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Everything posted by visceralsyn

  1. visceralsyn

    Setting Up X-52 Flight Controls

    Right, mapping keys to buttons is rocket science. Using the SST is even easy. In the end its not even close to doing taxes. I used the in-game menu to map buttons to keys, axis' to whatever. Not sure what all the hoopla is, about this 50% throttle deal. ...Syn...
  2. visceralsyn

    Arma 2 server help... (i am noob)

    Keep dropping the MaxSizeNonguarateed. I have mine around 12. ...Syn...
  3. visceralsyn

    Setting Up X-52 Flight Controls

    Set it up how you want it. Use the in-game menu to map. ...Syn...
  4. visceralsyn

    Arma 2 bandwidth requirements

    Yeah, but they're all related. ...Syn...
  5. visceralsyn

    Arma 2 bandwidth requirements

    MaxMsgSend can be an extra-ordinarily large number. Its the how many packets the server can send as a maximum. I have found that to use my paltry 2.2Mbps upload correctly, I ended up using somewhat, large seeming MaxMsgSend, and both guaranteeds way smaller, but multiplied by each other. example: MaxMsgSend=16384; MaxSizeGuaranteed=128; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=32; With that math, the 128byte guaranteed packets will not exceed 2,097,152bps ( right around 2Mbps ). With the simple goal of having the #monitor provide me with upload of nothing exceeding 2.2Mbps, which is what my upload speed is rated at. More importantly, you have 20Mbps set as your Minbandwidth, and 1Gbps set as the max. if you are gaming on 1Gbps LAN, and all machines are connected at that speed. Bandwidth will be a non-issue for you. However, I typically set minbandwidth to 92% of the total bandwidth, to allow for overhead. I reinstalled ArmA² when 1.54 was hot, and never not used Linux for server duties. Because thats just what Linux does better than winders. the Linux 1.57 dedicated seems more stable than the 2 before it. Possible just as fast, or slightly faster than 1.54. But BE 2.066 brings it to its knee's. And thats on a Xeon dual core 3Ghz cpu. The Super Powers CTI mish that BIS did, doesn't work out the CPU as much, but the AI gets stuck, ALOT more often.
  6. What that video reminds me of in Operation Flashpoint, is that the world is stale, and dead. ArmA²'s world is much more alive. Anyway, in your arma2oa.cfg change these lines: And again running 2 instances of one game, is retarded. Your machine doesn't have enuff horsepower to do this. Operation Flashpoint is 9 years old, from its release. Todays machines should run that ancient crap, flat out.
  7. visceralsyn

    Dust CTI

    I second that, dedicated server framerates nose dived to single digits on Dust - Eagle, Desert Zargabad. ...Syn...
  8. visceralsyn

    Armex games

    Armex is the multiplayer armoury, addon that came with ArmA²: Operation Arrowhead patch 1.56. ...Syn...
  9. Dslyecxi's Guide ...Syn...
  10. visceralsyn

    arma 2 OA drama

    Install ArmA², do not patch it, then install ArmA²: Operation Arrowhead in the same ArmA² directory. Then run the OA-1.56 patch, it will update ArmA² to 1.08. Likely you've not got OA in the same directory with A². They don't communicate with one another, ArmA² is a game, ArmA²: Operation Arrowhead is its expansion. ...Syn...
  11. That CPU is fine to run the game, but you are running a dedicated server, and then the client on the same machine. Think of it as effectively running 2 instances of the game. The dedicated server is process intensive alone. You are not really, seriously wondering why its a lag festival running 2 process intensive applications, with one process having to also render graphics? In which rendering graphics is process intensive on its own? Do note, Operation Flashpoint was released in 2000, or 2001. A dual core CPU made in the last 4 or 5 years, oughta run that ancient game pretty dang-gumbed effectively. ArmA, and ArmA² while both are running on the same engine that has been updated, and updated. It Got significantly larger. More process intensive, not just from the environment sizes, the amount of AI it supports, the sheer volume of scripts it can run at the same time. Oh yeah, the closer to an object you are, in most games, provides more updates. So it typically should be smoother. ...Syn...
  12. Out of pure curiosity, what are the specs of the machine you are running this on? ...Syn...
  13. visceralsyn

    Unexplained connection trouble.

    For any others reading this thread, we've gone to using a messenger to get together and sort this, faster. When we find the resolution, we'll post it, in case it helps someone else! ...Syn...
  14. visceralsyn

