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About cody4651

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  1. Squad name:-101st Airborne Division TRU Timezone/location : United States, other nations welcomed however Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Primarily Coop Contact email: Brooks.C@101stScreamingEagles.com Website address: http://www.101stscreamingeagles.com/index.html Short description: Military Realism Unit based on the 101st Airborne Division. Language: English
  2. cody4651

    ARMA 2, version 1.08 - Patch Released.

    Has information for the server patch to 1.08 been released in any shape or form?
  3. This worked, but it only lets me use the open and close menu and not the ability to choose the mission type and etc. That is the init line from the mission.sqm file. init="this addWeapon ""LaserDesignator""; this addMagazine ""LaserBatteries""; arty_radio = [this] execvm ""artillery_ssp\arty_radio.sqf""; this addeventhandler [""respawn"",""_this execVM 'respawn.sqf'""];"; It did not do anything for the air support. Really all you have to do for that is just put m1 in the name section and create heli pad with ASPad.
  4. shk where would i add that to? the init line on the unit? im new to this scripting stuff.
  5. Hello, I am using the following support scripts. Air support Arty They work very well, but I have found a problem. When the character that has the scripts attached to them dies and respawns the supports can not be used. I searched for another topic like this ,but could not find one. Does anyone know how to fix this?