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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    FYI, just reuploaded version 2.42. Was missing the Keys folder for hosting on servers. If you're not hosting a server, you don't have to download again.
  2. zooloo75

    USA election 2016

    George Soros
  3. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    An update that's long overdue. UPDATE New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.42.zip Official BloodLust Website: http://bitdungeon.org/arma/bloodlust/ Note: The server and clients must run the addon. [11-26-2016] v2.42: Added the ability to import and export settings via the BloodLust Settings menu. To demonstrate this new functionality, try importing these settings that I'm currently playing with: Copy the following to your clipboard, then go into the BloodLust Settings menu and press the "Import" button. [["BloodLust_MaxBloodSplatters",500],["BloodLust_MaxBleedSplatters",500],["BloodLust_MaxGibs",50],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIterationCaliberMultiplier",0.9],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIterations",10],["BloodLust_VaporizedBloodSplatterIterations",50],["BloodLust_VaporizedBloodSplatterJitterAmount",10],["BloodLust_VaporizationDamageThreshold",0.6],["BloodLust_IsVaporizationEnabled",true],["BloodLust_IsVaporizationEnabledOnPlayer",true],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterGroundMaxDistance",1.5],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIntersectionMaxDistance",4],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterJitterAmount",0.015],["BloodLust_BloodLustActivationDistance",200],["BloodLust_IsBleedingEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BleedDuration",3],["BloodLust_BleedFrequency",0.005],["BloodLust_BleedFrequencyVariance",0.05],["BloodLust_BleedSplatterJitterAmount",0.5],["BloodLust_BleedSoundAudibleVolume",4],["BloodLust_BleedSoundAudibleDistance",10],["BloodLust_IsBloodSprayEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BloodSprayFramerate",60],["BloodLust_IsGibbingEnabled",true],["BloodLust_GibIterations",3],["BloodLust_GibSpeed",1.75],["BloodLust_GibProbability",0.15],["BloodLust_GibbingProjectileSpeedThreshold",300],["BloodLust_VaporizationGibIterations",17],["BloodLust_VaporizationAmmoClassnames",["MissileCore","RocketCore","TimeBombCore","GrenadeCore","ShellCore","BombCore"]],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIntersectionBlackList",["#particlesource","dummyweapon.p3d","BloodSplatter_Plane","BloodSplatter_SprayPlane","BloodSplatter_MeatChunk_1","BloodSplatter_Brain","WeaponHolderSimulated","WeaponHolder","Thing","Man","AllVehicles","Default"]],["BloodLust_IsBloodSplatterMonitoringEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BloodSprayProbability",0.75],["BloodLust_BloodSprayIterations",7],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterProbability",1],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterMonitoringDelay",0.5],["BloodLust_GibBleedDuration",3],["BloodLust_GibCaliberThreshold",0.4],["BloodLust_IsCleanUpEnabled",false],["BloodLust_CleanUpDistance",100],["BloodLust_CleanUpDelay",30],["BloodLust_IsUnitVehicleCollisionEffectsEnabled",true],["BloodLust_UnitVehicleVaporizationCollisionSpeed",30],["BloodLust_UnitVehicleVaporizationProbability",0.25],["BloodLust_ExplosionBloodSplatterIterationMultiplier",30],["BloodLust_IsVaporizedHeatWaveEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BleedSmearSpacing",0.05],["BloodLust_ArterialBloodSprayFramerate",45],["BloodLust_ArterialBloodSprayProbability",1],["BloodLust_IsArterialBloodSprayEnabled",true],["BloodLust_ArterialBloodSprayDuration",1],["BloodLust_IsMultiplayerCoreEnabledInSingleplayer",false],["BloodLust_BloodSpraySoundAudibleVolume",1.5],["BloodLust_BloodSpraySoundAudibleDistance",7],["BloodLust_IsBloodSpraySoundEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BleedSmearDuration",5],["BloodLust_IsBloodLustEnabled",true],["BloodLust_IsVehicleCrewVaporizationEnabled",true],["BloodLust_IsVaporizedGibCamSwitchEnabled",false],["BloodLust_IsFallingVaporizationEnabled",true],["BloodLust_FallingVaporizationSpeedThreshold",20],["BloodLust_FallingVaporizationGibSpeedScalar",0.2],["BloodLust_ExplosionDamageThreshold",0.2]]
  4. For my next project, I am thinking of remaking this mod.
  5. zooloo75

