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Everything posted by demonized

  1. demonized

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    i really wouldnt have cared if they ripped his head, arms and legs off by mules and sent them to all corners of the world via fedex. what bothers me is that they say they shot him, then they hid the body so we can only take the word of someone that is famous for obscuring the truth or manipulating it. and they also buried/hid him in acordance with his religion, his religion shouldnt matter one bit in this matter. his religion attacked us, and are attacking its own people. now there is always the tale of repurcusions. all wars start for a reason, you treat me bad i treat you bad, you treat me more bad i up the ante and so on and so forth. and then we have the politicians..... we could tie one politician to each bomb and drop them on the enemys, thats the only real good use they have. they would most likely screw up any laser targeting, so it would need to be dumb bombs so to speak.
  2. demonized

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    i agree with metalcraze, its mainly an infantry sim, though vehicles play an important role. however, they are afaik already creating fully/more detailed vehicles and interiors in a3 so no need to go all DLC on it.
  3. try this one: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121814 also, dont forget that search function works on these forums. :)
  4. @Big Dawg KS Im not going to try and convince you with hard numbers, nor will i petition steam and sprocket to run a user survey for their arma users. You have been around alot longer than me here on BI forums, ive seen you frequent pretty much all kinds of threads. Wich tells me you look into all/many different main threads and their sub sections or you use the new posts feature as i do. I myself have been pretty active all weeks on forums this last year. Looking at new posts history last 12 months, the number of game issues with any version of the game: What have you seen more? or Using common sense and memory, will tell you that steam has been related to many more game issues than any other digital or hardcopy version. This is in many cases related to "and there may be a few extra steps for Steam users", but those extra steps often create headaches for the average PC user, wich is the base of the players. Trying to count up and verify each issue thread related to steam/non steam issues will take you more than a year to check this observation against actual hard numbers. And the only conclusion you can add up in the end if done, is that BIS forum users using steam have more problems than the others, or BIS forum steam users are just the small but daft population of the arma steam community, or non steam users are ashamed that they dont get it and dont post their issue. or, or, or... I dislike Steam personally, so yes im biased. I dislike it based on actual observations mainly, how it works secondary. I recomend based on facts. ( this is long term observations disregarding bias or not ) I recomend based on user ability. ( advanced PC users or geeks VS average happy go lucky gamer ) For Arma users: * Are you a advanced PC user with no issues being forced to research how to start a game? You just need to put in some extra effort and research to get it all right, once youre good and in you probably wont have any notable issues, though odds are against you. Steam might work just fine for you. * Are you the average PC user? want shit to work without having to research how to run the game? STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM STEAM! On a secondary related note: using Sprocket (digital non steam "hardcopy"): You actually pay same or less for the game. The game is yours forever, no license or obligations needed to keep the game. You give a bigger amount of your spent money directly to BI company wich in turn use that to provide you with better and more games, or just well deserved cigars and booze for all the developers. And again, you dont need to do extra steps or research to make the game work. Anyway, im realizing that this is ending up to look like any other fanboy discussion. :argue: I dont really care what others use or have issues with if they do, i´m out. :at647:
  5. lol, hell hath no fury like a scorn BIS forum member :D i like the idea, but as an idea, i think it would only be able to be realized when a great leap in technology is made, or a new game is created based on armaverse, but with very simplified graphics and AI handling, also there is security reasons to take into account with such a large scale RL warfare based public game.
  6. you are missing a [, missing one is added here with red. _Player_UID = ["YYYYY"]; if ((getPlayerUID _unit) in _Player_UID OR "start" in _this) then { _loadouts = [size="6"][color="Red"][[/color][/size][[["NVGoggles","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","UZI_SD_EP1","ItemGPS","Laserdesignator","M110_NVG_EP1"],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]],[["30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","Laserbatteries","20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR","PipeBomb","SmokeShell"],[8,1,8,1,1]],"CZ_Backpack_EP1",[["SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD"],[1]],[["20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR"],[4]],"ruck"] ]; also for the future, do this like shown in examples: _loadouts = [ [[["NVGoggles","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","UZI_SD_EP1","ItemGPS","Laserdesignator","M110_NVG_EP1"],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]],[["30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","Laserbatteries","20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR","PipeBomb","SmokeShell"],[8,1,8,1,1]],"CZ_Backpack_EP1",[["SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD"],[1]],[["20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR"],[4]],"ruck"], [[["NVGoggles","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","UZI_SD_EP1","ItemGPS","Laserdesignator","M110_NVG_EP1"],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]],[["30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","Laserbatteries","20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR","PipeBomb","SmokeShell"],[8,1,8,1,1]],"CZ_Backpack_EP1",[["SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD"],[1]],[["20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR"],[4]],"ruck"], [[["NVGoggles","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","UZI_SD_EP1","ItemGPS","Laserdesignator","M110_NVG_EP1"],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]],[["30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD","Laserbatteries","20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR","PipeBomb","SmokeShell"],[8,1,8,1,1]],"CZ_Backpack_EP1",[["SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD"],[1]],[["20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR"],[4]],"ruck"] ]; now you can see whats inside properly instead of guessing on amount of [ to use.
  7. how did you fix it? might be useful for someone else at some point.
  8. dont use teleport for anything if goal is to have visual events. there is some tied animations, or just the surrender animation you can play on suspect when he is arrested, then you can script policecar to doMove to suspects position, and while waiting for car to arrive you can check for bluefor nearby then stay captured, else run away (freedom), when car is at pos and if suspect is there, assignAsCargo suspect to car and ordergetin, then car domove to holding area, unassignvehicle suspect ordergetin, and domove to "cell", wait for next suspect to be arrested and repeat for the car. Edit: but as kylania said, is it really neccesary? maybe you can use distance from any players to speed up the process, like spawn the police car 1000 out of any players reach centered on suspect position. do the drive and getin part from there. once suspect is in cargo, drive away, when car is 1000 from any players again, setPos suspect to his cell/jail, and setPos or deletevehicle car.. several ways of approaching it, spawning is way easier(for you and server/mission load), and better for potential snags than actual driving all the way. it is Arma AI and we all know they are abit daft at times.
  9. yes its a fact, count the amount of issues with steam related to arma, then count same for hardcopy and sprocket(digital hardcopy). one should not have to troubleshoot. looking at ratio hardcopy/sprocket issues VS steam issues, there is a clear bigger percentage in the steam camp. maybe average steam users are just generally daft? that is only other explanation exept for the obvious fact. the topic is steam and arma, at least what my comment was directed at, i know for a fact that many are very satisfied with steam on other games, even those "daft" ones i know.On the other hand, have you considered that steam may be the reason why you have had these "problems" lately... just saying :D I do not use steam, i like to have my birds in the hand so to speak, it is a personal choise, the licence, forced program running and forced connection is also something i loathe very much.
  10. you cannot do it in vanilla game, you can download addons from for example armaholic wich has houses etc in them wich you can manually place in either editor or ingame via script.
  11. place that in init.sqf: not initclient or initserver. Preset_loadOuts_backPacks = compile preprocessFile "loadouts\backpacks.sqf"; _null = [this,"start"] execVM "loadouts\preset_weapons.sqf"; either in init line of unit or clientside. but you need to figure out how insurgency respawns units because the actions will be lost once you are dead or respawned, so you need to readd them or simply just use an object like the MHQ or a ammo box instead.. MHQ or ammobox in insurgency have been done and how is posted somewhere in this thread, i think they provided proper instructions aswell, or atleast some hint of what works in insurgency. hard to say when only information you bring is: what happens when you do what you described?!
  12. if its for MP use the createVehicleLocal command on a markerpos and each player have their "own" crate, wich you then can fill with whatever based on their class or unitname.
  13. Is there a dynamic way to find center position of any map? without manually placing a marker or setting a position. I was hoping for something like mapcoded center or outer edges distance to outer edges / 2 = center etc...
  14. Ok, thanks. on Takistan that gave me the South airport... basically the center of the total square airport area. Shapur was also fishy, center map but 1/3 down from the top, maybe 1/4. rest of the official maps gave acceptable centers, im guessing it will be hard to do this accurately in a dynamic way for any island, or maybe its just known issues with those two maps... will be looking into cfgWorlds, maybe i can find some other common factor to use.
  15. The problem is details and size. All these things can already be done in editor, but we have only so much space on one map. If we had a way to host multiple maps, or BIS setup a super server with nodes or whats it called, and we could travel to edge of takistan and then load "south of Takistan" map from where we came etc it would all be possible. But its down to the details and size of maps we currently have, im sure the community could make this happen over time if the tools for such loading was available. but making say 100 takistan maps with same details into one big world would take ALOT of effort. but if so, then the community could upload "missions", "events", "targets" etc to the collective and players could run freely across the world in true MMO style, keeping the world running with pretty much full immersion, supported by BIS "events". Featuring good guys, bad guys, selective guys, civilians, maybe arma farming could be a big hit within the civilian ranks. Stealing and smuggling of vehicles, weapons, equipment from bluefor bases by renegades, sold to PMC´s, opfor etc. The world could be entirely player driven, maybe even incorporate money system for fuel, equipment, maintainance etc.. The total story could just be something like Afghanistan, Iraq etc. mirroring what the real life is in those areas atm. the only thing we lack is ability to load a new map and a super server sentral to host all the running maps on, with same detail, same quality, same amount of AI etc on all of them simultanusly.... The idea is somewhat appealing, i must admit that.
  16. demonized

