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Everything posted by x3kj

  1. The config parameters latStiffX, latStiffY and longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity can lead to this. Their purpose is a bit hard to explain, to tell the truth I recommend reading nvidias "programmers" tuning guide for physx vehicles - its not 100% identical to BI's stuff but lets say 95% - the names are also not matching 1:1 but you should get the idea https://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/physx/guide/3.3.4/Manual/Vehicles.html#tuning-guide frictionVsSlipGraph array can also be cause of this (if defined) / can mitigate it somewhat, but can have unintended sideffects ("banana drive bug")
  2. x3kj

    Flight instruments?

    you dont find anything because animating cockpit instruments is exactly the same as animating flaps or rudder. You simply define the animation in model.cfg (e.g. a rotation), give it an axis in the model via memory point (e.g. the center of a dial), and assign a selection in view pilot LOD (e.g. the indicator on a dial). Then you select an appropriate animation source that drives the animation, and done.
  3. Another Head Gear Concept, Plasmalauncher WIP
  4. fantastic, much appreciated
  5. Idk if it's of use to anyone, but i made a python script to convert greyscale images to .asc format for importing into terrain builder. I use it to convert 16bit .tif images out of substance designer to .asc, because L3DT and TB dont like the format that much / require manual twiddling everytime You can also try other image formats (the library supports a plethora of other formats) - just change myheightmap.tif to myheightmap.png or whatever. I have only tested it for my particular use case however and i'm no expert on that library or python in general (in fact, this is my first ever python script). How to execute? If you are a dummy like me and dont know how to Python or sudo - install anaconda distribution, it has all the necessary libraries, then launch spyder tool (that comes with it) and open the file, then run it with F5. Yes it's overkill but its single click... edit the user inputs as applicable to your use case Notes: Sea level is 0 meter min/max elevation are the 0% and 100% grey value in the image format. It doesnt auto-level the image. Image resolution doesnt have to be square or 2^n - wether TB or other tools like it or not i have no idea Conversion on 4k maps takes a while (wait until "###Conversion done###" appears in the console) use at own risk... import numpy as np from pathlib import Path import imageio as io ### user inputs ### filepath = Path("""P:/myheightmap.tif""") outputpath = Path ("""P:/output.asc""") #attention - any existing file with same name is overwritten hmax = 1000.0 #Input max Elevation (in meter) hmin = -200.0 #Input min Elevation (in meter) twidth = 2000.0 #Input mapsize (width in meter) limit = 2**16 #max grey value of file (16bit-> 2**16, 8bit-> 2**8) ########## load image ################ arr = io.imread(filepath) arr = np.array(arr, np.float32) adim = arr.shape # dimension of array - returns [Height, Width] cellsize = float(adim[1]/twidth) print ('Image Resolution:'+str(arr.shape)+' Cellsize:'+str(cellsize)) ########## write to file ################ file = open(outputpath,'wt') # wt - write mode, text mode. Overwrites any existing file ###file header file.write('ncols '+str(adim[1])+'\n') file.write('nrows '+str(adim[0])+'\n') file.write('xllcorner 200000.0\n') file.write('yllcorner 0.000000\n') file.write('cellsize '+str(cellsize)+'\n') file.write('NODATA_value -9999\n') ###body for y in range (0, adim[0]): # -1 is not necessary because in case adim[0]= 3 then range is [0,1,2] -> 3 is not in the range line =str() # empty string for x in range (0, adim[1]): arr[y,x] = round (hmin + (arr[y,x] / limit) * (hmax - hmin), 2) # note: numpy arrays are [y,x] whereas default python is [y][x] line+='{:.2f}'.format( arr[y,x] ) #format string to show 2 decimals if (x < adim[1]-1): line+=' ' line+='\n' file.write(line) ## file end file.close() print ('### CONVERSION DONE ###') Cheers, X3KJ
  6. The description for this situation is "intersecting geometry". If the angle between the plates that penetrate each other is 90° its usually no problem. If the angle is small however, z-fighting (flickering) can occur at the edge
  7. x3kj

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Found a player exploit, to stop AI from reacting to shots ... please have a look at it https://feedback.bistudio.com/T149579
  8. Yes infantry damage system is just damage - means extra hitpoints, hit / armor are the most relevant. Soldiers have very similar firegeometry (basically just parts that are meat material, or meat+bones material etc) - and armor does not influence the fire geometry. Therefore caliber is mostly irrelevant - EXCEPT when the caliber is sufficient to completely penetrate (see Case A in Damage vs. Penetration in the damage description) - in which case the described reduction of damage is observed. Pass through is for global armor (global health). If global health is 0, the vehicle/soldier dies. Contribution of individual hitpoints to global armor is determined by passthrough of the soldier hitpoint config, modified by passthrough of the armor. Problem is - it is highly unpredictable what happens due to the combination of issues. See direct damage description in https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120542 Based on my tests i have 0 confidence in global health mechanic, because i observed weird oddities even with passthrough set at 0 for everything. So take away this - Infantry damage is imperfect. If you want to improve it you have to trial and error a lot and base all decisions on ingame tests. Unfortunately. The issues can be somewhat remedied by a complete rebalance... Muzzle velocity is defined in magazine class, can be modified (or overruled) by weapon https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgMagazines_Config_Reference#initSpeed.3D900
  9. type of sound environment used depends on ground texture if im not mistaken - redefining/replacing all forest related sound classes to not have forest sounds would be the clean solution.
  10. x3kj

