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Posts posted by DAP

  1. So, here it is:


    VERSION: 1.0



    Full multiplayer support for all features

    More artefacts and items (tent, flashlight, etc)

    Stalkers can carry backpacks

    More agressive and dangerous mutants

    Respawn for NPC, mutants, zombied stalkers and atrefacts

    Menu scenes

    Loading screens


    Trading (artefacts)

    Random quests (artefacts, items)

    Factions relations

    Joining to factions

    Rankings (from "novice" to "legendary")

    Progress saving (even on disconnect)

    Respawn position saving (via tents)

    Secrets and caches

    NOTE: All in one archive (all addons and missions included in one archive)

    WARNING: STALKER MOD requires only ARMA2: CO. Beta patches can cause bugs and glitches, so I reccomend do not use any beta patches.

  2. you misunderstand,

    in your mission VAS is not working!

    the translation entries for VAS are missing and this does not depend on language, either Arma will fall back to English if there a language is not translated.

    VAS depends since an update on his stringtable.xml,

    copy that stuff in your strintable.csv does not work.

    VAS will then not initialize.

    Very strange, because this mission works for me fine :D VAS works fine, and all buttons in VAS menu have text :D When I return home I will check it again: download my own mission from armaholic FTP and will try to open VAS in game :)

    I try only to help you ;)

    I understand this, thanks :D But how I can fix bug if I can't reproduce it? :)

  3. VAS got updated and use new a stringtable.xml for translation.

    Your mission has too a stringtable.csv for translation.

    Mmmm... actually I just take strings from VAS stringtable.xml and add them into my stringtable.csv :) What your language? Beacuse I played on English, Russian and French.. and all was fine :)


    Current version: 1.45


    • Added new mission: Insurgency on Altis (field commanders in VIP corteges, UAV Operators and drones included)
    • Updated Virtual Ammo Box script (version 2.0)
    • Updated AI First Aid Support script
    • Removed missions without VAS

    All links updated.

  5. So you can't carry? The picture shows you carrying someone?

    Still no. But soon this will change :)

    Also, states "Improved: Capturing wounded enemy units", how does this work?

    Find any wounded hostile unit. Heal him. Now he is your prisoner :)

    Would love to add capture and interrogation to some of my missions. This sounds cool!

    It already work in one my mission. You can capture and interrogate insurgent leaders.

    Last, can you compare & contrast yours with =BTC= Revive script? Using that right now...

    In BTC Revive you can't die. When you being killed, you can be revived by friendly players. And only by players. With my script you can die with one shot. If you got bullet in head, as example. But, if you was injured, then you can be healed by any friendly unit (AI or player). Also my script work on all units, including AI (if AI unit was wounded, then you or other AI can drag him in safe place and heal him).

    Can this be used in Single player?

    If so can someone give me idiot-proof instructions as I can't seem to get it to work following the example on the first page!

    Yes. It works in SP and MP.

    Simple instruction:

    1. Create new mission in editor

    2. Add some units, some waypoints. Whatever you want.

    3. Save your mission.

    3. Open DAPMAN folder from archive and copy all from this folder into your mission folder.

    4. Reload your mission in editor.

    5. Now script will work.

    More details you can find in ReadME (included in archive).

  6. DAP, will you allow me (or us) to upload missions to steamworks using this script when the system is available?

    Of course you can :)

    Can you carry people now? I really want something like this lol....

    Soon :)


    Current version: 0.2.5


    • Changed: Wounded crew member can't shoot
    • Changed: Script not removes Medkits and FirstAidkits
    • Improved: Capturing wounded enemy units
    • Added: Now you can drag wounded units while prone
    • Fixed: "Script initJIPcompatible.sqf not found" message

    All links was updated.

  7. Great updates, DAP! Is there a possibility that you can look into placing weapon caches in Alga Marina (or whatever the town is called)?

    I have made an edited version of the mission where Alga Marina is under enemy occupation and I additionally moved two caches from the North side of the map into the town. The result is amazing. There are some fierce firefights that take place there. Trying to clear out buildings looking for two weapon caches while under heavy enemy fire is an intense experience. Just a little suggestion.

    I already thinks about it, but I afraid that Insurgents will be able to fire in BLUFOR helicopters on airfield from town :) That why I excluded this town from possible cache places.

    Yes, But I mean the more "standard" revive options, you have the option to stay down for X minutes until a medic revives you or you have a respawn button if noone can help you.

    For example: BTC Revive or INS revive scripts.

    I will try do something with this :)

    Hello, first - thanks for great game mode! Second - got some trouble with it. )

    Stuck in spectator mode joining the server, can switch between players, first or third person view, but not respawn or do anything. Any ideas?

    Which server? :) Because in my original mission no any "spectator mode" :)

  8. Hi, Tonic. I have a strange problem with VAS. When I try to open VAS menu I always get message: "VAS hasn't finished loading yet". Even after a long time from mission start (actually, nothing changes during whole mission). I found that it caused by WaitUntil command in fn_MainInit.sqf:

    _handle = [] execVM "VAS\KRON_Strings.sqf";

    waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};

    But what is most strange: VAS works fine for other players on server. In my mission I removed WaitUntil commands and add simple sleep 5; After those changes all works fine even for me. What can cause this problem?


    Current version: 1.40


    • Added: 2 missions with Virtual Ammobox Script.
    • Fixed: Insurgents leader not fired at BLUFOR.
    • Fixed: HQ can accept evac\transport request even if no available helicopters on base.
    • Other minor fixes.

    All links updated.

  10. Has anyone actually managed to get the Evac/Transport support to work??


    I've tried everything posted in this thread and still no help?

    Evac works fine but, not transport!

    If at base,tried getting in all the Ghosthawks but just kicks you straight back out?

    You must set coordinates of LZ. You can set it via map: open map - place cursor on destination - call the transport (0-8-2). If distance between your position and destination is too small (less than 500 m), then your request will be rejected. Also, if distance between destination and base is too small (again, 500m), then your request will be rejected too.


    Current version: 1.35


    • Added: EBR and Binoculars in ammo boxes on BLUFOR Base.
    • Added: Empty UH-80 on airfield.
    • Fixed: Random caches suicide.
    • Fixed: Player can't throw grenades after loading of saved loadout.

    All links updated.

  11. You wouldn't include a virtual ammo box, would you?

    Unfortunately, VAS not work properly with BETA (or I doing something wrong) and I can't add it in my mission now.

    Hey man, just letting you know the UH-80s are not usable.... or is that supposed to be the way?

    They all have AI in them and once you get in, it kicks you out

    not sure if that was the idea, but the AH-9 IS usable... just thought i'd let you know.

    All fine. Those UH-80 - transport helicopters with AI pilots. If you want use them, then just call transport via support menu (0-8).

    Anyway, here is new update:


    Current version: 1.30


    • Changed: Caches locations, insurgents weapons
    • Added: More weapons, items (caps) and attachments in ammo boxes on BLUFOR Base.
    • Fixed: Save\Load gear option.

    All links updated.