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Not sure if this has been posted before, probably but saying it anyway. I wish we could have ground displaced by a certain type, lets say "building" type objects. so we could create sandy foxholes, shaped like a cup, and the terrain gave way for the "downward" inside of the foxhole, underground hangars with ramps up to surface etc.. Edit: and i would like the ability to load next map in MP, without ending or starting a new mission. for example, players start on Utes, then do something and then gets picked up by a C130 and then fly away and Chernarus map loads and players land in chernarus aiport to continue the mission.
  17. For those more advanced users, steam works ok. For the average PC user wich wants less hassle more play with Arma2, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM STEAM. Disregarding the whole licence stuff, with for example sprocket, you get it cheap(cheapest or same), you get it forever, you can burn it to a disc so you have a hardcopy, or redownload at any time, how many times you want. Sprocket install also works just like a hardcopy of the game, you get updates when everyone else does, no additional crap needs to run when you play the game etc.. There is a reason why there is a dedicated thread to steam issues.. Edit: It is not hate, its simply the facts that steam have so much issues for those not mega geeks or IT educated VS Sprocket. Dont want hassle? buy hardcopy or from Sprocket, simple.
  18. demonized

    Tail Rotor Failure

    //if you want to take out the tail rotor then heliname setHit ["mala vrtule", 1];
  19. just stumbled upon something regarding the search prisoner question. [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createGearDialog"]createGearDialog[/url] [player, "RscDisplayGear"]; this opens the players own gear dialog with no animations played. it shows players full inventory. 1: One could use this in a way, add an action to a prisoner called "search". 2: Then when action is activated by player, make player play a animation, something that makes player put weapon away. 3: Collect all inventory of player in a list, and then remove all off it from player. 4: add the evidence to player unit if the suspect "has any evidence". 5: make player drop whatever items he deem like evidence, when dropped it means its found, and make sure to setVariable to suspect whats been dropped etc. if dropped item is made "vital evidence" by mission maker, just check if player no longer has the item(weapon) and gear dialog has not been closed and then run some code for the situation. 6: when player closes gear dialog, readd the inventory from step 3 and make him select weapon again, "faking" taking out the rifle again. there will be several pitfalls wich need to be accounted for, like NVG active, etc but afaik this is best soultion without doing a custom, and often advanced dialogs yourself. for finding if gearmenu is still open you can most like use dispalyEventhandlers or something similar. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Event_Handlers or maybe this is allround sufficient: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/dialog one can add random chance of items etc with this method, "faking" really well hidden, for example map in buttcracks.... (3 Kings reference :D )
  20. yes, try using search function as that question probably have been asked 1000 times here.
  21. well since i was testing a lot of crashes all over takistan, i only found "craterlong", also got a "#crater" when i searched for types, but deleting it made no difference.. maybe its just an particle(fake rubble), as smoke came up same way with a # in front. was sure there would be an cratershort or whatever, but no. everything needed is in twirlys link, but here is the core of it. run this code whenever you want to clear craters from an area. _list = nearestObjects [(getMarkerPos "base"), ["CraterLong"], 1000]; {deleteVehicle _x} foreach _list; (getMarkerPos "base") is just a marker named base, lets say at center of your runways. 1000 is the radius from the marker, so it will delete all craters 1000 out in all directions from base marker.
  22. _group = [getPos aPos, EAST, ["TK_INS_Bonesetter_EP1", "TK_INS_Soldier_2_EP1","T72_RU"],[],[],[],[],[1,0.5],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; { _interroraction = _x addAction ["Interrogate","interror.sqf",[true],1,false]; } foreach units _group; but beware that addaction is a local command so if it is for MP mission, you need to spawn the group on server only, then spawn the action on all clients.
  23. demonized

    DLC for ArmA 3: A2 units

    About the DLC of A2 and A1 stuff into A3, you do realize that if that would happen, BIS, would be forced to "lock down" this content into their respective games, and no modder would be able to use it to create new stuff for A3. If they didnt lock it, then they would spend time and money on doing something that is already free or very soon to be free within the community. Wanting A2 content in A3 is silly when it is requested in a dlc form from the BI company view. Community will do this on their own, most likely in a much faster time than BIS would have done, since the community has the resources of the whole community to build, test and Q & A it. If the content is not locked from the community, it would just be a cash flow out for BIS. And none of us want content to be locked down.
  24. tskfred setSimpleTaskDestination ([b]getMarkerPos "market"[/b]);