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About Cali

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Good idea, I didn't try this one. I'll have a look to it. Thanks for the advice!
  2. Thanks James :) Another question : this method doesn't seems to work with mouse click... is there a way to interrupt the camera with left or right mouse button?
  3. Hi guys :), It's been a while since i'm looking for a way to know when a group is fighting, and which group(s) it's fighting... To be clearer : let's say we have Opfor and Blufor, three groups each. Blufor : A, B, C Opfor : D, E, F I want to trigger something when group A is fighting group D, and something else when group A is fighting group E... etc. Same for all the groups. I made some scripting with knowsabout function, but it's very heavy and does not seem very reliable. And if I use knowsabout, I must check each man of each enemy group (or the leader) as it doesn't take group in target; it's quite a huge loop... So, it actually doesn't work very well, and a little help would be appreciated. Suggestion anyone?
  4. Cool, many thanks! One thing, how can I be sure of the right display (46)? Is there a list or a way to check it? Many thanks for the code, I will use it :)
  5. Thx Muzzleflash :) I will have a deeper look to this on the evening. Thanks again.
  6. Thank you for your very complete answer. 2. Concerning this point, could you give me an example? I think it would be very usefull for the people who are looking for JIP solutions :) 3. I just want to detect JIP, to avoid some problems and to synchronize time, weather, etc, without impacting other players. I tried "IsNull Player" but I'm really not sure it's working...
  7. Hi guys, sorry to post two times, but this subject is quite different from the other one. I'm trying to make a camera script, which is a loop : While {_loop} do... I would like this loop to be interrupted if the player presses any key, while in camera mode. Is there a simple way to do that? Does someone could give me a basic example (I'm a perfect beginner ^^) ?
  8. Yesterday I had a very hard time making a JIP script, and hard time to test it... I searched the wiki, the forum, and found only very few answers... So I have some questions, and I hope the scripting "pros" will help ;) 1. JIP : what path? While JIP, what's going on? Is the init.sqf loaded and read? Is there any change in this behaviour? 2. JIP : publicvariable What happens to publicvariables which are already in game? Is the JIP client knows them? 3. Detecting JIP I tried some methods, maybe it's me, but none really seems to work. I tested it with a friend on a dedicated server... By the way... 4. Testing JIP Is it possible to test JIP when you're alone? It seems that my dedicated server launched the mission each time I was quiting and coming back, as I was the last (and only player). Is there a specific way to do it properly? :o That's all ^^
  9. Nice :) I'm always amazed how open arma is, concerning scripting.
  10. Yes, should make it. Thanks for the tip! :bounce3:
  11. Thanks Carl, I missed this one... Should be linked to "forcemap" function in the wiki to avoid further mistakes :) By the way, is there a function to know if a player is actually looking at the map?
  12. Hi everyone, looking for a way (script) to open the map without using 'forcemap', which seems to show a "false" map which can't be closed http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forceMap Do anyone know another way to open it via scripting?
  13. Sorry for my probably silly question, but I searched an answer in the forum for a long time yesterday and couldn't get it in the current threads. For a multiplayer mission, in the lobby where all the playable units are present, my group names are kind of "1-1-A" ; "1-1-F", which is pretty ugly. How can I put real names ("team alpha" by example) (I would prefer a script) ?
  14. Hello everybody, Sorry if it has been asked and answered many times, but I have a problem i can't resolve by myself concerning Halo : - I want to make it for a single player mission, where AIs are jumping HALO. But i have many flashes of blackscreen each time a paratrooper is jumping. Is there a way to avoid this big inconvenience? I looked after a solution in this thread, but i didn't find any answer about this particular case (or I didn't understand it, maybe). Could someone help? :)