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Everything posted by DankTank

  1. Thanks I have done this, the problem is then the AI is really stupid and does not face the correct direction. When I try to have them commandWatch or doWatch they ignore that.
  2. Quick question not sure if this has ever been answered...too much to look for. I have a mission where I have units inside a building 'doStop' but as soon as they detect a threat they will switch to combat mode and proceed to move around however they want. Vanilla they dont have there combat mode changed and they stay put untill they are told to move. I need them to stay put with ACE enabled :(
  3. Hate to be rude, but I have done this exact same thing with only the use of the search button and I have zero coding knowledge except for what I read....and this is something really so simple (after you read) and I can't understand how it gets so many replys when the legit questions get ignored. Really...this is in one of the first tutorials I read. Place boat...name it...transport unload wp...place group...name it...addincargo...getout wp...sync with transport unload wp...wow magic.
  4. Hey man no problem, keep up the great work! Any update you can provide is a service to the community it does not matter how fast you work. Thanks for your hard work. ---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ---------- If I am using "[group this,getPos this, 25] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;" in one of the opfor units waypoints will they still be used for building search dutys? Or since they are busy with a patrol they wont be pulled from that script? Im needing to know if I need to have different groups for the patrol/defends and just have the building searchers on a cycle waypoint. sorry for so mayn dumb questions :rolleyes:
  5. Been away for a while. I have since downloaded the latest version...are the blocksearchers still being used? I don't ever see them move. I really enjoy this script, I was wondering if you would consider an option to have the AI goto rooftops and fight from the rooftops of zargabad :P Also it seems there is issues with the larger 3 story buildings they dont seem to enter and hold position or maybe it is having trouble selecting that specific building with "NEAREST". Any chance on entering a building ID?
  6. DankTank

