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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. You are correct the preview button is always on the menu. You cannot use preview until you have a soldier set player. You cannot place Empty on the map until you have a soldier set player. .
  2. I am typing this just after patch 1.46 in early July 2015. I like using the Virtual Armoury to create solders together with their uniforms, weapons and equipment. I have a number of standard soldiers saved. When I load a soldier I am presented with the list of saved soldiers. They are not in alphabetical order! Please arrange it so they appear in alphabetical order. . .
  3. I am typing this just after patch 1.46 in early July 2015. I like using the Virtual Armoury to create solders together with their uniforms, weapons and equipment. 1. There is a uniform named: Recon Fatigues (MTP). To be consistent please rename this uniform: Combat Fatigues Recon (MTP) 2. There is a uniform named: Worn Combat Fatigues (MTP). To be consistent please rename this uniform: Combat Fatigues Worn (MTP) 3. I hate the science fiction look of the CSAT uniforms. Please create 2 new uniforms. One short sleeve and one long sleeve, they would somewhat resemble the NATO or AAF uniforms except that the pattern would be the CSAT pattern. . .
  4. I am typing this just after patch 1.46 in early July 2015 I like using the Virtual Armoury to create solders together with their uniforms, weapons and equipment. There are a series of helmets named "Combat Helmets". 1. There is a helmet named "Modular helmet". This uses the same camouflage as do AAF troops. I suggest re-naming this helmet "Combat Helemt Digi". 2. I hate those science fiction helmets used by CSCAT troops. I suggest adding a new combat helmet. It would be the same style as the other combat helmets but it would painted the same as the CSAT uniforms. It would be named "Combat Helmet Hex".
  5. I wish to place the sounds of battle in the background of a mission. I place 2 enemy tanks on the map with no fuel and lots of ammo. The 2 tanks spot each other and open fire. As soon as one of the tanks is knocked out they both stop firing. How to make a unit indestructible? . .
  6. Where do I find a list of the provided sounds? I know the triggers have "Effects" that play sounds but I don't know of any other sounds.
  7. Go to the virtual armoury and create your soldier. Make sure he carries only one magazine. To do this select "try" and see how many magazines you have. Note that the uniform can carry magazines and the vest can carry magazines. You need to double check you have only one magazine. Export the soldier, open the editor and paste the info into the init cell Preview and there is your soldier. Note in the init cell you can see the class name of the magazine. Delete the instruction that adds the magazine. Presume you are using a 45 cal revolver and you want to carry 10 magazines. The command is: {this addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; This works for every weapon and every rocket launcher. . . (There is a separate command that means a soldier will never run out of ammo but that is for another day). ,
  8. In the editor you can manually set the amount of overcast, manually set the amount of ran and manually set the wind speed. This is light years ahead of Arma 2. As for the original poster, another factor that causes a change in the light is the date and the time. Try 2:00pm pm June 22 compared to 2:00pm on December 22. Then try 4:00 am
  9. You could give each soldier waypoints. Seek and Destroy is good for this.
  10. I too have has the same problem. the AT soldier will switch between rifle and AT weapon a few times before firing the AT weapon. This gives the enemy plenty of time to spot him and kill him. As a test, I removed the rifle from the AT man. He still thinks he has a rifle and he switches between the AT weapon and the non-existing rifle and again is killed before he can fire the AT weapon. In another test I placed 3 x enemy AT soldiers, kneeling behind a small wall and I drove an armoured vehicle toward them. These AT soldiers fires accurately and took out our vehicle! .
  11. I am now testing a scenario I have been working on. The terrain at the south east of the island is rolling countryside. Very few hills. Me and my squad approach the crest of a minor slope. On the other side it is another minor slope. My soldiers seem to spot the enemy through the crest! I stand up straight and raise my range finder and cannot see any enemy. I then press the "." on the numb pad. I am now 10 meters in the air above by character. I can confirm the enemy are on the other side of the crest. Also they are behind bushes and should not be seen by my soldiers. Am I doing something wrong? My soldiers X-Ray vision is spoiling it a bit.
  12. It has been down for about 2 weeks. it would be a great shame to lose it.
  13. Joe98

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    So, in the editor you give Blue Force troops the Strider. . .
  14. If there are only 3 players and the soldiers have names then; blue1 in thislist and blue2 in thislist and blue3 in thislist. That is not how you use "and" I just don't have my notes handy right now.
  15. Joe98

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Anyhow I will be keen to download the island when it arrives. I was also hoping for more uniforms and more weapons. .
  16. How to make one specific soldier or player fire a trigger = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = player in thislist; (means the trigger can only be fired by the player) blue1 in thislist; (means the trigger can only be fired by a character named blue1)
  17. My solution is to have the medics have a different type of vest and backpack from other soldiers. Makes it easy to spot him.
  18. Joe98

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I see the Southern Cross star formation in the screen shot. It must be in the southern hemisphere
  19. Joe98

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    There could be a naval ship sitting off the coast - and we call for support from the ships guns. The ships do not need to playable - rather they show up on a map.
  20. The idea is to give the appearance of the chopper landing near the smoke grenade. You need to use something else. You might for example use player. An event occurs (such as no enemy within a trigger area) then you throw smoke then the chopper lands near to player. From the players point of view "we threw the smoke then the chopper arrived" - even though it was not the smoke that attracted the chopper. .
  21. Joe98

    Dynamic Intel Markers

    Maybe the marker has turned up but it is so small you cannot see it. Set the size of the marker. .
  22. Joe98

    Development Blog & Reveals

    As for weapons I would like to see shot guns and bolt action rifles - in spite of the powerful weapons available in June 2015, I note that shot guns and bolt action rifles are still popular. I am sure they will be in 20 years time. .
  23. Joe98

    Development Blog & Reveals

    All an expansion needs is a new island and new faction or factions together with their new weapons