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Everything posted by gammadust
Mine was kind of a rethorical one. But to make it clear (I tought I had been more explicit somewhere): "Funny" dice are rolling, and they aren't going to stop any soon. (EDIT: Quotes) Germany vs Greece: Will the secret weapon be playing for the winning side again? Or referees may also get replaced nowadays? ur5fGSBsfq8 ---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 AM ---------- "Much of the world is experiencing a recession." Media keeps telling otherwise! I wonder why... Per capita wealth is terribly insuficient to assert anything in regards to sustainability of the system. You have 8 I have 2, on average we have 5. Bellow subsistence is 4, you're in great shape forever and acumulate 4 per month, I die in 2 weeks. Economist looks at average, tells Polititian everything is ok. The problem is that after I am dead there will be one less producing and one less consuming. You can stress that system up to a point! Gini Coefficient. There comes the dogma again. Putting a man in orbit around the earth was also a "utopia-like fairytale", laying an American step on the Moon as also a "utopia-like fairytale", etc etc...! And that was dealing with natural phenomena (orders of magnitude more chaotic, but still having intelligible laws to discover), nevermind a System which is human product - artificial (no matter how complex, still obbeys man made laws). You are assuming defeatism ("there is nothing we can do") while regarding yourself as an optimist ("we will all do just fine")! This is the explosiveness of your position. "Energy requirements force on us Nuclear, there is no way it can harm us!" Again of again: "Eppur si muove!" - "And yet it moves!" "Like I said, lowest common denominator." You really could question stuff more! How many have-nots to make a rich? Total US net worth in 2007 $65 trillion. In mathematics, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the least common multiple of the denominators of a set of vulgar fractions. It is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of the denominators. Any special reason any redistribution of wealth could only be obtained by finding a totally abstract entity as is a "multiple of the denominators", specifically, "smallest positive integer"? EDIT---- I had to add the exercise: I have 1/8 you have 1/6, someone else has 17/24 > LCD = 1/24 That would mean in total there is 1, after redistribution would end up 3/24 in total (each of us as 1/24), meaning that somehow 21/24 simply vanish in the air! Why not making the average of the total to get an idea of something you think is even more "utopia-like fairytale". While averaging it, does wealth disappear? EDIT2---- How about a self-test? Think the previous values are totaly out of touch, unrealistic? So did I! Overestimation? Launch notepad and fill these values: (In column _ 1 _ fill in your estimation of respective value.) (In column _ 2 _ fill in the value that you would regard as "fair" or "ideal".) Wealth distribution in the United States. _ 1 _ _ 2 _ Top 20% Wealth owned _____ % | _____ % (in percentage of total wealth in US) Second-highest 20% Wealth owned _____ % | _____ % Middle 20% Wealth owned _____ % | _____ % Second-lowest 20% Wealth owned _____ % | _____ % Bottom 20% Wealth owned _____ % | _____ % Cross check your values with the following: Be fair with yourself, have you filled in the values / have them in your memory?
Many testing (keep track of results) and patience... check Config Inheritance, might clear it up.
If I may prolong the bad taste in my mouth with the joke... How would those 80-85% be characterized? More likely the powerless, disenfranchized of the global population, in the base of the wealth piramid, or its inverse? I would say we would get pretty much the same result if instead we could point to the remaining 15-20%, going by the first characterization. And for that matter we could just point to a 0.000001% and get the same result still, as long as we mantain the characterization... More bitter-sweet taste now at least. /lalaland over We all know what we're talking about: War - massive destruction of people, wealth and infrastructure, right? In perspective: WWI Casualties - about 1% world population (16,500,000 in 1,700,000,000) WWII Casualties - about 3% world population (70,000,000 in 2,200,000,000) WWIII Casualties - ??? 1] MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) 2] PR (Public Relations lack of effectiveness) That guy keeps comming up over and over... geeeez! Suggestive much? By Design or by Chance?
take a look at this thread here I've been a bit busy right now and could not update my custom macro to be english keyboard compatible. But you find instructions on that thread to make it so. Next weekend I might publish it properly along with instructions (recognized voice commands list). Also take a look at my GAM Player Mute addon which you might find useful to combine with, whichever software you use for SR.
