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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. In the thread above the original poster used "careless" and that probably accounted for the odd behaviour. Don't use careless and try it at a lower altitude. Try 200 meters but make sure he is not going run into a mountain! Make sure the weather is clear so that is not a factor. If it works at a low altitude it should work at a high altitude.
  2. Instead of filling a crate, give the mortar lots of ammo. Place a soldier on the map (you). Select Empty-Static-Mortar and place a mortar on the map. Get into the mortar and note that it has a single 8 round magazine If it had 5 magazines that would be 40 rounds. To achive this: {this addMagazine "8Rnd_81mmHE_M252"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5] Now get into the mortar and see how many magazines it has.
  3. Are you trying to add magazines to the mortar man or to an ammunition box? .
  4. http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/classlist?version=37 The class names are listed at the link above
  5. First test it in single player and see if it works
  6. Create a marker. Make the marker circulair Give it a radius of, say, 100 meters. At the edge of the map place a PMC soldier and have him run through a trigger, turn around and run through the trigger and turn around and run through the trigger over and over again. When he runs through the trigger it is activated. When he is outside the trigger it is deactivated. Everytime the trigger is activated, the marker is moved to the position of the man in question. .
  7. Place the ammo box on the map. Name it box1. Give it a placement radius of 500 meters. Every time you start the mission it will start at a place at random in a circle of 500 meters radius. Or: Change the 500 to any other number. Now get a search light. In the init of the search light type: this setpos (getpos box1); The search light will always start on top of the box. .
  8. Joe98

    Arma 2 sound pproblem

    I have 5 speakers and a sound woofer You need to correct this in your speaker set up. Play music or something and make sure sound comes out of all speakers.
  9. I have tried that mission many times and I can never find the officer.
  10. This is a sneaky way to spawn a vehicle. Place a vehicle on the edge of the map. In a place somewhere out of the way where it cannot get in your way. Name the vehicle car1. Now place a box on the map and name it box1. The box is somewhere along the path of your journey. Place a trigger over the box. You enter the trigger and the trigger fires. In the On Act field of the trigger write: car1 setpos (getpos box1); You enter the trigger area, the trigger fires and the car magically appears over box 1 - directly in front of you! Once you have found that this works, the box gets stuck under the car and you cannot drive away. So, in the init of the box type: hideobject this; . . . . and the box is now invisible and in effect has disappeared. Now, you can of course place 10 triggers on the map. Each trigger has a box inside named box1 to box 10. Hey presto the car can now appear at one of 10 places! As for weapon crates - well do the same thing! . .
  11. Joe98

    A10 CAS Strike

    You don't need a script Select "M" for map and click on a enemy which is read by your AI pilot as "Attack that enemy".
  12. Place a box on the map and name it box1 In the On Act field of a trigger; or in a script; write this: deletevehicle box1; If you wish to delete any object, it must first be named. .
  13. this allowDamage false; You need to open the editor and open the scenario. Then insert the command into any soldier, vehicle or object that you wish to be invincible. The command only works in Single Player. It is very useful if you wish to test something and don't want to get killed! .
  14. I have the game. I have not merged it with Arma 2. I do not have the problem. So it is not the base game that causes the problem. .
  15. You say it started as a bus script rather than a helicopter script. 1. Switch back to buses. Have the bus go from A to B then to C and end the script there 2. Once that is working, have the bus go from A to B to C to D to E. 3. Once that is working switch back to a helicopter. Like 1 above, have the helicopter from A to B to C 4. Once that is working like 2 above have the helicopter go from A to B to C to D to E. Then you can work out exactly where the problem is.
  16. Joe98

    ArmA 2: OA Pre-EoL Update - Thank you!

    What is a "Pre EOL" Update?
  17. It is best to have ALL DVD or ALL Steam. Those why try to mix and match have problems
  18. Joe98

    Armory Firing Range

    Place a soldier on the map and select the drop down "player" that is you. Hit preview Then exit that and add some objects to the map. The menu in the editor haswhole section devoted to targets. These are the same type of targets used in the armoury, including pop up targets.
  19. Joe98

    Armory Firing Range

    No but you can set up a firing range in the editor. Use a runway.
  20. Place yourself on the map somewhere so you can watch the action. Place a Humvee on the map. Make sure it is not grouped to yourself. Make the Humvee a sergeant and give it 2 waypoints so it moves a total of about 150 meters Place 3 soldiers on the map. Make them privates. Group them with the Humvee. Preview and watch the Humvee drive down the road and the 3 men will follow.
  21. Joe98

    High Command Module Problem

    It is designed that way. You can only give orders to subordinate groups. Which begs the question: I wonder if that has been changed in Arma 3? .
  22. Place a ammo box on a runway. Name it box1 Place 3 markers on the runway. Group each marker with the box. Every time you start the mission, the ammo box will start at one of 4 places at random. It will start either at its original location or on one of the markers. Now you need the hostage to start on top of the box. . Name your hostage, hostage1. In the init of the hostage type hostage1 setPos (getPos box1) The hostage will always start by standing on the box, at one of 4 places at random. If you want to use an object smaller than a box, choose a skeet or maybe a coke can. If you want the box, skeet or coke can to be invisible, in the init of the object, use a "hide" or "invisible" command. (Sorry I forget what it is off hand)
  23. You could also make the enemy AI soldiers officers and make sure they have the highest skill level. It makes them a little less afraid :)
  24. Joe98

    Wrong CD Key format

    There are no legit CD key sellers. None. Just above this in the sticky section is a thread explaining it all. . .