    Documentaries Chernobyl 1986

    Hey guys, i'm very curious/interested in the reactor accident of chernobyl in 1986 since quite a while (not only, but also thanks to S.t.a.l.k.e.r). I recently stumbled upon some very nice video snippets from the time, with commentary by one of the leading scientists during liquidation work on the roof (if i got that right) - Walerij Starodumow . Thought i'd share. But also, i'd be interested to know if anyone of you may have found other good documentaries/ video treasures somewhere This is the more "commercial" one. That channel several more snippets, some with direct commentary by him - very much worth watching imo (all have subtitles in english at least). (please no american TV style spectacle-drama or reenactment BS...)
  11. First texture pass on custom Centaur pattern. Some things are missing still (e.g. tracks)
  12. To be clear, i only meant the patents of Salvatore Cezar Pais. The ones listed on that site from John Quincy St. Clair seem like utter rubbish - the assignee isnt the united states government either.
  13. Thats what i also partially meant with my youtube comment: For an existing asset, the algorithm could do its magic. If we have a manual way to save the output, it just has to be loaded again the next time the building is used (or in next mission)- so the calculations can be more complex if necessary. This means someone (not a buildingmaker) could pre-generate the stuff manually - in a batch, and write it in a custom config or a function or something. A buildingmaker could also do this directly. Especially information thats not so trivial to retrieve could be very usefull to manually fine tune either by someone (mission maker/scripter/etc) checking ingame, or directly pre-specified by the buildingmaker himself. The only thing thats not possible to precalculate on per-building-class level is, when obstacles are placed inside buildings - this still has to be checked "on demand", at least once per mission. To make better AI that behaves more like a human it needs to receive more information about its surrounding. In case of building overabundance (urban environment/ crazy user mission) it would be best from FSM perspective to first check if a building is suited for a purpose or not based on some summary of detail-data - and only then decide if to enter at all, and then perform calculations on pathing. With dynamic calculation you would have to first calculate every building there is, retrieve summary data, and then find the suitors you might want to enter. If detail-data was already partially pre-specified you would only have to check on buildings that didn't have data. e.g. task - setup defense against expected enemy -> occupy buildings. There are many buildings, so a player would decide based on several criteria: How many firing positions does it have, which directions can they cover How many access points does it have, where are they located How well covered are the firing positions (giant window in a shop is worse than tiny embrasure in bunker) - and from which direction (e.g. a medieval wall only provides cover in one direction, and has no overhead cover). How strong is the protection (wallthickness and materialtype, wooden shack vs. concrete pillbox - data from firegeometry) How durable is the building against collapse (collected data from hitpoints class and hitpoint LOD) I am making a fortification system (pillboxes, fort-like walls, towers and other things) with proper embrasures, machicolations, vehicle firing emplacements and all that. As it stands i would have to 'glue' AI in place by invisible fire-from-vehicle turrets (which is a poor bandaid) for defense. Attack would be a hilarious catastrophical failure. Due to the restrictive firing angles and complex shapes that can appear, i'm not sure if an algorithm could handle all the data in reasonable time I think it would be best to have a "manually overwride"/pre-specifications for "difficult" buildings or areas - esp. infantry & vehicle embrasures, so that AI know which position to take / defend against enemy from direction xyz. And most FSM thus far dont deal well with buildings at all. They'd rather occupy a windowless wooden shack 20m away than a concrete pillbox 150m away. here's some inspirational pictures, perhabs https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/35/34680/cornerfuse.jpg https://abload.de/img/gatesys6yece9.jpg https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/35/34680/towerb_combo1.jpg https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/35/34680/towerb_combo2.jpg https://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/35/34680/20190217223006_1.jpg https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/209157-wip-samarsk-uprising-a-w40k-total-conversion/?do=findComment&comment=3323730
  14. if you dont find a solution, try another path for approach - check how weapon collision is done for infantry - if its a seperate geolod, or just transformed base lod. If its seperate lod, give the crocodile a weapon with high length maybe.
  15. Continued work on new Materials/ Textures (for everything) using substance painter&designer - still WIP. Rebell uniform is the first to get them, shown here.
  16. Work is ongoing, albeit slowly. Still looking for anyone interested in helping out. Here are some concepts for turret emplacement that could be placed on walls or just ground. One recycled LR turret from a disabled tank, and "fortress class" amored turret concept. Not sure if it'll really end up looking like that. On the right is a "fortress" class close quarter strongpoint (with heavy weapon in front and machineguns in the flanks). This is more heavily armored than the small pillbox shown previously (thicker walls, no open firing slits), but made using the same design elements. Next is a watch-tower that can be integrated into the wall sections. I will also make a "standalone" version that can be placed without walls. Its still WIP - shutters for all the windows/ loop holes, and ladder access towards the roof is still missing.