    Different weapons for units

    removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9"; this addWeapon "M9"; this addMagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9"; this addMagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9";
  7. Good work. I look forward to the JTD_arraySearch.sqf so I can populate zargabad with baddies :P
  8. I like the new version. Few things, it seems the fired EH only works when I stand in front of the AI and shoot then they react and start to building search.(maybe it is just me) Is it possible to use the firednear so if I fire close enough from the enemy they will react? Also with the 'all units occupy', do they occupy my 5 last known positions? Can I have them occupy a certain radius or specific buildings? All these possiblities would be great to add to the immersion. I look forward to 50% or more of zargabad buildings being occupied and 'controlled' by enemy forces. Patrols on foot in the streets while occasionaly entering buildings to clear them. If shots are fired the units that hear will respond to the area and start occupying and clearing buildings So far all the building search stuff is working great. I dont see the 'blockSearchers' doing anything anymore.
  9. Thanks for the new script. I tested it and I get no results. I added it to one of the opfor init lines and shot right next to them to see if they move... no dice.
  10. _EHfirednear1 = this addEventHandler ["firednear", {_this exec "JTD_trigSearchInit.sqf"}] Is this how I should go about the eventhandler? :D ***I think I see a problem already, im using exec instead of execVM for sqf Q.Q
  11. _EHfirednear1 = this addEventHandler ["firednear", {_this exec "firednear.sqs"}] This seems to work in the init of a unit.
  12. just tested it and I get the chat message that I have fired while in MP. If you are testing in SP editor maybe thats why you dont see the message? How would I go about using this in perhaps only a certain area? Would it work in a trigger and change "} foreach playableunits in thislist;" ?(I have no scripting knowledge other than the search button). Also I would like to trigger a script that we be a simple waypoint to search and destroy the unit that fired _unit = _this select 0; _group = group _unit; _waypoint0 = _group addwaypoint[ARMY,0]; _waypoint0 setwaypointtype"SAD"; _waypoint0 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _waypoint0 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; or the building patrol script.
  13. The 'fired' event handler combined with your building patrol is sort of my goal in my mission. random patrols that actually enter the buildings...which also converge on your location if your engaged etc. Im not sure but it seems they already communicate and do this when I use the SLX mod(minus enter buildings)??. I normally use ACE and I an starting to enjoy with SLX. I am however using CO with no mods to test this first. here is a sample of my mission to get a better idea of what im doing. Im also wanting to limit the SOM/missions to inside the same area I have the ACM limited to. The city of zargabad is the hotzone. http://www.mediafire.com/?wb3xhzpzgt1wtas
  14. Can I have a look at the updated version please? :P I am not sure which to use the AHP or yours. I have only tested both using sample missions... I am aiming for completely random patrols utilizing ALL the buildings in zargabad and once they are engaged with the enemy(me) they will enter the surrounding buildings and storm a building if im hiding in it. With the AHP I dont see too much activity in terms of going in a building to chase after me. I also never seem to see them enter the mosque. So far I think yours works better in terms of them actually entering the buildings after me in zargabad. A few times I seen them in the distance up on roof and started shooting at me. Was very cool and the type of experience i am looking for. Using the ACM I can get a good random battle but they never enter any buildings so I am in need of somthing like this. Besides adding a few groups is it possible the units spawned from ACM run this script?
  15. So I take it there is no way to blacklist area's? I am going to have to change my entire mission around to make up for this by; A.) Placing my HQ in the center of zargabad and use the mosque as my starting location for the SOM. This would eliminate my problem. Not what I want to do as I want an airfield etc. B.) Add a ridiculous ammount of triggers in the city of zargabad to create SOM missions. Definatley sounds worse than A. C.) Use another addon to create random missions inside zargabad and reserve SOM for long range missions outside of zargabad
  16. So basically I have a sandbox type mission on zargabad. I have placed Ambient Civilians(expansion)/Vehicles/Combat/Animals along with Functions/Surrendering/GarbageCollector. I have my HQ in the airfield west to zargabad and limited all ACM activity to zargabad. I have my markers set and triggers for the animals so everything works perfect in that aspect. Complete random populated city of zargabad...with animals and civilians roaming around. The minimum distance is not a viable option as it will create missions 300m WEST of zargabad instead of only to the EAST inside zargabad. I want to use all the BIS modules without any need for any crazy CPU intensive scripts or addons. Unless there is another SOM type module with the voice overs included I am dedicated to BIS's SOM. I have read every single page regarding the SOM and there is nothing about this. Can I get a reply direct from BIS regarding the ability to blacklist? Also is there any COMPLETE documentation on how to create SecOps?
  17. DankTank


    You obviously didn't read at all either...we both stated we unassociated it with PBO's. Thank you come again.
  18. DankTank


    This should be flagged as spam. Go crawl back in your hole please. That is not the problem... while we use the search why dont YOU try reading?
  19. DankTank


    for some odd reason, I had cpbo working fine before. now I have OA and it refuses to work. Same issue as you.
  20. I can tell you personally ACM/SOM/CIV/VEHICLES all work in zargabad. I have had 2 ACM's running in zargabad :rolleyes: I can post a sample if you need it
  21. DankTank

    Blacklisting areas

    I also need a way to blacklist area's with the SOM. Everything else works so far in SP...but If I cant blacklist areas the SOM becomes useless. I would even take a whitelist. (zargabad :o )
  22. After reading 37 pages to my dissapointment there is no answer on how to BLACKLIST an area from the SOM? I am using ACM and SOM, I want the same exact blacklist area as my ACM. I basically have my base in the airfield and I only want units spawning inside zargabad. Changing the minimum radius will keep them out of my base obviously, but then they spawn 300m away from zargabad. Please add "BIS_SOM_X" or some method to blacklist.
  23. I am not able to populate a second town when it is placed. I have debug mode enabled for the Civilian Module and it doesn't ever detect the second town.
  24. DankTank

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76973

    Thanks for the reply. Very impressive support from BIS...the support is so good it is now a hostile enemy to other companys. Thanks again to the 'war machine' at BIS. :D