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Everything posted by Robster

  1. Robster

    maps under construction:

    An AI focused map impose several constraints for many of the features built in FATA, which is a map specially designed for Project Reality, meant to be played at 3000m view distance max... - fully enclosed perimeters, - massive display of blocking enviroment objects (rocks, big sunken shrubs), - different sort of bridges and pedestrian access, - compounds turned into mazes, - a serpent like asphalt road, - cave system and underground stuff, - wavy dirt roads, - narrow paths, - etc... Basically, a map ready for teamwork PVP gameplay... Thus, if someone get stuck over there we shouldn't be surprised at all... Anyways, I've been trying to run away from some friendly BAF bots after collapsing a Jackal but they have managed to follow me all over the place so far, no matter the turns or paths that I did choose... I also wanted to see if some geometries were working fine, so I made a tank battle test using the whole riverbed area and all of it ran flawlessly... and it was a truly surprise for me ;) Saludos pa toas las washas pelúas hahaha
  2. Robster

    Project Reality: Arma 2

    Since we are months away from anything to release... I can say that I'm feeling proud about the hard work already made by PR team...
  3. Did you try placing you runway straight N-S default size, then adjusting coords to make it perfectly matched for 200 and then rotating the whole thing into it's place? it might be some kind of misalignment... anyways, I had an issue with a single default sized runway piece near to an increased runway strip and everything was exactly coord matched... it was just one piece near the end of runway... never found a fix for it... i think i changed design then... If your are planning to make a custom model consider max sizes (50 square meters, i believe)... perhaps that might be your current issue... runway length exceeds limits ???? saludos!
  4. erm Mr. Max Power was talking about some enviroment map thing some time ago... but he couldn't explain how it could barely work Anyhow, you could make a box like object or light blocking walls -basic geometry casting shadows- so characters inside wont be emitting sunlight... saludeinz!
  5. Robster


    a seamless wall...???? nah! that's not posible it's a fake video hahaha
  6. Robster

    Favslev 2.0

    it's that sort of question from someone who already knows what is talking about ;)
  7. Yes, you can use Wilbur to smooth things... but notice that wilbur process the whole image at once... this means that if you change the highest value (top mountain/hill) or lowest value (deepest underwater spot/ditch/creek) in your terrain, it might affect your whole vertices because it's an image file and it's not directly related to values inside your pbl file... I mean, when you change something in wilbur, it won't change min and max pbl values... So, when you work in a relatively flat terrain you might notice that weird things happen when importing your changed terrain using wilbur... anyways, if you do not master Wilbur usage the best approach is to identify your max and min values areas and leave them alone, so you can work in any area with values in between without having undesired changes... A useful tool for matching your pbl values into wilbur is the span tool (Filter -> Mathematical -> Span...) so you can define min and max values (for these purposes try to use integer values in pbl and wilbur... probably they might change later but it's a good start with a draft terrain... Example: if your pbl says max= 256 and min = -2.75 then you could try the span filter just like max = 25600 and min = -275 (to keep in the integer side of numbers that wilbur likes) Saludos pepon! EDIT: Sorry, perhaps I forgot basics: open pew in visitor, then go to: project -> Export terrain into picture... -> then you save your pbl file as whatever name you want... if you want to keep a tracking record then you can name it as 01.pbl and so on... I use maximal and minimal heights as shown above in gray color... when I use below suggested values it doesn't work for me... so I write my values manually... these values can be changed inside pbl file later using any text editor (I recommend notepad++ freeware and setting C++ as default language for all bis stuff) Then you will get your pbl file and a png from your whole terrain (you can also export selected parts using vertices tool) that png can be opened in wilbur then use span filter to match pbl values as told before... when finished save as png 16 bits format If you want to start with a wilbur image and then make a pbl then go to Surface -> Map Info... to know your highest and lowest values, so when you save your png, you can change corresponding values in pbl... but I can't guarantee exact results everytime since visitor and wilbur seem to process height values in a different way... that's why that span filter is so useful "to talk" to visitor ... that's how a pbl file looks like (this example comes from taviana beta3) //and some comments not so obvious: class cfg { PNGfilename="01.png"; squareSize=50; // this is your cell terrain size, lower values increase terrain resolution but decrease final size of map originX=0; // this means that your selection begins on a corner on the x axis (all terrain was selected) originY=0; // this means that your selection begins on a corner on the y axis minHeight=-50.019199; maxHeight=1007.36; }; chabela!
  8. erm I do understand hahaha It seems to be obvious that uv needs an adjustment ...
  9. Robster

    Weird map issue.

    @smoke: glad to hear that! magic happens also :)
  10. Robster

    Weird map issue.

    @Horner: You say that vis3 does not create layers folder which is not true methinks, otherwise you should be seeing all black, or all white or nothing at all in buldozer... So, if you're not getting layers folder created -as you claim- it might be related to some wrong textures path in config parameters, or some mistake made in your folder arrangement (yourtagname/yourterrainname)... Did you check your folder arrangement (source and data folder) ? Did you check your config parameters (texture path) in visitor ? Are your paths correct inside layers.cfg, config.cpp and rvmats file inside data folder? Are you sure about your mask having just one color? you may use irfanview free image processing tool (open file and press I to know the exact amount of unique colors in your mask) @SmokeDog3PARA(!): you just can't move layers folder... I've tried to point it at somewhere else but visitor place it into the textures folder according to path indicated in config parameters... these paths should match to those in layers.cfg (inside source folder), config.cpp (outside source folder) and rvmat files (located in data folder)... Anyways, your issue might be related to BinPBO PE settings...
  11. it sounds like me a couple of years ago :D double check your tutorials... and you might find what was wrong... also, doing as Gnat says is a good advice... try some 256x256 tiny terrain to get used to master all visitor and binpbo stuff (it might be tricky aswell but you don have to wait that much to see if something was wrong)... then you could try a bigger project confidently... saludoks!
  12. Robster

    Haadur 40km

    40 kms and 1 m per pixel sat map? whooa... it will take some time but it looks really nice so far... and if you're interested in BF2 like maps you should take a look over here... saludos!
  13. Robster

    Weird map issue.

    You talk about "textures" but, as far as I can understand, you have only one color (RGB=0,255,0) painted in your mask, which means that your terrain is displaying just one ground texture and any other will remain undefined so you will see a black ground in those areas... saludos!
  14. Robster

    Can't download file from dropbox.com?

    lol right click over that and choose save link as... (on firefox browser)
  15. Robster

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    I did use liquidpinky's values... and it worked flawlessly... look for his post in this thread... cheers!
  16. To make slopes with constant deviation that blend smoothly with surrounding flat areas you will have to do it manually inside buldozer... - press H key to see an arrow that shows exact terrain vertice... - you can press S key to toggle into "land select mode" (so you won't be using "objects select mode" and no objects will be moved by mistake) - you can use U / I / O keys to move a vertice up 10 cms, 50 cms and 1 meter or more - Yo can use J / K / L keys to move a vertice down 10 cms, 50 cms and 1 meter or more If the area you want to shape is huge... then you should try some external tool just like Wilbur or L3DT (there is a working demo available)... using vertices selection tool you can select a square corresponding to the area you want to change... then use export terrain function in file menu... it will create a pbl file and a png file -you must indicate pbl height values as shown in gray above in the pbl pop up menu not the suggested values shown below- Then you can adjust heights using external tool to import png from Visitor and then reimport the very same png using import terrain tool in visitor file menu...
  17. hahahaha I am such a newbie... hahahaha Now I know how to use the windows menu in visitor !!!! hahahaha You can open two pew files with just one visitor opened hahahah lol
  18. Robster

    Dirty water infection

    many thanks! I did have no idea about your b) suggestion... it looks like a lot of stuff to learn about...
  19. Besides using Mikero's Eliteness, this is what I do when I want to study some specific rvmat: I open the window where my rvmat target is located... usually at ca folder inside p: drive Then I open the window where is located unrap.exe also available from Mikero's tools at dev heaven site Then I drag the rvmat file from one window and I drop it into the other window on top of unrap.exe file and it creates a file with the same name than original rvmat but it puts a .cpp extension... then I can read that info using notepad++ ;) cheers!
  20. Certainly copy&paste is better, cleaner and faster... but how do you manage that process... for instance, when working with some other guy, he sends his work to you and then what... you have two pew files opened at the same time? one pew belongs to your mate and the other pew file is the main whole thing? Because I can't do that... I can't copy&paste directly... ??? EDIT: I also opened a pew file and I copied some stuff... then I closed that pew -not visitor- and then I opened another project with the same template.... but pasting did nothing :(
  21. o.O It seems that I misunderstood something... If I create a new pew file, import corresponding template and then import stuff from a previous pew file it's ok... that works, but it doesn't export custom size... or am I wrong? Also I have had two pew files opened at the same time and copied some objects directly from one to paste them into another and that didn't work... that's what I thought you were saying... regarding proper export of a road network ... I have to define it exactly as source pew file, then you mean I can copy&paste it? because I understand that I have to select each piece of road... then export net... then import net in target pew file and finally set the same coords for fisrt piece of that track... is it ok? or there is a fast way to do that? Saludillos pillos!!!
  22. Robster

    Dirty water infection

    nah... that's ok ... I mean, some tutorial to fully understand what a config is, how it is built and why... then islands config might be explained line by line... but a complete full config... which, as I understand, is much more than the isolated lines that we usually copy&paste... on the map front, the more helpful stuff i could find was CCTOIDE explanations -curiously they can't be found in these forums-, but even him, according to the time he made his analysis, didn't know many things nor could fully explain them... so, I really feel some sort of envi when I read you talking about this stuff as a quite "easy to grasp" thing because that's very difficult for me... and the difficulty i found is because a lack of basics, some kind of "introduction to configs" or C++ & arma basics... so when you go into some BIS wiki you find there many things that are suppoused to be known... which is good somehow when the readers are programmers, engineers and coders... but we are mortal players looking for having some fun with our stuff... well, probably many of you had a long time reading that kind of criptic spells and have even more years "ofping"... so I won't complain anymore ...