and your original quote I am not contesting the fact by itself (did not even check my sources), what seems implied underneath when you present the fact is that it constitutes a good (or perhaps the best) measure of what one could designate as a "successful policy". If this is a wrong assumption on my part, what was your point when presenting that fact? This was what I found "debatable" (again, not the fact), hence I tried to offer you an alternative on an agreeable "successful policy" measure. And I am sure there is many more ways to evaluate that. I just pointed one that also leads to my next point: Sustainability - How polemic could this be? How could ever this word be out of any kind of long term planning? Stability - Dependent on internal equilibriums, wealth, living conditions, etc... (I am talking globally of course, that is where we're at - Globalized Everything) I am all talking common sense here, I am sure, scientifically it is much more deep. Could we agree on what are "policy" basic requirements for one to consider it "successful"? There is no point in deepening the conversation if not. There is our basic disagreement. If not by what those 2 centuries of trends show... (again I am not checking too much sources). I point to you the present state of affairs. Finance is at the brink of total colapse, Economy is risking being wiped by financial interests, Politics and Governments are corrupt and bankrupt (in this order), Media is in lunacy mode (totaly disconnected with the real deal - by design), World is at the brink my friend. That is not successful, or something "working". My bold. That is of course your prerrogative, we disagree. That is the unquestionable belief (dogma) of current Economists, those inner to the system, in absolute compromise with Capitalist System. Of course... Again: "Eppur si muove!" - "And yet it moves!" You mention "fairness" as if we're talking about two kids in school, one which copied in his examination and got an A, and the other which studied for it but couldn't achieve better than a C. Result one gets a good place in the work market and the other barely goes through. Guess what is unfair? "Fairness" (which was your wording) but in the sense tha I am trying to bring up is related with stability. How can a society mantain itself, if increasingly, large parts of it barely survive, of course there will be a rupture (not a rapture btw). Look at greece... look at Iceland... Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, without "fairness" in the proper sense there is no stability, hence society does not hold. I could also bring up the point that is what we have legislation for, a common society standard without which civilization could not distinguish itself from barbarism. If that legislation on the other hand furthers imbalances... I think you get my point. The basic flaw of current economists, is, in their desperate pride and lunacy expect the Earth resources are infinite, that Human ingenuity will solve any problem in useful time no matter how oblivious it is to the essence at hand (look at Fukushima and the nuclear imbroglio), that Order arises from Chaos, all of this as a given. Assumptions uppon assumptions, unmeasured consequences uppon disasters. All this when what one has to do is exercise "cautinionary optimism" (copy-cat an alpinist climbing a mountain, don't bet your life in a rock you are not totally sure is stable). Back to the real deal, equate that with AAA ratings by S&P, Fitch and Moody's, which was the rating on Lehman Brothers the same day it filed for bankrupcy (sorry if any imprecision on this statement, but it was something on these lines), creditors of which where scattered around the world, this was straight down a criminal rating by respective agencies! Why aren't they accountable for this... (I just have no words) We're talking about something much deeper than "fairness".
Where was I ever so specific in stating that US was "capitalist" in those decades? The pulled up graphic stretches back to 1945. You felt the need the bring up USSR as term for comparison? Don't follow me... I am also lost. But since you mention those decades, right in the middle of them you have indeed FDR signing the infamous Glass-Steagall Act. Which actually brings us to where I am trying to focus the discussion, the present, or 1999 when it was repealed, and its 2008 consequence. Here's a bold one: Would 2008 result, disputably, in the biggest capitalist burst ever to happen - Greater than the Great Depression one, was it not for this Act repeal. Having present that it insured Commercial Banking was safely separated from Investment one? It was this blind neo-liberalism, under which Clinton repealed this Act (while his constituency was happily diverted with THE bubblejob "of the century" by some fine a lady) that busted... (shall I name them all or only part?) Lehman xxx, Bear xxx, etc, etc.. Not only that, but with irreversible global consequences in foreign economies. And that's even bolder in terms of responsability! Damage is done and has a name on it... it isn't Clinton! It was the bubblejob, of course!! Was then this the kind of "public policy (government intervention)" that was so bad for the economy? I call that a self-preservation belt! I am afraid to crap out if not wearing it while flexing muscles... I "know zero" about so many things even myself have no idea! US history, a large chunk of it indeed! Might my conclusions be so mitigated by that fact that we should just garbage it?
Debatable of course... Allow me to prioritize other standards of measure on succesful policy (Gini Coefficient): (click for full size - shall I also add "lower is better" no pun intended) Note US and China, curiously... It was also during Capitalism expansion that humanity endured 2 World Wars, add to that, that here and there its main centers promoted one major local conflict per year since the 1945 (poetic license, yes, but something in that order of magnitude nevertheless). For something which "It's certainly not perfect" is not doing bad at all but in the opposite side of "Perfection"! Who verifies that? Current economists/political/social scientists, those who have failed miserably, those who are hostage to the system itself, and brought us where we are today? I wouldn't expect any less of them! "Eppur si muove!" - "And yet it moves!"
