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Everything posted by pettka

  1. Possibly the easiest part may be using Arma 3 Tools package - it contains Arma 3 Asset Samples and one of them is obviously a plane with commented configuration :icon_twisted:
  2. The answers is more complicated - we have recently added possibility to carry more items, all the stuff with ThingX simulation to be precise, but sling loading extremely small items (e.g. a pen) is kind of strange, so we have added a threshold for the weight of objects :icon_twisted:
  3. It is a bit more difficult than it seems - VR Entities in Arsenal use different materials set than standard ones to provide clear distinction of part hit by testing fire. Inserting an Entity in Editor should result in proper coloured version of the VR Entity according to side. Please, bear in mind that the shader has changed a bit to fit the VR environment better, so it is not exactly as in the picture :icon_twisted:
  4. It is on our list of things to investigate their feasibility, we think it may be possible to do that, but I cannot promise anything until we know for sure (and dev branch users would know too by that time) :icon_twisted:
  5. It's a new config property. The main issue is that there was no gearbox setting before and that resulted in backwards movement being faster than forward, it is possible to set it now. Just beware, the ratios are final, not multiplied by the TransmissionRatios :icon_twisted:
  6. Current amphibious vehicles (AMV, Marid, Gorgon and Strider) have the amphibious gearbox set and working for example like this: AmphibiousRatios[] = {"R1",-30,"N",0,"D1",50}; There has been no other change in simulation :icon_twisted:
  7. pettka

    Marksmen DLC Weapon Feedback

    You got me in the update process, but thanks a lot for asking, the page should be up to date with data now, pictures are inbounce :icon_twisted:
  8. Good explanation, thanks a lot. I would just add that resting is available even on vertical surfaces like walls - if You move tactically along the wall, Your gun is going to be rested as You may support Your hands on the wall. So there are four states of weapon handling: Without nay resting and deployment - this is just standard situation Rested against any surface (horizontal or even vertical) provides some degree of increased precision - rewards player for tactical movement Deployed without bipod on a horizontal surface needs explicit action of player and provides even better stability at cost of limited movement - rewards player for tactical decision Deployed with bipod for best stability, but it needs bipod on compatible weapon (or an inbuilt one), which changes weapon handling like inertia and adds to encumbrance - rewards player for strategic decision I hope it now makes sense :icon_twisted:
  9. It is a part of the RC, so I would guess so :icon_twisted: Yes, it should.
  10. pettka

    Marksmen DLC Weapon Feedback

    It actually is was, it should be fixed in RC and dev branch tomorrow, I'm sorry for the confusion :icon_evil:
  11. No need to pull the hair, we plan to add both documentation and samples to provide enough material for Your splendid corrections (which I am thankful for) by the time we put that binarization into public :icon_twisted:
  12. I'm sorry for the confusion, I was just checking if the data is properly in place :icon_evil: But I'm glad You like it, it should hit the main branch tomorrow.
  13. Actually, the Fuel pod texture has been added a month ago thanks to Your request :icon_twisted: And yes, we plan to add even Marksmen textures, artists should work on that as soon as the DLC is out :bounce2:
  14. Calm down, man, no need to go personal on this. Our programmers actually spent some time on the public holiday day investigating the issue and it may be possibly fixed in the dev branch today by adding another layer of security just to be sure. Seeing Dr. Hladik replying to a thread usually means that he had already dispatched his top men on the cause, but cannot guarantee the success :icon_twisted:
  15. 01-04-2015 Size: ~0.1 MB ImageToPaa Added: The options are now saved and restored on startup Added: Ability to open the selected file in TexView (context menu of the file list) Added: Can Check the files to detect potential errors Changed: The option "Strict naming chart" is not case sensitive anymore Changed: Adding files from a source directory now takes care of the checked options Tweaked: Performance should be better on weaker computers Samples Fixed: Sounds properties for #Bipods actions were incorrectly placed (sample of Weapon) Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.85.5)
  16. pettka

    Marksmen DLC Weapon Feedback

    The actual formula is more complex, as is for example the hit formula for ammo, but this one has roughly correct results :icon_twisted:
  17. pettka

    Marksmen DLC Weapon Feedback

    Katiba rifles were manufactured with higher RoF in mind, but the downside is that the mechanism isn't as good as for MX in cleaning the rest of caseless ammunition mess which results in slightly higher dispersion. Calling Katiba a cheap copy may be a bit over the top, but it's describing the process CSAT uses :icon_twisted:
  18. Actually, it works just fine with Diagnostics EXE, it just doesn't work in the main version of the game for better security :icon_twisted:
  19. There is nothing hidden in the answer - we have certain plans and we are evaluating the possibilities with some concepts. But we are not yet ready to speak about the plans in open as we would rather not promise anything we are not able to deliver in good enough quality :icon_twisted: As soon as we know what is possible to deliver, we will make a public statement about that.
  20. As You are so Czech in such questions lately, I have adjusted ETA for documentation from "soon" into "SoonTM" :icon_twisted:
  21. This is just a temporary issue as we adjust the equipment for "standard characters", it should disappear as the tweaking is finished :icon_evil: But thanks a lot for letting us know.
  22. 16-03-2015 Size: ~0.1 MB Arma3tools.exe Changed: The tooltips have been reduced to make them more readable Changed: General style of the interface ImageToPAA Changed: Text "Browse" replaced by an image Changed: Application icon (GUI) Fixed: Random issue when the destination directory was defined before the source directory Steam dumpAccountInfo Added: Support for Marksmen DLC Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.85.2)
  23. pettka


    Full Report
  24. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Thank You for pointing that one out, it should be fixed by now, by the proper text. Don't be afraid, there is no bouncy inconsistency :icon_twisted:
  25. I have moved the burst mode discussion into separate thread, feel free to continue there, but don't make it personal :icon_evil: