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Everything posted by Joe98

  1. Some of you have to understand that adore the 21st century! Example! "View" here we go. >>>>>> View menu -> Interface -> Asset browser
  2. Hello? Is anybody there? This is a game! If Fred comes up with a great idea to make the game better then others will use that idea too. >>>>>>>> No Joe! You are forbidden from using his idea! We hate great scenarios! Oh OK I didn't know that,. I will have to make crap scenarios instead. >>>>>>> We love you Joe :) .
  3. Maybe each building has a separate name and you need to refer to the name?
  4. Joe98

    AA Fire and Helicopters

    You can test by taking an AA weapon, have enemy choppers fly and shoot at them. I think the game does it well
  5. Joe98

    Defensive AI Patrol

    Give your men orders. Split your squad into 2 teams, team red and team blue. Give orders to teams instead of individual men.
  6. Joe98

    Is the 3D Editor mandatory?

    The 3D editor to become compulsory? When will that be?
  7. Joe98

    Software for screenshots

    Thank you that is the answer! In my Steam library each and every game has an option to "Disable Steam Overlay". (In my case one game - Arma 3) Yes it was disabled by default. I enabled it and now I can: - Enable Steam overlay while in game - Take screenshots Thank you to al!
  8. Joe98

    Software for screenshots

    I see that Shift+Tab is Steam overlay. 1. What is Steam Overlay? I confirm that it does not work in game. 2. Is Steam overlay supposed to work when I am not in the game? 3. If Steam is running in the background and the game is not running, and I am at the desktop, should F12 still create screen shots? .
  9. Joe98

    Software for screenshots

    No. I listed all my software above. Of course I also installed Steam.
  10. Joe98

    Software for screenshots

    Nope. My only software is Microsoft Office, Acrobat Reader, Arms 3 and Computer War in Europe 2. F12 does not work. I tried assigning other keys and they failed too!
  11. You don't need mods. The AI will often use the right weapon for the job. If you use the editor and give the AI just one weapon he will ALWAYS use that - and only throw or fire when in range!
  12. Unfortunately there are no RPG in Arma 3 - there should be. As for grenades, give every man pistols and grenades but no rifles and the enemy will gladly use grenades. As for grenadier soldiers, remove all bullet ammo and they fire the grenade launcher all day long.
  13. Place a box on the map and name it box1 Place 9 markers on the map. Group the box with the markers. Every time the mission starts, the box will start at one of 10 places selected at random (its original location or one of the 9 markers).   I would like to do this in a more elegant way avoiding those confusing lines all over the map. For example: Place 10 markers on the map and name them marker0 – marker9 Then, in the init of box1, type: box1 setpos getpos marker(select a number at random from 0 to 9); I went to the wiki and found this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/random As a result I tried this command in the init of box1 _nRumber = floor random 10; box1 setpos getpos marker(_rNumber);   It does not work. Any suggestions?. .
  14. this setPos getMarkerPos ("marker" + str floor(random(10))); This is the best and I confirm that it works beautifully thank you! .
  15. Joe98


    I too have seen fog in the game that reminded me of bushfire! Change the time of year and the time of day and those too will the cause the fog to change colour. .
  16. Joe98

    Software for screenshots

    High technology always fails for me. I have created a folder to save screenshots and selected that folder. You can see that I can take screen shots and edit screen shots and upload screenshots to a forum. I cannot take screenshots in Arma 3! So then, which of my settings is wrong? .
  17. I wish to: Place 3 ammo boxes on the map. Each ammo box will be emptied and then one weapon placed in each box. Each box will have a different weapon. The player reads the sign adjacent to each box and the goes to one of the boxes and picks up the weapon inside. How can I write a sign and place it on the map?
  18. For those who follow "The Great War" Youtube channel, you will be aware we are up to week 61 of The Great War, 24th September 1915. I am trying to recreate a Great War scenario. I wish that each magazine of a rifle has only 1 round. That means after firing, a man has to reload - thereby representing using a bolt action rifle. There is a command "player setAmmo [currentWeapon player, 1];" except that it only applies to the first magazine. The other magazines have their usual number of rounds. How can I gave a man magazines that only have one round each? .
  19. Soldiers can use a knife. The idea is to sneak up quietly on a sentry and knife him! .
  20. To give a unit unlimited ammo = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]
  21. Yes it will be avaible through Steam. Now we have to define "it". .
  22. Seeing that you created the men in the arsenal, why would you change their uniforms in the editor?