and paste from Notepad to the init filed of your unit. By doing that you eliminate the fancy formatting of this forum and the fancy formatting of Word. Once you are satisfied it works fine I can coach you to the next stage. . .
  14. I don't like mods. I don't have mods. My medics work just fine. My medic is ALWAYS number 3 in my squad. When a firefight starts I always hit F3+7+8+1+6 Medic - go prone - stop This keeps the medic safe. When a soldier is wounded I give the wounded soldier the command: 7+8+1+6 Soldier - go prone - stop. This will prolong his survival. Then like you I order the medic to heal him: F3+6+1 Medic - heal that soldier. It all works just fine for me. . . .
  15. Left Ctrl is used to have, me, raise or lower my weapon. How do I write this in a script, so that I and the AI soldiers start the mission with their weapon lowered? .
  16. Joe98

    Music Recommendations

    The theme from the old TV show: The Time Tunnel The theme from the old TV show: Lost in Space - Season 3. Make sure its season 3! Both great tunes that make feet tap uncontrollably under the table. . .
  17. Joe98

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Wow! He was also trained in killing muslims, kidnapping women and selling them into slavery! Fantastic training ! Where can I get some?
  18. I have a Nvidia graphics card. Nvidia did an update about a year ago. Ever since that update I see fog in the distance in all 3 games: Arma 2, Operation Arrowhead and Iron Front. I will look at this suggestion next time I play the games.
  19. Joe98

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    To clarify: Assad is a dictator. But he is not a horrible dictator. If you live your life peacefully he will never bother you. If you do not threaten his power he will never hurt you. He is a shia muslim. The uprising is being carried out by Sunni muslims. If the sunnis win, they will turn into dictators so the Syrian people cannot win either way. This whole thing is a sunni v shia thing. It has nothing to do with winning freedom for Syria. All the sunni countries want Assad gone due to the sunni - shia thing. We in the west, hope that the sunni and shia fight and fight and fight. We should always provide a tiny bit of assistance to the side that is losing - and let them continue the fight. The best possible result for the west, is that Iran goes to war against Saudi and the other sunni countries. :popcornsmilie: . .
  20. Good thread. I will need it in a few months :)
  21. Given the enemy is named red1 and the player is named p1 use this in the trigger: red1 move getPos player; red1 setCombatMode "RED"; The enemy will move to your current position and attack you. If you move to a new position, the enemy does not know you have moved so you need the trigger to fire over and over again. My solution is have a independent man on the other side of the map. Have him run up and down a road from A to B and back to A and back to B passing through his trigger area many times. Every time he enters the trigger area he fires the trigger. This works with enemy on foot, enemy in vehicles and enemy in aircraft. Makes for a very exciting single player mission.
  22. Joe98

    First time Arma buyer

    There is a stand alone game called Arma 2. There is a second stand alone game called "Arma 2 - Operation Arrowhead" also known as "OA". You can install the 2 games separately. If you install both into one folder that is then called "Combined Operations". From your point of view you then have one game installed. "OA" has some improvements to the game engine so it is well worth while. The 2 games come with different maps. They have mostly different soldiers and different weapons. If you combine the 2 games you can use all soldiers and all weapons on all the maps. Afterwards 2 add-ons were released "BAF" and "PMC" I recommend getting both. In some player made missions it will be a requirement that you have them. I recommend getting all on DVD or getting all by Steam. If you mix it will lead to problems. .
  23. Joe98

    Rearming squad

    Obviously they need the ammo that suits their weapon. If yiu are in the editor place a box on the ground. Empty the box. Fill the box with the correct ammo. Select your soldiers, select the 6 menu and there is an order to rearm. Note that if you are the only soldier on the map, you have no subordinates, you cannot give the order to rearm so the order does not appear in the menu. When I was a beginner I found this very confusing
  24. At the moment I can fire on the enemy from 1,000 meters and the scenario ends before I have occupied the ground. The trigger is set so that if Opforce is not present the trigger fires. If all the Opforce is killed, or they run outside the trigger area then the trigger will fire and this works just fine. However, I need another condition. The player needs to be inside the trigger area before it fires. So in the Condition cell of the trigger I need to write "player is present". How do I write this? =================================================================== I stumbled on the answer already: player in thislist Note the spacing above is correct. .