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Thats_Life 2.0

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Everything posted by Thats_Life 2.0

  1. Thats_Life 2.0

    [Campaign] Operation Dutch

    Ahh, new bugs since the new patch 1.57. All shall take a look at it. Euhm I didn't get saving in Coop to work. I need some script for it what I cannot find. Does have anyone a idea? Try not to use saving in coop for now, but the respawn. In northwest you need to end at the settlement. Thanks for the idea's and feedback. Edit: I tried a quick test and when I played leaving Utes it's working. I hosted on my own pc. Conversations also working for second player. Is it possible that you played it on a dedicated server? If so, please host it on your own pc. Edit2: Thanks for your PM.
  2. Thats_Life 2.0

    [Campaign] Operation Dutch

    Hmm, nobody ideas or feedback? I like to know what you guys think....
  3. Thats_Life 2.0

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    Wow didn't expecting that coming. That was the only thing for me that was really annoying. Thanks for fixing the choppers. :partytime: I know it come out arround christmas, but is there any convermation about it?
  4. Thats_Life 2.0


    4 player campaign. and singlemission it depends on the mission. Well you can always make you own missions ;)
  5. If I play my coop mission I can see my tasks when I'm player 1, but if I'm player 2 I can't. What do I need to do to make that possible?
  6. Thats_Life 2.0

    [Campaign] Operation Dutch

    Operation Dutch has been updated to version 1.01. Download links added at first page. Also Edited the first post... Enjoy...
  7. Still don't know what happend, but I made a new PBO. Deleted all my savefiles from that campaign. Put the PBO file in my campaigns folder. Restart the PC. Start at beginning of the campaign and entered the endmission cheat by every mission. Know it doesn't show the error in SP or COOP. I hope it stays this way. Maby it's a version error? Originally I made the campaign in version 1.54. And added a new mission and changes in version 1.56. I update my campaign at the moment. So anyone that wants to try. Please do :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109533
  8. Hoi, I get this error but can't find the problem: No entry 'Campaigns\operation dutch\description.ext/Campaign/Beginning/MissionDefault.Template'. My previous version had the same descriptionfile. I only add one file extra at the end. And I don't have a MissionDefault.Template in the file :confused: Does anyone know what it means? Thanks...
  9. Thats_Life 2.0

    2nd player can't see tasks in COOP?

    I used the first one and I think it will work fine. Just created a extra briefing for player 2. I have only SP and COOP. So no need for all the extra. But I keep it in mind for the future. Thanks
  10. Don't exact understand what you mean. Doe you mean wrong typo's. Because that's not it. Here is my descriptionfile: Or what do I miss? Edit: The weird thing is that if I go back to my first release I have the same problem. I never had it. I deleted all my savegames for that campaign but still keep that error.
  11. Thats_Life 2.0

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76711

    I broke my flying waypoints in my mission. Heli don't fly straight. Oja also since 1.55 he's bounching. But that's fixed in the beta right?
  12. Thats_Life 2.0

    [Campaign] Operation Dutch

    I shall add some activity. Thanks for that feedback... About the heli. It's something ingame and not scripted.
  13. Thats_Life 2.0

    2nd player can't see tasks in COOP?

    yes, that make sence. So the best way is to add the tasks also for player 2? Or what is the best way to do that. Does work only createsimpletask? So without player/player2? I'll sleep 3 hours untill i check it out ;)
  14. Thats_Life 2.0

    [Campaign] Operation Dutch

    Okay to let you all know who's interested. The next update is coming up. Changelog below. Bussy at testing :bounce3: Changelog: ---------------------- V1.01 - Added: Mission Northwest. - Added: Conversations in all missions. - Added: NVGoggles at mission The First Fight. - Added: Hint for taking Satchel Charge at mission Hunting on the Sanginakt (in conversation at mission start!). - Changed: Changed some of the waypointspeeds at mission The first Fight. - Fixed: At mission The first Fight, now you have rockets at start. - Fixed: The briefing and markers were only showing up for one player. - Various small changes/fixes.
  15. Thats_Life 2.0

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76560

    Does this beta also fix the slow talking in the campaigns and does it fix the none spoking text?
  16. Thats_Life 2.0