  17. Looks cool, would it work with images? (i assume the paths would have to be edited to be addon-conform, but apart from that?)
  18. "Like every other" - no, you are using a specific IP that themes your entire server. There are no monetized IP's scifi/fantasy IP using Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc - and if there where they are violating IP laws. Other servers use real life aka barely any IP (yes real cars are IP too but thats a less clear-cut zone) - and their lawyers are not as sharkish in that respect, because risk of IP loss from digital medium is minimal for things that drive around IRL. Check with your IP lawyer ... IP holders wouldnt give a rats arse if there was gameplay advantage or not - it doesnt matter to them. And it doesnt matter if you put "own original" stuff for sale in it either. Gang uniforms, haircut, whatever. At the end of the day it's all within the context of their IP. And that's what counts in the eyes of IP holders/lawyers/courts. You make money any way whatsoever with IP without license -> guilty. Dont ruin it for everyone. "No gameplay advantage" is only one condition for BI granting server monetization. They may either pass responsibility for only using licensed (or no) IP to the server owner entirely, or require proof that you own the license or have permission for it's monetization when it's obvious that you need one. I'm not BI, but if i was them i would do the later... Every stink that their users cause will slightly rub off on them as well.
  19. You do realize this is forbidden/ you require a license from GW to monetize anything to do with 40k IP? Monetizing someones IP without license is a crime. And with raising GW's ire you could screw not just yourself (GW will likely sue you and request compensation for what they think they could have lost from your theft...). You could also screw every 40k mod maker with this, when they go on a big mod stomping spree because of you... not just arma but every game... D O N T And dont be naive to think "oh well, if nobody tells anyone we are good" - it just takes one disgruntled player on your server or a mischievous person and it could have serious consequences for all of us. A donation is not a donation if something is given back in return. It's a product/service you sell. This isnt opinion, its what several courts have ruled. And careless server owners had to pay fines for tax evasion already (in addition to paying back all the taxes). So in the eyes of courts you would be selling products using an IP you dont own. GW will not give license to mods. Some People have asked they got cease&desist. BI will not give server monetization clearance for IP you dont own/have permission either.
  20. when running with rifle raised (iirc) the right lag also snaps in place very unnaturally when coming forward, short before touching ground. Cant unsee anymore x(
  21. V 1.95.145769 - There is a "faulty" config line in CfgVehicles/Heli_Attack_01_base_F/Sounds/SlingLoadUpEXT: class SlingLoadUpExt { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\", 1.25893, 1, 500}; //<<-- Soundfile is not specified (note the code highlighting), its only a path frequency = 1; volume = "camPos*(slingLoadActive factor [0,1])"; };
  22. does anyone else get this error message when opening arsenal? No mods, contact DLC is activated, GM loaded. https://abload.de/img/2019-06-1020_57_02-ar2jk4a.jpg Also, was any running animation changed in the last months/year? When running , with rifle in shooting position, watch the right leg - it snaps very weirdly when coming forward. (it is almost overstretched at the knee).
  23. Will this be monetized and server exclusive or not?
  24. Hey, i made a little test with Intel's GPA tool in Tanoas biggest town, for comparison/guiding for own maps. The tool can show amount of verts, tris, drawcalls in rendering scenes I used the Editor module for hiding specific objects to compare the "influence" on performance. The individual components where all recorded with terraingrid 50. *note - unfortunately GPA displays no more accurate information as soon as number is above 1 million... here is the raw data (copy into notepad, then import to excel/OO calc as tab separated csv) https://pastebin.com/sRRSVQhm "Nothing" (that means everything hidden with the module) still has several objects displayed, like sidewalks etc. Also grass and those kinds of objects. When looking at the isolated groups e.g. "Building only" you have to deduct the "nothing grid 50" from it to get the 'true' value. Now, it gets a bit complicated as with buildings there is object occlusion, so its not 100% clean obviously. You can also see that when you add up the individual ones, it is more than "Everything" ... Also keep in mind, that the LOD switching is based on a "magic" algorithm no one really knows - so it could be that if you hide part of the scene, the other part switches to more detailed LODs. Part of the drawcalls are also due to UI, skybox, water etc. For reference: A quick fly around Altis kavala with vegetation hidden and 50 terrain grid, the highest average is 65fps, 1400 drawcalls, 1.6m tris, 4.5m verts - a significant difference to tanoa. My System: i7-9700K, GTX 1070, 32GB DDR4 3000 CL15 (all stock clock) Video settings: Everything maximum. I must confess i forgot to write down viewdistance unfortunately. It was at least 3200 objectviewdistance. My conclusion - draw calls and tris count dont tell the full story for performance. There seem to be another significant aspects, because when i use a complicated building and copy that many many times in VR map i can get way over that amount of draw calls and tris, without getting low fps.