    Spam and reporting

    Does this forum require a CAPTCHA to register? I don't remember.
  6. This is why I only play singleplayer. All I see in the server browser are life servers and private clan servers running a bunch of mods: I can't play multiplayer.
  7. When EVGA finishes my RMA (my GTX780 died) and sends me a shiny new GTX 980 Ti SC+ GAMING ACX 2.0+, I will install your version ASAP! Good work Azza!
  8. zooloo75

    France General

    Constant terror attacks and unearthed terror plots suggest otherwise.
  9. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

    I didn't see a thread covering the leaks of many documents and emails of the Democratic National Committee, many of which are highly controversial. For those whom are unfamiliar with the story, a hacker, or hackers, with possible ties to Russia and/or Putin broke into the DNC's and Hillary Clinton's servers, stealing tens of thousands of documents and emails. The leaks expose the DNC's: Conspiracy to unfairly undermine their Democratic candidate, Bernie Sanders Money laundering Exploit of donations Hillary's gross negligence of classified information Secretive collaboration with multiple mainstream media outlets Artificial forming of protests, some protests even using their own interns of the DNC Discriminatory pandering strategies and generalizations of minority groups Push to lie about and slander Donald Trump, collaborating with mainstream media and social media Hiring of young adults to actively attack Trump on social media Vetting of top Black Lives Matter activists to push for protests Rigging of the Primary election Stereotyping of ethnicities and much more (there are still many unread documents)... The documents can be found on WikiLeaks. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are censoring the leak by shadow-banning trending hashtags and whatnot (which might be illegal). The leak confirms many people's suspicion of corruption throughout the government.
  10. zooloo75

    RS - Rain Textures

    This is why we should have a much more exposed shader system. So many possibilities.
  11. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

    Wikileaks is also offering a $20k reward for more information on Seth Rich's murder.
  12. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

  13. Placing your server in the core of the Earth will ensure equal latency for all.
  14. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

    http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/breaking-lead-attorney-dnc-fraud-case-found-dead-1-week-serving-dnc-papers/ There are too many coincidental deaths of those who are about to attack either the DNC or Hillary.
  15. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

  16. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

    Now do an analysis of Clinton.
  17. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

    Our election and party system should be thrown in the trash. The two party dominance only narrows our freedom of choice, eliminating any chance for an independent to take on the presidency. This is where I have some respect for Sanders and Trump, they went in and "shook" the two party system, throwing them out of their status quo comfort zone. I'd like to see a system that goes by popular vote alone. Keep it simple; whoever gets the most votes by the people wins. I'll admit that Trump isn't perfect, neither is his personality favorable to some, but in the realm of the two party system where it's either him or Hillary, I'm voting for Trump. I don't trust the mainstream media at all. In regards to choosing the lesser of two evils, I'll pick the one that hasnt been picked before. We need to get rid of the corruption in our government, and get our country back on track. We can already see what Hillary can get away with now, just think about what she could get away with as president. Anything that is truly unconstitutional or unethical would likely get shot down by the other branches of government if Trump were in office. We're in this election mess because our system is shit. Any hope of voting independent is faced with the reality that an independent has no chance of winning with this setup.
  18. zooloo75

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    All part of the NWO. Destabilize indirectly through proxy wars in order to fuel Globalist greed; a fight for oil and money. No care of who it affects and how.
  19. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

    https://www.africanexponent.com/post/new-evidence-the-real-reason-gaddafi-was-killed-2706 From reading this article that was published in April, ISIL sprouted from Hillary and bankers' greed. No surprise here. The Iraq War likely started for similar reasons as well. Being humanitarians is an excuse/justification to carry on the overthrowing of foreign rulers.
  20. Yea, that and perhaps a visual indicator which marks/highlights the target on-screen.
  21. zooloo75

    DNC Leaks

    So much corruption.
  22. zooloo75

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    From what the Turk said, they were bombing the Kurdish PKK (or something along those lines). They say the PKK are terrorists.I'm not taking sides here, just reporting what I know to give a broader picture.
  23. zooloo75

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    Just know that all news is biased and contains propaganda. Get the story from all sides and connect the dots, or else you'll just be a useful idiot.
  24. zooloo75

    Turkey Coup D'Etat

    Also, it was said that if ISIS were eliminated, Iran would fill the void or control the region. Kinda suspicious that Obama made that deal with Iran, essentially allowing them access to nukes IIRC.