"Any atempt to change the system is futile", "yes" leave it to the inner enthropy of the system to sort it self out, "no" leave it to "invisible hand" to make up for it, "maybe" leave to the cartels to decide uppon, "better yet" let the governments deregulate it totaly. There's a nice trend alright! "Even better" humans have created a "frankenstein" they have lost control upon, to the point that killing him is the only way out! Hopeless, impotence is the only things left for economists to study, there can be no better economists than those who exist today! The End of History! Or all of the above is bullocks, we don't need any of it, Capitalist System is just fine and is perfectly self-sustainable! NOPE! Once humanity relied on the belief that the earth was flat, static and orbited by the sun... "Eppur si muove!" - "And yet it moves!"
Very happy to hear that! :) I tried to be careful when copying and altering for the diferent voice mute modes involved. Could not totally vouch for BAF/PMC since I don't have them, but there was a good chance of no trouble. Hopefully there won't be much bugs, such as some missing sentences (BAF/PMC specific sentences if they exist only in the full DLC for ex.) not being muted or whatever. You'll end up my beta testers if you post your findings, which are welcome and will, as possible, be corrected for the final version.
Yep... I hate this complex hierarchy stuff too. From the config.cpp you took those full classes check each parent until you're root. Sometimes successfully only the parent is required to be imported as an external class, but just import all the parents if you have trouble. Also check the name of the addon in CfgPatches where you have all that and: class CfgPatches { class YOUR_ADDON_NAME { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.7; requiredAddons[] = {"PUT_HERE_ARMA_ADDON_NAME"}; }; }; I confess this is something I am not totaly clear about too, but I have managed. Also a good place to check for class dependencies/hierarchies/versions even ACE occurences > Six Config Browser
Could this explain?... "Currently only normal characters are affected, if the player is set as a Special Character (Miles/Cooper/etc from "Razor Team" or Raynolds/Asano/etc from PMC) voice will still be heard" Basic testing, I did, shows that the following Editor placed groups do mute: Side: BLUFOR /Independent Faction: BAF / PMC Type: Infantry (desert) / (MTP) Name: Section / Fireteam / VIP Bodyguard Note: I only have BAF/PMC (lite), this could explain an exception to what I am saying. Just tested some randomly and all Player units are affected. Voice used: "Only Text (Partial Mute)", further testing might be prudent. Indeed the Special Characters are a bugger. PvPScene actually put me on the right track and I found a way around it but I do have to change the unit config, resulting in an inelegant solution. Makes it permanent to character, even ignoring the chosen voice in your Player Profile. I suspect that is so because these units have a special initialization: class FR_Miles: FR_Base { // identityTypes[] = {"Miles"}; // this is the normal identity, crossreferences with CfgIdentities class and RadioProtocol used // class EventHandlers: EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) setidentity ""Miles"""; HandleIdentity = "true"; // these appear to be a requirement for missions/campaign handling }; // }; The inelegant workaround: class CfgIdentities { class Miles { name = "Miles"; face = "Default"; glasses = "BlackSun"; speaker = "Male02EN_A2"; //This is the name of the voice, and I can set this one up to get the intended result, but is not dynamic pitch = 1.0; }; //
"PhD" was symbolic of the academia and any degree therein. It is far from my intention to divert you from whatever you want to produce knowledge on, or any one for that matter. If anything, as much regard as "economics" deserve from me in the present... is a total reform/evolution, change of paradigm. Don't think you need to apologize for anything, this is a discussion, no one disrespected any normalcy. Don't take the argument on its head either, I am not asking for you to weaken your points, nor blaming anyone per se if not only trying to identify the original cause/event chain. In truth you just triggered a reaction from me, which I actually recognized as perhaps misplaced if it was viewed as directed to you. Nevertheless I found it still pertinent to this topic not to shread it to the delete key.
