Hi All, long time reader first time poster.
I am sorry if this is a simple question, I have looked through the editor manuals and guides as well as this forum but for the life of me I cannot find exactly what I am looking for.
I know there is a slide on a unit in the editor which gives the change that that particular unit from appearing in the mission.
However when I have a squad, and adjust the probability of the Squad Leader appearing, it only affects him and not the entire squad.
Change the probability to the same in each squad member and it affects that squad member only.
So I tried Naming the Squad Leader S1, and using the probability of the other units being If S1 exists then they do and if S1 does not exist then the rest of the squad does not exist.
But I just get Syntax errors so clearly have no idea what I am doing.
So I am hoping someone would be kind enough to enlighten me how I link the probability of the whole squad all or nothing.
My idea hope is for the following scenario. The Heroes/Players have to defend two convoys, each going to a different village.
Now they will not know which is under attack until it happens ( that I can script). For this to happen I would like to be able to script in two attack forces.
Each attacking its own convoy. However I only want one to exist, so have a 50% chance that attack force A exists (as a whole) and of Attack force A does not exist then Attack for B will.
Thus making it random each time we play.
Thank You in Advance