    [Campaign] Operation Dutch

    You really make me laugh.. :D Yeah well on the most parts your right.. But The first Fight was my first mission to make. Damm, there was so much to learn... The NVgoggles. I didn't get them off by the AI. Maby A bug in 1.54. I don't know. Same with the launchers. No way I get a rocket in that stupid tube. But he, by the planecrash you can get the ammo.. ssst ;) The waypoints were a bit off a hell. But if you shoot the ememy before he hit you and your team, there's no problem. :rolleyes: I still want to support this campaign, but I don't have the time and didn't get much complains. But this all is noted. Someday there will be new version I think.. Thanks for the great read. And sorry for my english.. :o Edit: I'm sorry but The Netherlands lies on the left of Germany... But hey there is snow here at the moment.. I did not put in a filter. It is early morning! and not a night mission. Night = fight.
  17. I have the same problem also. Well like the very slow talking bij the radio. But not all the talking. only some. I play Coop also and host and Join. It is since patch 1.56. Hope they fix it...
  18. Okee there are more questions about this, but cannot get a proper answer. Is Bis working on the problem that the game freezes after 10 a 30 min? In singleplayer and coop! Don't know about multiplayer... I have this problem since patch 1.55. More people had the same problem but after patch 1.56 I heard nobody about it. And I still have the same problem. Its very irritating. Have posted the bidmp en mdmp file. Does anybody knows anything I missed?? :(:(:( Core i7 920 6gb ram nvidia gtx285top spinpoint f1 750gb win7 64x
  19. Thats_Life 2.0

    Hanger/freezz patch 1.55 and 1.56

    I don't want to use mods. I only want to know why the games freezes after some minutes. A original game should work on his own right? I thought bis was working on it for patch 1.56. but it didn't fix mine. The weird thing is that a friend of my does not have the same problem. So it's a hardware thing I gess. Well maby it's the I7. So I try the HT off. :pray: ---------- Post added at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ---------- Okee that didn't work... HT off doesn't do it... anything else maby?
  20. And again the game freezes after 10 a 15 min.. damm BIS.
  21. Thats_Life 2.0

    Patch 1.55 Issues

    I got allot of hangers at the moment and the grafics are worse the the last patch 1.54 Loading is real slow. Don't you test a final patch before you release it? damm I have: Windows 7 64x ultimate Core i7 gtx285top 6gb Version: 1.55.75445
  22. Thats_Life 2.0

    Harvest Red not working well with OA?

    I also posted this in the troubleshooter: Well I replay the singleplayer from harvest red and everytime when I'am in the mission Razor two I get a hanger. The screen hangs and I cannot do anything. It happens when you are talking with dressler under the tent. (your first task is to talk with dressler) And whats up with the slow loading screens. Since this patch the loading from the missions are very slow and sometimes the games stuttered. Please fix this. I have: Windows 7 64x ultimate Core i7 gtx285top 6gb Version: 1.55.75445
  23. Faster respons of your ai teammates. They don't hide and even in patch 1.55 just stand still when under fire. The medic is way to slow also when there is no enemy in seight. Enemy ai is not hiding either when under fire. Like to see more of this in the new patch. And why isn't there a simple way to give a module restrictions for his functies. Animals and vehicles keep spawning in bases and airstrikes are always or you need again a massive script. Why don't make it easer for the regular player and give the function airstrike true, false or 1,2,3,4,5 etc
  24. Thats_Life 2.0

    Patch 1.55 Issues

    Okee, Well I replay the singleplayer from harvest red and everytime when I'am in the mission Razor two I get a hanger. The screen hangs and I cannot do anything. It happens when you are talking with dressler under the tent. (your first task is to talk with dressler) And whats up with the slow loading screens. Since this patch the loading from the missions are very slow and sometimes the games stuttered. Please fix this. I have: Windows 7 64x ultimate Core i7 gtx285top 6gb Version: 1.55.75445
  25. Heey, I can't figure this out. I've this code: Charlie sideChat "Thanks for the ride!"; Now I make a unit and call it Charlie. Put that code in a waypoint, SQF or trigger. Now the text will popup, but the name Charlie isn't present.. It's just 1 (or 2): Thanks for the ride! What I'm doing wrong? :confused: