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Everything posted by gammadust

  1. There are 4 types of FPS imo (independently of visual realism): EDIT And I believe there is a lot of fun to be had at any of these catagories 1 Fraggers (UT Series, Quake, etc) 2 Fast paced but soldier movement realistic (COD, Bad Company) 3 Tactical "shooters" (Battlefield series, oldies such as Delta force) 4 Battle Simulation (Arma series) I mentioned only some of those I played. I was definitely hoping for BF3 filling the #3 gap to me. From what I have seen both Alpha and Beta + trailers and various gameplay footage, my hopes are definitely lost. I was considering the jumping into the Beta to see for myself, but I won't even need to unfortunately. This and that Origin business, is simply a no-no at the current time, not for 50 bucks. Maybe, just maybe, if it happens to drop into a Steam weekend offer... and those are 2 "no-no"s in EA's point of view. I will happily wait for Arma 3, and rush myself some fast action with BC2 in the meanwhile. I am disappointed at DICE indeed.
  2. gammadust

    AI spotting enemys per clock

    This is true, but misses part of the problem. My memory is a bit fuzzy now, but from what I remember when skimming trough the radio protocol what it does is exacly that but from different reference directions depending on god knows which: Sometimes it is in relation of the squad movement Sometimes it is in relation to the intended recipient of the message (squad leader) Sometimes it is in relation to the unit's own direction. EDIT: the fourth one I was forgeting is when the target called out is of the type "ENEMY 100m AT THAT BUSH/GRID" (this is dealt with in the same region of the config. These 3 are for sure, from what I remember, and basically, the engine chooses depending on how distant the emmiter and the reciever actually are, but it is not open to inspection. What I could do was reduce the probability of one or other to be always the same, be it in regards to the player. Check my signature for more. :) In regards to the muting of radio chatter I believe there are addons for that. You should be able to find one. ACE is one but is a bit of an overkill only for that...
  3. gammadust

    ITV fakes terrorist footage using ARMA II

    One more video from the same uploader/recreator? using Arma: dw1fQ10zKcg The thing is that real footage is mixed with virtual footage in this apparent "History and News Channel". This goes 2 ways: Either goes George Orwell^2 or you go Sqroot(Wachowsky).
  4. gammadust

    ITV fakes terrorist footage using ARMA II

    RPS = Rock Paper Shotgun The rest... don't bite if you don't feel like it :)
  5. gammadust

    ITV fakes terrorist footage using ARMA II

    User uploaded "documentary" segment has been taken offline :j: Let me reproduce my comment on RPS: The chart has replaced territory many decades ago. Much more deeply than one can understand… and not only by simple visual interpretations, myth has reached its operative enablers in the realm of tought/language as well. This is the single most consequencial problem humanity faces, superficially designated as lack of critical thinking…
  6. gammadust

    Terrorattack in Norway's capital, Oslo.

    Love and compassion to those Norwegians closely affected by this tragedy. I mourn for their loss, but also for our own loss. Among many recent news of world wide impact, this one fightens me, as I am sure, many other people. There is an almost indescribable novelty in this event at cause for this. I will refrain from specifying my fear, I will only say that the only thing that conforted my mind, in between all the media noise, was this statement by Jens Stoltenberg regarding Norway's response: Indeed, and I am already giving in what scares me, this terrorist attack appears designed, not simply to maim life, but to shatter a deeply rooted system of human values, not only in Norway but elsewhere. To this, the proper response could only be the voiding of that same purpose. I hope this is the line of thought that rings true in that Stoltenberg statement. Also in a grave note, I whish to make another point (WOT follows - spoiler in order): I am sharing, since that day, the Norwegian: "United and loyal until the mountains of Dovre crumble".
  7. gammadust

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Get your story straight: Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors further: On Libya: 10 June 2011 - Libya's opposition to get more than $US1bn ---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ---------- June 12, 2011 Breaking News: I would be violating rule #6 of this forum (no post of explicit links or images), you have to rely on yourself to figure the source out.
  8. gammadust

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Libyan rebel group sells first oil to U.S
  9. gammadust

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    February 15, 2011 - This is Hillary Clinton's response to those violations of Freedom of Speech (Mubarak switches Internet off on the 26 Jan 2011, Gaddafi does the same on 19 Feb 2011) skip to 35s for the action, might be interesting to hear what she says though, it helps to put in perspective the whole story. My29YT1T4R4 Aftermath (slightly graphic):
  10. gammadust

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Chomsky, holder of one of the Widest Insights in Geopolitics I came across. Bear in mind he is a Linguistics academic. Contrast that with the journalist's: Comparing Bush and Blair against Obama, Chomsky qualifies Obama has "worse". JPaxman's (interviewer) reaction: "Why...!?" That wasn't even a sceptic "How is Obama worse than the previous?", it was fragmented mind and totally oblivious "Why are you hurting me? Why do you say that? Stop!" Check video for his answer. It worths it! (keep in mind also we are talking about a Peace Nobel :pill:) Also interesting his point on the "Fanatic Religious Belief" when mentioning the "Efficient Market Hypothesis" and how it dominated the Economics profession that gave birth to the $ (trillions) house bubble, all while the Fed(eral Reserve) and influential Economists told us to ignore it. Chomsky ends with how different is this from dogma and religion. Thank you for those links.
  11. GAM Clockfacing Report v1.0RC2 UPDATED: compatibility with Combined Operations by Gamma DESCRIPTION: This addon adds clockfacing target calling to the units, and gives you the possibility to ask for more information on the target. In order to avoid redundancy this addon disables original Arma 2 target reporting from the base Radio messages, in fact those lead to some confusion since they were either too general or ambigous. Information was given in relation to what position? The emmiter of the message? The receiver? The formation core? This addon makes those clock directions always in relation to the player. As an extra it adds a menu option to ask for a more detailed report on a target (the one under your cursor or current inquired unit main threat). Unit inquired counts the number of close together enemies and estimates the range of the main target in 10's of meters, it ultimately gives the compass bearing in unit degrees (in this case relative to itself), this with a delay of 2 seconds to simulate the time to estimate results. FEATURES: Units in your group call enemies a la Operation Arrowhead Clock Directions Visual signaling (red circle, don't worry it is dependent on difficulty settings) Units give you extra information on demand: Number of elements Distance (10s meters) Exact Bearing (degrees) Visual signaling (red circle) REQUIREMENTS: Arma 2 or Combined Operations NOTES/TODO/COMPATIBILITY: Version compatible with base Arma 2 / Combined Operations AI only In the future support for addon AIs such as SLX_AI might be released Optional signature files included for multiplayer (This is my first public addon, I am also getting used to the publishing logistics. Some bugs might turn up, if you bump into one just post your finding. This and other suggestions are very welcome. Still Release Candidate I am collecting all the stuff to include in the Final) DOWNLOAD: GAM_ClockfacingReport_v1.0RC2.zip GAM_ClockfacingReport_v1.0RC2.zip (Armaholic - thanks Foxhound)
  12. gammadust

    GAM Clockfacing Report

    It is possible to automate that "highlighting" of enemy target on contact, but only one target can be highlighted at one time. I'll look for the best implementation game-play wise (in order not to make the main feature redundant) The report is indeed artificially delayed by 2 seconds. The point being to simulate estimation time. Can be customized manually, I've considered including an addon userconfig file to allow easier customization of that parameter. I'll work on those features since there is interest :) (I am just a bit busy atm, I will surely include it though) Regarding that server side considerations, I tried to have those in mind but very superficially, and haven't done any testing. It wasn't a priority. Despite having generated server keys. Hopefully there isn't much SP exclusive code there if any. Do your tests and report back, I'll also take a look at your findings in that front.
  13. gammadust

    E3 - Arma 3?

