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Everything posted by pawelkpl

  1. hi, I just added AH64D USA to xeno domination mission and started ranked game but anyone can enter apache at any rank. Only wreck chopper needs captain rank to fly. Does anyone know what I`m missing ? thx in advance, pawel
  2. where can I download domi 2.60zc ???
  3. thx for help, I`ve managed to have vehicles, wreck markers on the map, etc. I`m able to lift wreck like ah64d, a10, abrams tusk. I`m not able to lift ah-1z wreck. It looks like all vehicles belonged to marines cannot be lifted. I`ve checked changing ah64d (USA) to ah64d (marines) and was ah64d marines wreck was not liftable. Anywa thx for saving my day. best regards, pawel
  4. hi, I know how to add vehicles and markers but I would like to have helis without respawn at base, if destroyed. It forces players to use wreck chopper and lift, transport wrecks. Anyone help ?
  5. Hi to ALL, I`m new to editing of any mission and I`ve tried game editor for co30 domination 2.60u and I`ve added AH64 and AHZ1 heli but: 1. On map view there is no white square with 2 triangles inside for added chopper (there are only for defaults helis ) 2. I would like to have: If heli is destroyed there is heli wreck on the ground and it is possible to lift it and repair it in base ( no respawn for helis, only for lift chopper ) what does: vec reload (yes, no) mean ??? thx pawel
  6. there are some great missions like: E04 JACKAL, I dont understand why there is no option for coop play... any idea ???
  7. hey how can I open it in editor, because I cant load it from editor, so far I can use pboviewer to open any mp, sp mission I downloaded from internet, but I cant do it with arma 2 missions sp scenarios.