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About rta53

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  1. Supposedly I am playing on the normal level since that is what I picked at the beginning. However when I checked, Friendly was set at 1 and Enemy was set at .75. Should I change these numbers or just select Normal for both of them? Before getting to the mission where I was having the difficulty I was seeing the enemy soldiers on the map. Extended map is enabled. Anyway after installing the new update my save points in this mission are all gone so I have started over. This time I am visiting the red X positions. Maybe things will go better this time. By the way, Super AI was not enabled. Even though I am just starting to play ARMA 2 I have previously played Operation Flashpoint DR so I was already somewhat familiar with this type of game. I do enjoy the slower pace of this type of game although sometimes it's somewhat tedious.
  2. Carl, Thanks for the tips. I will try turning off the Super AI tonight. One thing I still don't understand is I don't see any enemies on the map so I have no clue where the shots are coming from. Also when I send one of my team ahead he doesn't get shot until I switch to him. I tried searching for AK Sniper but it threw out the AK and just searched for sniper.
  3. First of all I can't make this a long message because I have to head off for work. I am playing ARMA 2 and I am about at the 4th or 5th mission where you are searching for a couple of enemys. I am on my way in a vehicle to search in a couple of towns. I get to a point where there are some soldiers and if I try to go past I guess I am getting shot and the vehicle crashes. If I get out and proceed on foot I just get shot. I tried a different road and the same thing happens. The town I am near is Gorka. I tried sending one of my units to a house and then switching to him but after I switch I still get shot after a few seconds. I've tried hiding in the grass, behind a tree, behind a building, but nothing helps. Every time it's 3 shots and I'm dead. It's like the game is not letting me go any further. Do I need to backtrack and try another route?