    Asian physiognomy to me, no?
  14. gammadust

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Premise (opinion) Supporting rationale (the bias) Call to a Sceptic Analisys of the facts (read, not jumping into conclusions) Premonition based in historical evidence (read full article for more) Human Call to denounce and condemn against what was the mainstream conclusion vehicled by Corporate Media
  15. gammadust

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Two decades of unrestrained Capitalism (from Soviet Communism lunatics) and Finance implodes itself and the world's Economic System that lasted 200 yers! That is "long-lasting prosperity", Yes! I would say this argument is driven more by anti-communism than any minimal appreciation for reality. So the priority is to expose defunct Communist failures (as seen from where we are) than it is to analyse Actual Capitalism. One could even also say Capitalism was bound to implode anyway, that indeed it is lasting for so long precisely because of its nemesis, "Communist bastards, prolonging humanity's agony"! "Communism was just a Capitalist conspiracy, to keep people at bay"! (span the all spectrum of perspectives please) So the discussion on the Capitalist System shortfalls always ends in the Communism as its root cause... That is defending the status quo! That is obviously a Capitalism defense mechanism, if not the main one, the ever present. Marx would be proud. This mystification will end soon, don't worry! On Libya: Same thing was a factor when Saddam found the Euro would serve Iraq's Oil Interests best, Ahmadinejad's Oil market endeaviours, Chavez using Venezuela's Oil Wealth to sustain socialist programs (threat by giving a bad example to other resource rich nations) "How dare you?!" and now Gaddafi's shortsightedness in pretending an african gold-backed currency would pass peacefully. All major threats to petrodollar and the global Ponzi scheme. So nothing new here, history repeats itself with slight nuances. 750 military bases around the world just to bring "Democracy" to us all. But we should be talking about the devilish Soviets, the ultimate culprits! No wait... we also have Osama Bin Laden... No wait he is dead! No wait, he is alive... No wait, he never existed! No wait, of course it fought soviets! No wait, we did not fund him! No wait, he's dead but he has sleeping cell followers! No wait, they're Libya rebels! No wait, alQaida is... 750 military bases around the world just to bring "Democracy" to us all. Not counting the hollywood non existing black ops! 750 military bases around the world just to bring "Democracy" to us all. 750 military bases around the world just to bring "Democracy" to us all. Isn't the world at war already?
  16. gammadust

    European Politics Thread.

    Indeed, in fact almost all of the above has been scripted... Not to worry too much: "it is just a glitch in the matrix", "they must have changed something", "ohhhh, that was what they changed! Hurry...". :D I do wonder, at the rate change is going, if it will be worth knowing before hand anything, this at all levels of insight. The sidestep out of the normal progression has been taken. Will the dress reharsal be of any value, if on Premiere night there is a blackout? I was forgeting this one... (the subtitles are important) WZFbvBwkw1c
  17. ^ If you don't wrap the name of the variable in quotes, then it will instead read the value of the variable itself. If that variable is a string or code, then the command will use that string or code held by the variable. Example: _myvar = "_hisvar"; isnil _myvar; //will return true if _hisvar is null _myvar = {tank1}; sleep (random 50); isnil _myvar; //will return if tank1 is nil, at the time the isnil command is checked (not at the time _myvar is established) from isNil reference comments. you should use isNull for objects. Also, make sure you are testing the object not its name as "string"!
  18. which ones exacly? Also this one might be a longer shot than earlier but (this is part of USMC_Soldier_Base also, it is an inherited value, did not figure which parent): class SpeechVariants { class Default { speechplural[] = {"veh_men"}; speechsingular[] = {"veh_man"}; }; class EN: Default { speechplural[] = {"veh_men"}; speechsingular[] = {"veh_man"}; }; class CZ { speechplural[] = {"veh_men_CZ"}; speechsingular[] = {"veh_man_CZ"}; }; class CZ_Akuzativ { speechplural[] = {"veh_men_CZ4P"}; speechsingular[] = {"veh_man_CZ4P"}; }; class RU { speechplural[] = {"veh_men_RU"}; speechsingular[] = {"veh_man_RU"}; }; }; might be also related, I also suspect not every wording/expressions have not been translated from english to russian, or vice versa, meaning some expressions might only be found in one language alone. The previous seams to be related in how the engine handles sentence syntax more than any thing else... but might worth a try.
  19. gammadust

    GAM Player Mute

    It had occured to me to macro some consecutive behaviours in but never happen to try it... mostly because I am still getting the hang of what AI does exacly after each order. And that also seams to change with the updates.
  20. gammadust


    That effect is called Barrel Distortion / Pincusion. It affects Wide angle lens in a more pronounced manner than Tele lenses, mostly due to mechanic limitations but also physically you can't engineer a "fish-eye" lens (180 degrees FOV) without distortion, no matter whatever compensations one makes. You would need an infinite plane of projection... Your screen has a limited size. Those images are odd in light of the above. The limited FOV (highest zoom) should show a less pronnounced effect, than the inverse.
  21. Thank you walker! :) We could use a new Carl Sagan for laying the words, if Steinberg is right.
  22. "1) languages[] = {"EN"}; // best guess, could be enough" ? makes no change?
  23. gammadust

    European Politics Thread.

