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About BTDKVega

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  1. BTDKVega

    BMR Insurgency

    I made a fast copy of your (sorry) Takistan zones and units and copied them into the Bornholm map. Distributes the zones all over without really changing or looking into what the different zones were set to spawn. Worked fine except one mission marker. It autofails. I think I havent left enough room for units to spawn. Played it for an hour with a friend. Should go fine! :) I thought you would make a finished Bornholm so didn't do more about it.
  2. BTDKVega

    CO16 Insurgency

    hey. We love the mission. we play everything with Ace mods but now after some ace updating to ace 410 / acex 282 /acex sm 67 / the enemy doesnt spawn anymore. Just the fixed canons / vehicles are there shooting. No people :(