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About .kju

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    Brigadier General

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  1. unbin the command move key actions in controls - since the A3 update you directly control the driver as effective commander, you no longer need these key actions assigned. just the normal move key actions
  2. for search references - system channel is 16 (not 6) [Arma 3 v2.18]
  3. .kju

    Performance after the latest Update yesterday

    please post more specifics about your problems in perf_prof_branch channel
  4. .kju

    Performance after the latest Update yesterday

    is any of you affected on the Arma discord?
  5. .kju

    Performance after the latest Update yesterday

    Are you guys still getting the freezes (mini or longer) with the most recent perf branch? > Fixed: Game would try to re-download Steam Workshop Compositions repeatedly - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171116
  6. .kju

    Performance after the latest Update yesterday

    same without mods? does it matter how many units/objects/trigger/etc are in the mission? or happens even for an empty/new mission in Eden?
  7. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/143053-pvpscene-tweaks/?tab=comments#comment-2302032
  8. .kju

    [SP] German Paratrooper

    any particular reason for taking it down (and you want to share)
  9. should be fixed again with today's dev branch update
  10. @singis tinge if still actual, please contact me via discord DM
  11. make sure to reach out also on arma discord <https://discord.gg/arma> in the server admins channel; also the "european arma events" discord has very experienced admins <https://discord.gg/4Cyvkmk> 1) most likely but others can speak from actual experience 2) both discords should help with that 3) depends very much on factors like all players in same area or not, number and type of vehicles used, use of scripts and mods, etc RedBear (RU community) does/did 150-200 player PvP no respawn events - high count is doable but requires careful setup and good preparation
  12. @mikey74 The rpt is primarily a log file - bidmp/mdmp are the crash logs. Thanks a lot for your kind words! @froggyluv The campaign was designed to be playable alone (or a friend/few friends - next to up to 24 players). Its MP mainly for performance reasons (better with dedicated server use), to have mission parameters for customization and respawn instead of save-load (respawn can be turned off though). We spent a lot of time to make it as playable as possible via custom difficulty adjustment - lower are to be more of a movie experience, while Veteran and Hardcore are the big challenge. The playable slots can be left to AI, which are capable of advancing, finishing mission objectives, revive each other or players, call in supports, etc. So in short we gave our best. Let us know how it goes! 🙏
  13. @mikey74 hm weird - never seen that and cant see how SPE could cause that. 1) please try without mods to rule that out 2) would need to see a video to get a better idea 3) please provide a rpt log of a session with the prob (best to exit right after it happened) ty