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Everything posted by Tejkr

  1. Ok, I just gave A3 a nice amount of playing and I fckin hate weapon sway! Like I play military simulations and that's how much I exercise, but this new fatigue system made fat little boys out of soldiers and even I could easily outrun them. I mean, even I, with my condition, can run more then them without swinging the gun all over the place and not being able at least walk fast. For example simple mission - Pandur will drop my team near the village, we clear the village and on the other side, Pandur will pick us up. But I almost can't get half way through the village without swinging my weapon like a broom and slowly walking around, because my super skilled sf operator is out of his breath. And it's a small village in Chernarus. I can only imagine how bad it would be, if A2 used this fatigue system. I mean, force recon would never make it in time, assaulting the city would be entirely impossible. Just move the slider to give soldier more stamina, or maybe just make the weapon sway less, because I don't know, it's really weird when my soldier just moves her hands like slowmo parkinson degenerate. Maybe the dev team should take a gun, some gear and start running around, then try to hold rifle straight. It's not that hard, yes? You don't swing your arms like you waving the flag. Please, do something. I don't want to use enableFatigue, I just want to be able to do soldier stuff without being little tired baby.
  2. Tejkr

    Arma 3 uniform creation tool?

    If you want to resking some uniforms, it's just about editing textures. If wou want to create the uniform model, it's just about creating 3D model and then textures. Config is simple, lots of templates around. It's rather easy to make it, depending on how you can operate your software.
  3. I like the futuristic Arma! It's a great base for multiplayer games and anyway, the main thing about Arma, at least why I love it, is the community. If someone wants to play it seriously, he will download whatever he likes. But yeah, the bug helmet, it's weird. That's why I don't like using CSAT soldiers, but again, it has been a long time since I played with vanilla units.
  4. Tejkr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I have this one bug and it does only with your helicopters. I place two pilots, empty Mi24/Mi18 and squad. Pilot and squad leader are controllable. I command my second pilot to board a heli and I board it with him. So far it's alright. But when I switch to squad leader, pilot give right after that command to get off the heli. Same with my squad. I board the heli, switch to pilots and my whole team (except team leader) exits the heli. What's going on? It works fine with ground vehicles or vanilla helicopters. Found it first with ACR mod, then switched off addons to see where's the problem. RHS helicopeters seems to be it.
  5. You're right! I did some research after your response, and I found that ASDG Muzzles made my default 5.56mm suppressor tan. I deleted it and I have black one again! But anyway, is there any chance to change vehicle's inventory when you can? Get rid of that russian/defaultBIS stuff? And there are many russian or dontevenknowthenationality names, maybe reduce the list a little or add some more czech names? I know these are little details, but this just came in my mind while playing with the mod! Also, we can use the mod and make missions (and possibly publish them), right?
  6. Can you add better silencer to 805? I didn't try ammo box, but in arsenal, the option is just the tan silencer. Some black would be nice, maybe it's personal, but I just can't use my favourite weapon with that silencer... Big up for the textures! They're awesome. Z novýho updatu sem dostal erekci. HodnÄ› dobrá práce, Å¡koda že nejsem souÄástí!
  7. We need one thing, maybe DLC, called for example Ambient Life, with maybe a working and stable module that will populate the map with animals, civs and I mean men, women and children. We are playing milsim, but it's still a closed battlefield and when's there few civs, it's just generic boys standing around...better civilian AI would be also good!
  8. I asked for this long time ago in A2 request thread and I will ask again, becase now there may be poeple who will be able to do it now. We have animals in the game, so it looks realistic, but we are still missing one, not so important, but immersive thing. It's children. I was missing it since first Arma, and I'm missing also in open world games. Having animals, pets and children is a thing, that misses a lot of games. And in A3, due to uniforms and stuff, it is even more challenging then before and I remember that few guys said good reasons, why it's hard to do, but what if? Is here someone, who actually thinks about it or shares the same opinion with me? As I'm aware, VBS has it, and we need it as well :)
  9. How's the progress? Any update anytime soon? I'm closely watching this thread and waiting for all news, are there any issues with porting the vehicles?
  10. Love it! Can't wait for more content! Finally ACR units in A3! Desert camo is nice (I just think that those brown spots are too dark), but I'm not sure about woodland. It just doesn't look right...can't tell what's wrong, I was comparing it to my vz. 95 gear and... I don't know. Are those texture final? This question is kinda dumb, but what addon I have to download to use Mi helicopters?
  11. Ok, what is the idea. I have paratrooper unit. I want it, to be spawnable in editor, but with backpack. It can't be done, because there's just one spot for backpack and I guess paratroopers need more parachute then anything else. So the idea for a script came in my mind. Simply said, I wanted the action (one time execute only), that would put the backpack on my stomach and parachute on my back. Then, after jump, the chute would be gone and backpack goes back on back. Problem is, that I used as inspiration one HALO script, where it would save the backpack, put it on stomach, spawn chute, then when I touch the ground, it would switch it back... But it doesn't work, dunno why (tried that on the ground as well in the air), so I kinda dismissed the script. I would just like, if I can switch that backpack to stomach, put on chute and after jump, the backpack hops back on back. How is it possible? Also, it would be good, if I can spawn it on the ground and get on the plane with chute, not spawn that in the air... Please help!
  12. Tejkr

    High Command Platoon Leader

    I think that he didn't mean this. He wanted to command three squad leaders and those three would high command each three fireteams. But I don't think it can be done, I tried that in A2 and as far as I remember I couldn't do that...
  13. Tejkr

    How much Arma have you played?