    Rolling dice... "You will be part of nature when you'll refuse to shape it according to aknowledged ignorance." Ohhhh... that is debatable! Lets accept that premise "there are certain realities which by their complexity cannot be put to common sense appreciation". I would say that lack of understanding might result in such a disconnect (the one we can observe in the present) that you run on short legs, eventually, not allowing the base of society to pressure in the same direction as their leaders. Resulting in failure. The advisable course of action is getting people involved to the best extent possible, not having them ignorant of the issue at hand. It is the defeatist argument again. The solution is to raise common sense to cientific knowledge, not perpetuation of the dogma/myth. Specially if the means to implement it exist. "Mr. Obama, tear down this wall." (US dollar?)
  24. gammadust

    European Politics Thread.

    I welcome your serenity Iroquois, but you apparently "see" more than I am able to. Trying hard, and at first glance, semi-public shows, of good faith perhaps, pop-up (Basel). In the end of the day, so far, translations of whishfull thinking. I hope future prooves me wrong or just ignorant! In strict sence: Portuguese here. So yes. But lived elsewhere and tried to imbue my identity with diversity. In the context of Europe, but mainly Globalization, I would consider myself simply human. Original concept of EU, allowed peace in those frontiers to prevail (France-Germany specially). EU's expansion (not just the most recent) came along in the most perverse context... An overwhelming one actually, should the artificial fracture Old-New Europe be ignored? Yes I am sure it is not ignored at the high levels, but what about european peoples? People must be involved in the decision making or at the very least aware. No sucessful long term policy without the recipients understanding it. I have always trouble being so categoric outside of my expertise, but I am inclined to answer that Europe has not much chance outside its concept, but lets be sure what that concept is! Export/Internationalization of the model is an eventual next step... should not be taken as given. Part of it is just down the line the next part is, as of now, again whishful thinking. And yes... He does not but Man does.
  25. this is the base USMC soldier, minus inherited values. class USMC_Soldier_Base: SoldierWB { accuracy = 2; camouflage = 1.8; cost = 80000; displayname = "Rifleman"; facetype = "Man"; faction = "USMC"; genericnames = "EnglishMen"; icon = "\Ca\characters2\data\icon\i_soldier_CA.paa"; identitytypes[] = {"USMC_Glasses", "Head_USMC"}; // Check languages[] = {"EN"}; // Check model = "\ca\characters2\USMC\usmc_soldier"; picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"; portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_usmc_soldier_ca"; scope = 0; vehicleclass = "Men"; class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitHead: HitHead { armor = 0.85; }; class HitBody: HitBody { armor = 1; passthrough = 0.8; }; }; class Wounds { mat[] = {"Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_at.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_CO.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_DMR.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_med.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_mine.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_saw.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_scout.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_soldier_tl.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\usmc\marines\data\usmc_Crew.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "ca\characters2\usmc\data\usmc_officer_body.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W1.rvmat", "ca\characters2\data\USMC_soldier_W2.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\USMC\data\us_Crew.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\USMC\data\W1_us_crew.rvmat", "Ca\characters2\USMC\data\W2_us_crew.rvmat"}; tex[] = {}; }; class TalkTopics: TalkTopics { core_en = "Core_Full"; // Check }; }; Can't give you a straight down answer, but you might copy over these values and test, try one by one and in that order 1) languages[] = {"EN"}; // best guess, could be enough 2) identitytypes[] = {"USMC_Glasses", "Head_USMC"}; // these identities seem to relate with CfgVoice where RadioProtocol is referenced, this might have unintended consequences though 3) core_en // instead of "core_ru" > this is related with "Greetings" action menu dialogs, not RadioProtocol used Report your tests, I am actually curious...