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About jb92563

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  1. I tried multiplayer mode in the demo and cam e up with a list of only about 4 game servers to chose from. Are there more Multiplayer games being hosted out there? How would I find and get to them? I joined one of the 4 games and after about 5 minutes was booted off. Perhaps it was a private game? My ping was unacceptible. Or my inexperience was showing? Is there a place for Noobies to practice multiplayer? Also in the demo, I created a mission but it seemed like preconfigured soldier types were all could select, although I could pick the numbers. Is there a way to select various soldier types (Riffleman, Specialists etc) to make a composite squad with assorted weapons? Or is that a limitation of the demo? ARMA2 - CO CD's should arrive this week. Ray
  2. I discovered that my keyboard was indeed lagging due to bottle necked resources. I ran the Demo again after a clean reboot, and flushing all the useless programs in Task Manager and got things working nicely as they should. My first mission into a town, I got my ass kicked though. After about 3 tries of sneaking up and staying low, I eventually just drove into a corner of town with a hummer, bailed and ran into the first building quickly and closed all the doors while I tried to see where the shooting was coming from. When I did finally sneak outside to get down to business a welcoming committee kicked my ass in short order despite my bursts into their midst from about 20 ft. Not even one kill....crikey! I need to snarf a sniper rifle from a fallen soldier next time and work from a distance until I learn the AI's strategy. They also seem to appear from nowhere so perhaps my view range is too short due to my sub standard hardware. I have my upgrade plans made except for the OS choice. This is what I'm planning. - Phenom x4 955 BE - Radeon 1gig HD 5770 - 4 gig RAM DDR3 1200 - 550 Watt Power supply Ray
  3. What is the best OS to run with a Phenom x4 955 quad core, for the ARMA2-CO I read that XP and Vista do not Multithread and they dont use the 4 cores all that efficiently either. Is it best to run Windows 7 to get the Quad processors working efficiently? In other words was ARMA2 written to multi or Hyperthread, or will it all work just as fast on XP, which I already have. Ray
  4. I just bought the Arma 2 - Combined Operations (awaiting delivery) and was playing the demo. I have a question about the walking/running control. I hold the W key and when I let go it does not stop. If I tap the W key a few times I get some controlled short walk/runs. Is that the normal behavior or are the control keys inputs/system lagging? How would you run 50 yards? Hold down w for a couple seconds at a time? I plan on upgrading my hardware as it may be a little slow being a single core AMD Athlon at about 2800 Mhz speed and 2 gig Ram, with ATI radeon 1800 video. I'm transitioning from COD which becomes tedious and uninteresting after a while of playing the same maps over and over with unrealistic kills. Although it does keep your reaction time tuned up. Looking forward to discovering the fun world of Arma2, and doing more tactical and logistic playing. Ray