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Everything posted by .kju

  1. Made a FT request based on Dedmen's advice: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161515
  2. whats you game version? or post the whole code/rpt log
  3. if i get this right, you are switching between stable and creatordlc with this in short only the 2nd steamCMD call should be enough
  4. for now not unfortunately. we need the cloud space for other data atm 🙏
  5. hard to say given the effort involved with vehicles for Arma 3
  6. @Skywalker77 any other mods in use? please upload the rpt log of such session
  7. .kju

    Eden without outside scripts

    see the note at the top: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/2D_Editor
  8. .kju

    Eden without outside scripts

    note you can still use the old 2d editor. Eden is useful if you need precise 3d placement, want to use layers - otherwise it makes various functionality more accessible, yet for an experienced coder not relying on BI modules, you dont have to use it
  9. what are you trying to achieve here bardosy? going by scripted condition is probably more simple and reliable
  10. weapons/items sit in a weaponholder when not with an unit
  11. Try to disable Arma 3 units - its having issues recently and stops people from joining servers
  12. best to upload the rpt log for starters
  13. in Steam, open properties on Arma 3 (via right mouse button) and verify your game install
  14. do you have arma 3 units active?
  15. try -mod=vn;@CBA_A3 -serverMod=@AdvancedRepelling;@AdvancedSlingLoading;@AdvancedTowing;@AdvancedUrbanRepelling
  16. Yeah unfortunately they were not maintained by the author. We hope to get them working again in the future.
  17. hm sounds like a bug. however last i worked with them was A2/A2OA
  18. logic is a helper object. can store information with setVariable locations are also helper objects but for positions. there are some sqf commands to interact with locations and some module systems use locations
  19. It will be fixed in the next update. For now its using the right caliber weapon and ammo, plus hitting the right angle, not the armor plates.
  20. @gigglebok do you mind sharing your script for the street signs please once you are happy enough with it?
  21. class falling_broadleaf_tree_big_SoundShader { samples[] = {{"A3\Sounds_F\environment\sfx\falling_trees\falling_broadleaf_tree_big",1}}; volume = "time factor [0.99, 1]"; range = 70; rangeCurve = "defaultAmpAttenuationCurve"; }; class falling_broadleaf_tree_small_SoundShader { samples[] = {{"A3\Sounds_F\environment\sfx\falling_trees\falling_broadleaf_tree_small",1}}; volume = "1 - (time factor [0.99, 1])"; range = 70; rangeCurve = "defaultAmpAttenuationCurve"; }; class falling_palm_big_SoundShader { samples[] = {{"A3\Sounds_F\environment\sfx\falling_trees\falling_palm_big",1}}; volume = "time factor [0.99, 1]"; range = 70; rangeCurve = "defaultAmpAttenuationCurve"; }; class falling_palm_small_SoundShader { samples[] = {{"A3\Sounds_F\environment\sfx\falling_trees\falling_palm_small",1}}; volume = "1 - (time factor [0.99, 1])"; range = 70; rangeCurve = "defaultAmpAttenuationCurve"; };
  22. class cfgSoundSets with the said strings and from there to class cfgSoundShaders
  23. Replied to the static weapon shaking on that thread.
  24. We already looked into possible reasons or workarounds but no luck. The issue was pushed to BI, yet they need a simple demo mission - preferably with A3 only, or just IFA3 AIO LITE.