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Everything posted by Innomadic

  1. In the mainstream, "realism" is where the game doesn't look like CoD.
  2. Well hopefully MW3 will be the peak in this regard, one of the reasons i didn't get Black Ops, MW2 was just better in every regard.
  3. Vegas, AI and challenging are three words that do not belong in the same phrase.
  4. I don't have a problem with the CoD formula. For what it is, its fun, it works as intended and you can't fault them for sticking with what works. However what i DON'T like is every other developer thinking that if they copy that formula and put their own little twist on it they'll sell millions. They won't. No one wants to play CoD: Rainbow Six, CoD: Ghost Recon, CoD: Medal of Honor, CoD: Operation Flashpoint, CoD: Battlefield. If i want to play CoD i'll bloody well play CoD. I don't think in itself CoD is a bad game, its just that its been the catalyst for countless reproductions as people try to ape Activisions profits, and i think thats where most people take issue really.
  5. All my hate....exactly what i DON'T like about modern BF...
  6. Innomadic

    Tax the 1%ers and banks to pay for austerity?

    Not that i'm supporting absolute socialism (some aspects are indeed a good thing), but you're completely off the ball there if you're blaming the USSR's failures on Lenin.
  7. Erm, yeah, i have MW2, and that was nothing really. Sure it was "OMG so many people!" but after you got over that...nothing much really. And what children in Rio, what game was that in? What i mean by brutal is that woman stuck in the car while the protag is taking cover. Usually in those kinds of situations in games the area is completely evacuated.
  8. Yeah, "start a communication with you guys" my arse. If you were serious about consumer feedback Vegas 2 wouldn't exist. edit: It is kinda refreshingly brutal...but it looks like complete crap, the cover system seems worse than bloody Vegas.
  9. Innomadic

    Black Shark 2 Upgrade/Patch is out!

    Does anyone have any screens to show what is indeed "improved"?
  10. Innomadic

    Tax the 1%ers and banks to pay for austerity?

    I don't think hes referring to the UK, where taxation isn't backwards.
  11. Innomadic

    Forza Motorsport 4

    Nope, they earn you 360 achievement style trophies but the licenses are not needed to race.
  12. Innomadic

    Tax the 1%ers and banks to pay for austerity?

    The 1%'ers should never have had tax breaks in the first place.
  13. Innomadic

    Forza Motorsport 4

    Hasn't left the disk tray since i've put it in. To compare to real life is honestly nigh upon impossible, as very few people have driven all the cars in the game and have a perfect wheel set-up to make an informed decision. What i mean by perfect wheel set-up is that my wheel has 7 or 8 different adjustment options alone meaning you cannot get a perfect setting that replicates the real life wheel movement. The only game that has come close to replicating my short time in a V8 Supercar was iRacing, so if you want pure realism, get that because you won't get it out of GT or FM (and yes, i own both). Forza9 by Envy The Best, on Flickr However FM4 is realistic enough to set it apart from everything else on the Xbox, there is nothing like it (RacePro could come close in the realism department, though i haven't played it so i can't say) in that it is a very social game and caters to a wide variety of motoring flavours. Some people simply love the tuning and hot lapping aspect of the game, some like casual racing, some like hardcore racing. Hell many will spend most of their time making movies and taking snapshots of their cars. Painters will simply paint and race from time to time. Forza5 by Envy The Best, on Flickr The visuals, while still vastly improved upon since FM3, still have a bit of leeway in some instances, but those instances are rare. The game is indeed drop dead gorgeous and i have simply let the game showcase my car in the Home menu many times. Forza by Envy The Best, on Flickr However as i said, sometimes its not 100% perfect and I personally think that GT5 still has many areas in which its graphics engine is vastly superior, FM4 is simply a far more complete package. My only issue with the game is that T10 have once again given us V8 Supercars without a single Australian track to race them on. For those who don't understand, imagine if you couldn't race Stockcars on an Oval track, or F1's around a twisty track. They go hand in hand and since this is the second time in a row its bordering on offensive that T10 seem to have omitted this fact, despite hundreds, if not thousands, of calls for Australian content on the FM.net forums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUcweHdiYe8&feature=related
  14. Statements like this make me cringe... Disagree, because there will be people who WILL think BF3 is a sim...
  15. Honestly, i think MGS and Uncharted take the title here. CoD and BF3 are hardly "movie" quality.
  16. You could, conversely, expect that someone within EA would have noticed that one of their programmers didn't do their job correctly...
  17. Innomadic

    Wall Street Occupation

    Thats one of the things i simply cannot get my head around with the USA. How can you give tax breaks to those who earn more in a minute than your average joe does in a year?
  18. Innomadic

    Battlefield 3 Simulator

    Meh, totally wasted on BF3...loved the "its completely real!!" part. Many lulz.
  19. 1. Facebook only goes after anything you "like" and FB specific files, just like Steam and every other service 2. Doesn't stop them from logging the IP address, logging your files, logging your browsing history, logging what programs you've got installed. The two come hand in hand. I can't comment on BF3 on PC because i refuse to install Origin, i can't tell how BF3 will truly be like on its native platform because of EA. You can talk up DICE all you want, but i can't see any of it because of EA's stonewalling, so really that Beta may as well not exist to me.
  20. Playing PS3 beta this arvo as defender, both M-coms still in our possesion, spawned in and received an 870 to the back. Hadn't even the time to take in my surroundings, nor barely 10 seconds into the game and i'm being ******* spawn killed by shotgun ******....
  21. 1. "Console kiddies" is an incredibly unrealistic and wholly idiotic generalization of the console gaming demographic. Pull your head in, there aren't that many 12 year olds in the world. 2. Whether its aimed at certain people or not doesn't make the fact that publishers are finding new and nasty ways of getting to your wallet. Want those weapons that we could have put in the initial? Too bad they're extra. Want new maps? Buy ours, you're not allowed to make your own. Want a new gametype? Wait until we've decided it should be added and then buy it off us. Can you really not see the trend? Just because the latest has occurred within CoD, not exactly the most played game on here, doesn't mean its nothing. Games are becoming less and less content rich and getting more expensive. BF3 and CoD are just the latest examples, others being Acecombat Assault Horizon, Forza 4... We used to have stats, modding and expandable gameplay as a matter of course, a standard in gaming. Slowly but surely its being reigned in as publishers noticed they can sell these "extras" and the consumer will gladly accept it, whether they notice the damage or not. You may be fine with it, but i for one am not.
  22. Simple, look at CoD Elite, basically a overhyped stats page...that is paid for. Do you honestly believe that this would have been possible if it weren't for the fact that publishers realised that they were earning more money with cheap arse crap like this released on day one rather than packaging everything in the game as per normal? I can honestly see games in the future sold for top dollar, and then MP is an optional "extra" for 20 bucks a month if people continue to legitimise this kind of business.