    I played A3 for 322 hours and it is without alfa and beta, cuz I warezed those, but I played them a lot more frequently than after release :D I guess it won't make even 1k hours anyway, but still it's most played game on my steam and maybe most played game ever, if I don't count previous Arma games...because A2CO would win all the way!
  14. Hi! I was adding some gear icons recently. I added picture = "Security Intervention Forces\Data\ui\Uniform_Icon.paa" and it shows that icon in a ammobox or so, but in inventory, I have no icons. What is used to assign inventory icon? Thanks for the answer guys!
  15. Yes, removing the classname from linkeditems etc. really helps! Now my uniforms works as usually! Thanks for the advice, you saved my day and returned me the enthusiasm I lost for A3 because of this!
  16. Ok, I updated Arma 3 recently to newest patch and now, when I try my addon, all my units are spawned without uniform. Only one unit in rangemaster outfit is dressed. Helmets, vests and weapons stay as in config. Uniforms are removed from inventory, but they can be equiped using VAS. Nothing was changed before and after update, so I guess no problem there. Also other people trying my mod reports their uniforms alright. Other addons and vanilla units works well. I have no idea what's the cause of this. I checked config, everything ok there. Something about new version?
  17. Hi, is there any new way of creating uniforms? Because in my old mod, the uniforms are removed from units, now I've created new kind of addon (creating uniforms as usualy) and the uniforms are removed again. Other mods works just fine, my basic uniform code is like this: class Cz_Wood_Uniform : Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Czech SpecRes Woodland Uniform"; model = "\A3\characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"CzchSpcRspns\Data\Wear\Cz_Wood_Uniform.paa"}; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "SpecResWoodSoldier"; containerClass = "Supply40"; mass = 80; }; }; The uniforms works when I equip them from box (or adding adduniform in unit's init)...so, what am I doing wrong and the others not?
  18. Just to let you know what's going on, I made few pictues of my Field Team units, the bug, where I can't see uniforms quite holds me down, but I'm doing the small tweaks there! This is just Altis Camo units, but I have also woodland, desert and winter uniforms and even more vests and headgear sets (like vegetation desert, clay, city grey, vegetation arctic...). http://imgur.com/a/uNkdM Check it :D Also woodland units on Chernarus! http://imgur.com/a/Zdh54
  19. I have this weird strange bug or I don't know what it is exactly. When I put my custom (retextured) units in editor, they are spawned without uniform. It's not in their inventory, but they can be equiped from VAS as usually. Everything other is spawned - custom vests, helmets, weapons, vehicle textures works fine, too. It's just those uniforms and coveralls. Other mods, such as Mediterranean Operations, PMC or vanilla units work normally. I run my addon with MCC, CBA, MedOps and PMC, but the problem started to happen after patching the game (I patched it like two weeks after release) and after I downloaded A2 maps. I reinstalled the game today, but it didn't solve the problem. It's just my units and I didn't change anything before and after patch. Right after patching, my addon worked. But then I started it few times more and I don't recall when it was exactly, but since then, my soldiers are naked. I also downloaded older version of my mod, and there are no uniforms spawned as well. Other people trying my mod says they have no problem with this, so it's just local. I tried them in MP, SP mission, I spawned few with MCC and still no uniforms on them. Not even newly added uniform classes work, my units just spawn in underwear. Could that be some "switch" I accidentaly pressed, or something I stepped on? I tried even devbranch, no change. I don't know that to do with this, is there maybe a global command that will strip whole faction (they have their own independent faction) off uniforms? Because that would explain a lot!
  20. Is there any way how can I modify the armor of a car? For example, I have this civilian SUV and I would like to make it more bulletproof. Can I simply change it with something like armor = 50000000, or is it more complex?
  21. Ok, I updated Arma 3 recently to newest patch and now, when I try my addon, all my units are spawned without uniform. Only one unit in rangemaster outfit is dressed. Helmets, vests and weapons stay as in config. Uniforms are removed from inventory, but they can be equiped using VAS. Nothing was changed before and after update, so I guess no problem there. Also other people trying my mod reports their uniforms alright. Other addons and vanilla units works well. I have no idea what's the cause of this. I checked config, everything ok there. Something about new version?
  22. I guess it's not the model name, A3_Air_F_Beta_Heli_Attack_01_F should be Heli_Attack_01_F or something like this. Can't look on it right now, but I'm pretty sure that vehicle classes don't have "A3_Air_F_Beta" in their names. I'm pretty sure that's the problem. Use six browser for classnames.
  23. 5*0.8 can take like two or three bullets, so try maybe even 5*1.0
  24. Hi, how can I modify the revive and respawn script? We are just two on server, and sometimes it bugs, best would be, if the revive/respawn script is removed and normal A3 respawn is used. Can I modify it somehow? I look for the scripts, but I can't find what is for respawn and revive. Actually I like the HALO drop option, so just made the respawn instant and without the injury system, can someone help?
  25. Use the oficial Arma 3 tools, there's ImageToPaa, just move your .png image to that folder, run cmd, write cd path-to-the-folder-(like C:\Steam\Arma 3 Tools\ImageToPaa) and then ImageToPaa name-of-the-img-(usaflag.png) and there it is, it's done! Fast and quick...