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About TheKraut

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Germany, Bavaria
  • Interests
    job, sports, guns

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  • Biography
    Joined the German Army in 2012.

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  1. TheKraut

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Hello, I really enjoy the new content and making my own little missions here. I was wondering if somebody can tell me the texture path for following sign: "Malden Fire Station District 3" It is located infront of the entrance in "Training Day" and "Fire Season" Thanks in advance!
  2. TheKraut

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Has anybody got the same issue with the scar? Dont find it in the arsenal and if i place the scar weapon case in the editor its empty..
  3. thanks for that quick response good to hear it is still wip and of course looking forward to the release i hope you will get well again!
  4. hey really nice work! we need desert camos for cup! got 2 questions in the armaholic download version i got some texture issues on the helmet. looks like you just modelled the helmet with glasses so you got shadows where no shadows should be next question where can i download your updated version with dcu and stuff like that?
  5. TheKraut

    TAC Vests

    very nice it will be a nice and realistic reenactment of black hawk down
  6. TheKraut

    TAC Vests

    hey i fucking love your updates!! can i ask what mod you use for the bdu on the picture with the delta force guy in the 90's? thanks buddy
  7. TheKraut

    TAC Vests

    I love the enforcer mod but i also cant find it there. i mean the polizei vest thanks for responding
  8. TheKraut

    TAC Vests

    Hello i really love your work and i have got one question. The german police vest looks awesome but i didnt find it in the new version Can we expect to see it in future versions? Would be awesome
  9. TheKraut

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    thanks for the intel. maybe somehow i am causing an error but i dont get why. i installed over 500 mods and addons since armed assault and even released templates but i dont get what the hell i am doing wrong.
  10. TheKraut

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Same Problem here. i activated rhs afrf and usf. They are working and yes gref is also activated but shows not up. I suspect there may be a problem with The armaholic file or the manual folder installing.
  11. TheKraut

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys First I wanted to thank rhs for providing such realistic high quality mods to the arma community. You are just awesome! But with the new gref mod i do have problems. I downloaded at armaholic and unpacked with 7zip. AFRF and USF are updated and activated in steam with mod folders. If i launch arma 3 the mod doesnt even show up to me. I also downloaded a Second time but same result. Can anybody help?
  12. yep. works now ;) thanks mate
  13. so there is no way to do it in the editor without scripts?
  14. i appreciate your effort but it dont works :( by the way. is it possible to make the gunner dont eject if i hit the 90 degrees?
  15. i already read it. i also tried it but i dont get it.. in which init should i put it and where do i have to put in the objects name "mk19" yes i know it that the unit bails out. i think 20 should be enough too