That is the authoritative argument, not the wisest at this point in time, since in retrospect (and imo) the most conspicous influence, in the society, a Communications (on Public Relations) degree have is Manufacturing of Consent/Dissent, in other words, plain opinion mediation/manipulation. Business Admin? What for unless you're the big fish (read: unless you have the big capital/investors behind)? Or do you really believe the market we have is free? Economics? Even a blind man sees the direct responsability they share in current state of the system: - political subjugation to economic interests (corruption), terribly related to law making and law execution, and their mixing up - mass bancrupcy, bail outs (privatize profit & socialize debts => "Look look, how liberal I am, lets nationalize this bancrupt bank" LOL - red scare does not apply now!) - deregulation lobies (further exacerbating the problem, this is actually in its genesis "Glass-Steagal Act" revocation) - etc... etc... The blind man is in fact only as blind to these issues as he is to the extent current Public Relations firms are successful in their task, conceal/divert from what is happening in politics/economics/finance/war. In my country we have a saying: "Worse than a blind man is the one who refuses to see." I would add "... or that lets himself have his eyes patched." Fortunately people in general are awakening [brzezinsky dix it "Global Political Awakening"], REALITY is hiting them directly and gaining more importance in their truth criteria (forming own opinions) more than any perverse mediation their're injected. PR firms are evermore failing, powers-that-be are getting nervous with the lack of effectiveness. Overall... those PhDs in those areas of knowledge don't convince me at all. They have for decades been failing their examinations, consistently! Unfortunately, as a terribly biased product of the current education system they're part of the problem... not the solution. They have been totally falsified by Reality, not even they'r own peers. "I have a PhD guys, humble down, I know what I am talking about!" Does not stick with me! I see it happen first hand, bring up whatever courtain words you might, just smoke and mirrors at the current state of affairs. This is nothing personal Ludwig, for all I know you could even be dissenting from the mainstream, and pointing the system flaws objectively, even following the only "Authority" I actually respect - scientific method - to reach your conclusions, but you accidentaly tickled a nerve there. /rant over
If you're not modifying any of that, you don't need to reinclude all that in your config. Just invoke them as needed addMagazine. If you are modifying it, then try adding the parent class for each of those: class ThrowMuzzle; class GrenadeHand; class HandGrenadeMuzzle : ThrowMuzzle { ... //(you only need to include the statements where values have been modified here) };
Attidude of many forum members regarding Arma 3
gammadust replied to Undeceived's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
yep... my brain must have missed some exit condition in my answer for loop routine. :p My bolds. Pretty debatable that "superior" part. My opinion on this is: Of course, prioritize and get the combat aspects right first (AI improvement specially, fixes and new features), import know how from TOH experience into Arma, keep it simple enough not to become impenetrable for a keyboard pilot while improving realism. Tough compromise to strike yes but can be translated to "just up the flight sim aspect a notch". -
I have that present (that's why I cut the timeframe in half as an hipothesis). Still sceptical... This is a given for Arma 2 then, it essencially depends on the ability to parallelize whatever process, or fragment it in independent instructions.
to get you going, you can check this, unfortunately these are PT keyboard dependent, where character "\" should be "~" for an english keyboard, open up included files (in notepad) and replace those chars. Check this other thread where you can find more info. I am in the process of updating them to english and include instructions along with it. Cheers Foxhound! :cheers:
It took 3/4 years since we have quadcores for aplications to take advantage of it... I am sceptical if we're going to cut that timeframe to half for the same to happen. As long as BIS implements it in A3 I will probably jump in that octocore stuff though.
Sound Editing Program
gammadust replied to bigshotking's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Audacity actually does it, in a way. Check: Effect > Equalization > Select Curve > "AM Radio" (or "Telephone" for a more pronounced effect) -
Just to stress that Suchy_ originates the method to implement it. I just built it from there adding some features along the way. Hope you guys enjoy it :)
I should remind you guys... Instanced Tesselation is a technique that enables tesselation in the DX10 path. It is redundant in DX11 context which supports the feature natively, with no workarounds. Let me also add that this method is indeed still affected by a "stepping" side effect (similar to LOD switching), whereas the native DX11 is totally smooth.
Where are unit names stored?
gammadust replied to Laqueesha's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
if I understand you right they're here: under "class GenericNames" in bin.pbo in Arma folder\Dta for Combined Operations you might have to look also same file but under Arma folder\Expansion\dta -
This reminds me of the equivalent Laudness War between commercials and adjacent programming. At the responsability of TV broadcasters and their urge to value commercial interludes, since they don't know what subtlety is, they overshot the percieved loudness. Ultimately resulting in a backfire because, according to studies, people started to counter it with volume mute and channel zapping.
"instead of pasted on" == "instead of copied over from existing models" ??
Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???
gammadust replied to guiltyspark's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Yes... I have to agree with this! A friend of mine would spend hours "educating" himself with REAL gore stuff, he would try to share with me his findings and no matter how repulsed and pointless that was to me, he always found it "funny". Not so much, at best internet is a reflection of what is actually society imposed values/ education. These ultimately are exacerbated by the anonimity factor. Indeed there's a growing mutual influence between those. Internet is as much a product as is a factor in what society is becoming. On a personal note, and perhaps against the above experience, as an avid L4D player, depictions therein don't shock me at all. I am not sure if it is only because they're zombies and not humans (player characters don't get the same visual treatment when injured) being depicted in gorish ways, but if also in light of the Uncanny Valey hipothesis, curiosly "zombie" is part of that hipothesis as the apex of the unfamiliarity with human resemblance. I must be too aware (less immersed) that L4D is infact a game for my own response to be that of rejection. Might just happen the inverse with those which have the fetish you mention. Bordering some kind of psicopathy maybe.