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Everything posted by -UF-

  1. -UF-

    Dynamic Missions

    Done and done! Hopefully this wil help people find dynamic missions and perhaps encourage the creation of more coop dynamic missions. I beleive one that is modeled after the Single PLayer Stock Combat Scenario would be excellent. You are radioed missions and can choose to accept or deny.
  2. -UF-

    Dynamic Missions

    Excellent thanks. I have added your entries into the first post.
  3. Ahh ok thanks. That's too bad because the Combat Scenario in My Missions is the best way to play this game single player and would be awesome coop. You choose any insertion point on the whole map and you are radioed random missions. It is very dynamic and unpredicateble. Do you know if anyone has created a coop version of the Combat Scenario other than Cipher? Cipher is awesome but also suffers from the lack of ability to choose equiptment. Can you mod the Cipher mission for loadout? For example in the stock Cipher kit there is a SMAW but no spotting rounds. I would like more flexibility with the loadout.
  4. -UF-

    Dynamic Missions

    SigintArmA thanks for the heads up. Can a forum admin move the topic to the correct thread? Sorry for the mis-post.
  5. Well I went ahead and installed A2 onto the machine where OA was already installed. The _runA2CO_nonSteamOA works, however when I run the A2 Benchmark 1 from CO it crashes the game (freeze needing force quit). The A2 Benchmark 1 runs fine if launched after a non CO A2 launch. I tested an A2 mission and it worked from the CO launch but just an FYI that the Benchmark FREEZES the application during load. Also my registry entires ARE NOT what is illustarted in the sticky. I am running Win 7 64. Additionally just an FYI, I used the default directory paths during install and this is where they went. Not sure if it is an issue: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2
  6. Hello. Please forgive if I have missed something. The sticky at the beginning says: "note: this is only for these who have A2 and OA directories standalone" Well I have disk OA installed and I have A2 on disk, but not installed - thus I do not have A2 directories yet. Should I install A2 and then follow the combine procedure or is BI working on a OA patch that will recognize a subsequent A2 install and combine them appropriately? If there is a patch in the works - what is the ETA?