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Everything posted by gamers2000

  1. Great tip, works like a charm. Many thanks!
  2. Would it be possible to have a command to send a message server-wide?
  3. - Actual duplex inter-process communication.
  4. gamers2000

    Ballistic Calculator

    Thanks conKORD! Awesome mod, by the way. Thought I'd just put that there ;)
  5. gamers2000

    Ballistic Calculator

    I understand that 1.4 does not support Vanilla A2 w/o AO, so is it possible with 1.3?
  6. gamers2000

    Ballistic Calculator

    Is there any way to use BalCal without the item in your inventory (i.e. clientside)?
  7. gamers2000


    Not sure if this is the correct place - if it's not, I apologize. Anyway, I'm trying to tinker around with named pipes, but I can't seem to make it work. arma2.rpt : Code in question : IpcPipeHandle = ["\\.\pipe\JaynusPipeTest"] call jayarma2lib_fnc_openpipe; - returns nil Any help would be very much appreciated!
  8. gamers2000


    Can anyone point me to the SQLite functions? I see that 1.0 includes SQLite support and commands, but I can't seem to find the documentation. Readme only shows up to file logging.
  9. Bruce, what do you mean by "execute a external site"?
  10. I nearly had a heart attack from joy - until I realized the website was down. Any ETA on when it'll be up?