    Arma 2 bandwidth requirements

    The bandwidth requirement varies, depending on what mission you are running. Heavily scripted missions, with alot of AI, will have a higher bandwidth requirement, on average. I was doing some testing last night, with my dedicated server in LAN. Setting the Min/MaxBandwidth's to 92Mbps/100Mbps. Connecting with my client, the server reported sending 128kbps to 12Mbps, depending on MaxSizeGuaranteed/MaxSizeNonGuaranteed. Which, left default 512/256 gave me the 128kbps, and when modified to 1500/1500 (MAX MTU ) the up skyrocketed to 12Mbps. I used MaxMsgSend setting of 16384 for all testing. Also note, typically the server was recieving 1Kbps to 64kbps from my client. Test mission was Benny's Warfare 2.066 Lite CO. Ideally, if you can get clients to use 128Kbps only-, you should be able to get 10 clients on a 1Mbps pipe. There are no 'defined' options on how to force clients to recieve a set amount. ...Syn...
  15. High-ish ping, means you and your friends don't live near each other. And, 200ms or more is high-ish ping. If you are going to build a new machine, the dedicated server requirements are not that high for left over parts. Since it doesn't do rendering, a powerful, aka expensive video card is not needed. Dedicated servers biggest requirement is powerful CPU. Goo-gob's of RAM is always good, for either servering or clients. As for listen server hosting, sooner or later you are going to run a mission that has alot of scripts, or AI. Or worse, alot of scripts and AI. And both of those require proccessing power, to not stutter in-game. I remember the same stutter in Operation Flashpoint, the AI near you isn't stuttering as much, because you are hosting a Listen Server. Which runs best for the host. Even with low gaming groups, 3~4 clients, a dedicated server, serves best. LAN gaming helps you the most, because bandwidth requirements no longer are an issue. The Operation Flashpoint, ArmA, ArmA² default settings for the dedicated server is for 1Mbps up. I've always used the dedicated server, so am not sure if the settings in the config file do anything for the Listen Server. It would be retarded if they didn't. ...Syn...
  16. Running a dedicated server and a client on the same machine, isn't flawed. Its retarded. The dedicated server's whole purpose is to be run on a machine thats not running a client, so that everything non-rendering related does not waste processing power. The settings for the dedicated server, by default are not set for LAN speeds, they are set for a 1Mbps upload. So some simple math for LAN: MaxMsgSend=16384 MinBandwidth=92000000 MaxBandwidth=100000000 MinErrorToSend=0.001 Sadly if you try a MinErrorToSend any lower it disables it, and is stutter festival. With those 3 settings, on a 3.0Ghz Wolfdale Xeon CPU server, running Mandriva 2010.1 Linux. There is no desync, and little stutter at the beginning of the mission, when there is normally desync, which gradually goes away as the mission went on. Tested with Benny's 2.066 Lite CO. ...Syn...
  17. visceralsyn

    Unexplained connection trouble.

    Router MFGR should not matter. 2302 ~ 2305 UDP Are being forwarded to your PC's Static LAN IP ? How did you disabled Windows Firewall? Provide him your IP address, ask him to open a command prompt and ping it. If he gets no reply, something, somewhere is blocking. Check your routers' documentation to ensure disabling its firewall doesn't also disable the Port Forwarding feature.
  18. visceralsyn

    Unexplained connection trouble.

    Forward only 2302~2305 UDP ports in your router, set static LAN IP for your pc. If you are using PORT Forward and DMZ, then disable the DMZ. There are no client side settings he needs to change. If you are connected to the internet via a dsl/cable modem and a router, then using a software firewall does this. If there is a router, you don't need software firewalls, don't disable them, uninstall them. As for the Windows built in firewall, if the service is on, the firewall is on. Since there is a post stating you have 1Mbps upload, that is sufficient for 1 client. Likely your machine provided you with the 'copious amount of lag', by not being powerful enough to host a listen-server. Which, probably isn't the best terms to use to describe what low perfomance looks like, but its the easiest terms to use. Using Hamachi is the same as connecting to a network, to connect to a network. The internet is the only network you need to connect to, a 2nd one merely allows for more crap to go wrong. ...Syn...
  19. 64bit OS's use ram more efficiently than 32bit OSs, as well as can address more, thats not OS specific. Which makes 64bit OS's perform and scale better than 32bit OS's. ArmA² is not poorly supported, its poorly coded. ...Syn...
  20. 2302~2305 UDP Only needed for hosting, ports do not need to be forwarded for play. ...Syn...
  21. Hosting a game, also known as hosting a listen server, is not the same as playing a game. The simple act of playing a game should not require forwarding of ports. Since you are not sure where you are to open ports, I suggest a visit to Port Forward.com. You might also have that funky UPnP thing turned on, if you did not configure port forwarding for Company of Heroes, and it still allows you to host. I have Company of Heroes, 2 clients on the same LAN, and hadta configure port forwarding for both to be able to play and host seperate sessions. Also note, if you have a ip in the DMZ, you cannot configure port forwarding to point to that ip. Since you had it on the DMZ, and it still gave you problems, then your next problem was the Winders firewall. Which if disabled via the control panel, is not disabled. If the Service is on, the application is on. ...Syn...
  22. Take your machine off DMZ, there should never, ever be a reason to use DMZ. Forward 2302~2305 UDP, to the static LAN IP for your machine. To get a static LAN IP, configure your machine with an IP. You can still leave DHCP on, in your router. You don't need Winders firewall runnin if yer behind a router. It does not provide more protection, it provides an additional obstacle to get through to the in'nernet, when yer already behind a firewall, NAT. ...Syn...
  23. visceralsyn

    Dedicated Server shows 2500 (?) ping

    Some, if not most routers have a completely seperate option to drop ICMP packets. Check the documentation for your router, or go through each page in its web-server, looking for something like: Block Anonymous WAN Requests, and disable it. ...Syn...
  24. visceralsyn

    2 PC's connecting in same household

    If i remember right, one or both of those will activate Fade. Both clients with 1 key. ...Syn... ---------- Post added at 01:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ---------- The odd part to that is, +clientport is not a valid commandline arguement for ArmA². The valid commandline argument is -port. And as far as I understand, it changes the Port the server is hosted on. I've do not remember reading anywhere of it doing anything for the client. So since you are using whats not an actual valid command. You must have changed something, somewhere else. Or the server you are trying to connect to just started doing what its supposed to do, correctly. ...Syn...