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About jsncrso

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  1. jsncrso


    The point is mainly you wouldn't have to upgrade your entire computer system. Even buying just the minimum spec'd hardware is pricey enough, especially for one game. I haven't had any issues with Onlive's lag or quality, and it's improved greatly even since a year ago. Heck, even Crysis is on Onlive. I love Arma more than anything (I go back to the OPF days), and bought this computer to mainly play Arma2. But I'm not willing to purchase another computer just to play one game, it's not worth several hundred dollars to me.
  2. jsncrso


    Arma is one of two PC games I play, and I don't play either a whole lot so yeah, while I consider myself a casual gamer I also appreciate the realism and difficulty it presents. But no, I'm not "hardcore" enough to hate everything that's not a simulator nor am I hardcore enough to but a new gaming computer every 2-3 years. And yes I know a 5770 can handle Arma on high, but not at the 60fps it would be nice to have it at.
  3. jsncrso


    All the more reason for them to upgrade their systems ;) Seriously though, although most hardcore gamers wouldn't play Arma 3 via Onlive, it would cater to a more casual gamer audience who don't have the latest gaming PCs (which is what I consider myself, I just happen to love sims though).
  4. jsncrso


    Those minimum specs have a hard enough handling Arma 2, let alone Arma 3. It's going to cost more than that to get an enjoyable experience form the game. It would be nice to spend 50 bucks and play it on Onlive with max settings rather than buy a whole new PC.
  5. jsncrso


    Well I know they are unrelated, but lag is lag no matter what causes it. I run it at 720p with most things maxed out except AA & PP turned to low. If they do offer it on Onlive, I hope modding and customization is possible. Whatever the case, not many people are going to be able to run it higher settings.
  6. jsncrso


    Here's to hoping BI puts this game on the new Onlive streaming service as a standalone purchase. Otherwise I'm going to have to plunk down a ton of cash for a new system. Not sure how the mods and saved games would work on that service though. Thoughts? Oh, and lag shouldn't be an issue. I run a Phenom IIx4 with a 5750 and lag on my local machine with Arma2 is way worse than I've experienced with Onlive.
  7. Thanks guys, ArmaUnPBO worked. However, I'm at a loss as to what to do next as the extracted folder has nothing but two small files: files $PBOPREFIX$ and Arma 2 OA....can anyone link me to a thread to figure out what to do next (since I'm sure it's been discussed)? Sorry for all the noob stuff but I've been on hiatus for a year and a half with ARMA.
  8. Hmmm...PBO viewer won't open any PBO files (and yes I have .NET v4 and I'm running Windows 7). Not sure what the deal is... Thanks for the quick reply though.
  9. Forgive me if this has already been asked (I've searched the forums with no results), but how can you edit the single player missions included with Arma2 or OA? (I don't see any individual mission files in any of the folders) It would be fun to tinker with some of the missions. Thanks guys, Jason Also, I use Steam if that makes any difference.