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Everything posted by fruity_rudy

  1. i find it more interesting, if you remove the ksk-skin. So you cannot see the players attitude immediately and it's much more tricky to decide what to do. I played it for the first time, and thats one big thing i recognized
  2. i've read a bit about this mod. It says you can repair vehicles if you find parts. I'm wondering how that "stat" saving works. I find parts for a vehicle on server X, i disconnect, connect 2 days later on server Y , and then? vehicle is gone or is it also saved to the player. I'd like to know how you manage that..is that possible?
  3. fruity_rudy

    AI Heli Control 1.0

    when i tell my guy to fly on max. height, it works fine, but on max height , when i give him waypoints via map, he#s flying in a big circle, but not to the point i told him to fly ?!
  4. Well i can't really get into it. I played with Gossamer so god damn much of warfare, so this "simple" running around and nothing happens is pretty lame. But maybe it gets more interesting. One annoying thing the keeps me away from it, ze zombies can hit you through walls and stuff. Maybe in a full release, not alpha or beta, it's more playable..i simply don't get, why there are so many servers (all full) only because of running around, or better running away from zombies. I don#t wanna say it's a bad mod, i just don#t understand ..sorry
  5. i hit the filter for players on server yesterday, and i saw trillions of dayZ servers. Thats insane. I played this mod, but i don't get the whole intention. Running away from zombies and killing other humans to grab their gear and make em rage :) ??
  6. Yo code thx for the link, currently away from home, i'll do fallujah and torabora Test tomorrow and let you know if it's allright. I had problems with cherna port in the past, but we played 3-4 missions this week, works fine..and cherna is way better for this kind of mission.
  7. that must be an ultra-insane arma2 mod..haven't seen that many newbies at once..crazy story
  8. i can't believe how many ppl join arm2 only because of this mod..Is it that superb? I never really liked zombie stuff, i may should change my mind :/
  9. i use voice act. all the time, works fine. The point is, if you use radio, you HAVE to say something, otherwise it will be bugged. Then the sensivity in TS gets ultra high. To make it work again if you screw it up, TS options, switch to push to talk, apply, switch to voice activation, apply and you#re good to go again. Sometimes i accidently press radio without saying anything, then it crashes. But right now i play the whole evening and it works. So if you use voice activation and you press the radio button, there will be no "beep" sound unless you speak.
  10. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    got a question: When i put all the robert hammer stuff into a mission, can i somehow change the mission sqm , so the ammoboxes with additional content are not "required" ? So somebody can join server, even if he's missing the HK416 addon for example?
  11. you would enjoy it even more whit ace, and updating it is no big deal..But if you wanna stick to vanilla instead it's ok.
  12. slerbal, are you using ACE and ACRE? We are playing this mission every night. I modified it a bit, with codes permission and added extra weapons and units. If you wanna meet up some day , just let me know. I play this mission only, cause it's really nice..
  13. fruity_rudy

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Sorry maybe i'm too stupid. I got a lot of ammoboxes in the base to test out things. The point is, whenever i pick an SD Weapon+SDmags it's getting so god damn inaccurate, i mean i can't even shoot something 20-30m away. Thats pretty ridiculous. Am i maybe using vanilla SDmags with ACE Rifles or is something mixed up? I'm so confused. I wanna use the SD ones for a missionscript that simulates stealth mode, but i can't shoot ppl with the weapon, cause on like 20m the bullet hits the wall some inches above the red dot. I'm really confused
  14. fruity_rudy

    US Navy SEALs for CO v2

    i dont get the thing with the backpacks. They are always empty for me, only once it worked. Also i don't get that ace thing regarding backpacks..its really strange
  15. fruity_rudy

    AI Heli Control 1.0

    i only use it as client and it works..fred, any plans on updates, like slider for heights that you mentioned?
  16. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    thats exactly what i already did, thx for the info. Great stuff.i love the weapons in ace..really nice , that you did the configs
  17. nope, since some days/weeks ago you should use CBA, CBA_OA and CBA_A2 , they've changed it
  18. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    well i'm putting the on the server while being in the university right now, so no sixupdater atm. I simply need to know if i need robalos only or both of the cfg's
  19. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    so i only need roberts pbo and robalos ace config, or is the default cfg pbo from robert also needed? As i said, i'm still confused with vanilla addon+ace config
  20. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    is it possible to put all the stuff from robert hammer into one folder like @RH-Weapons , and also put all of your configs into one folder ? or do they have to be separated?? I'm still a bit confused with replacement configs ..
  21. new stuff works like a charme dude, awesome work with civs and compute a village, and thx again for helping me out with mando implementation. This is by far the best dynamic mission you could play.
  22. i tried to use second radio yesterday with the specific button for it, normally i'm toggling through radio list, but i totally missed that i can use a second 3rd 4th button. For some reason i can'T get it working class PTTRadio // Talk over radio { key = 35; // CAPSLOCK (please unbind from your normal PTT key) shift = 0; ctrl = 0; alt = 0; }; class PTTRadioAlternate_1 // Talk over radio 2nd radio { key = 2; shift = 1; ctrl = 0; alt = 1; }; class PTTRadioAlternate_2 // Talk over radio 3nd radio { key = 3; shift = 1; ctrl = 0; alt = 1; }; How can i declare which radio is my first, and which is my second? When i have 148 and 343 for example, i can only hit my first radion button , in my case H (35) , but the other one isn't working at all (shift+alt+2) ..Could you help me with that? Also another thing, is it just calling a string for that action, cause i'd like to have one radion button, maybe 2nd radio on my joystick..When i put my joystick button that i'd like to have on W(walking) i get a string in my profile, would it be possible to use that string also for PTT for radios? That would be superb. In Arma itself, it's also getting the string of that key, either keyboard or joystick. Did you guys declare it somehow, that only keyboard strings are possible, so the keys listed below , in the config, are the only possible ones? Or is it just a simple overwiev?
  23. i had similar problem, i put addon on the server too, seems to work now..
  24. Hey there, just wanted to share my War in Takistan port with the community. Based on Code34's excellent mission. I simply changed some things, made it fully ace, added custom enemies and ported it to fallujah. All the credit belongs to code, great job and thx again for this. I recommend Robalo's ASR AI addon, makes it much better. What you need : Desert mercenaries and Black Ops : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6471 Fallujah: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12315 Six updater or Yoma: ACE & ACEX ACRE Just take a look at the video, then you'll see what it's all about: bLQ5S8LEJc4&feature=youtu.be If you find any bugs just tell me .. If you got questions or wanna play with us, join our TS : voip.thegamewardens.net PW: fwiends Mission link : http://www.mediafire.com/?xci18ve4mxwn6rv I will test a bit tonight, if anybody wants to join, filter for TGW in mp-lobby , but plz hop on TS for communication
  25. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Hey there Robalo, sounds really nice. Now that i only use ACe , i wanted to know about adding ammoboxes with all the RH weapons. I only did it in the past with RH416 pack, and afaik there was an extra ammobox for these. Do all the replacements/addons have it's own ammobox, or do i have to add them manually to a box? I got a dynamic mission similar to domination and i wanna add all the weapons you support with your ace configs cause they simply look awesome