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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. I think it's a matter of usage rights. You're granting people the right to use your content in ArmA, but not granting permission to use your content outside of ArmA/the release's intended purpose. I'm not a legal expert by any means, but I'd be shocked if this wasn't the case.
  2. zooloo75

    Does Tactical Ping work?

    Check your difficulty settings. There's an option to toggle it.
  3. Request: Add a smooth transition for the camera when changing sight modes. If you switch between iron sights and optics, there is an instant transition, breaking immersion. To improve this, the camera could tween between the current sight position to the next sight position, perhaps in a duration of a tenth of a second.
  4. This looks to be a small part of something much bigger. Without context, this is just random code. There's many ways you can add what you want, but to get it to fit into this framework you're using is another story.
  5. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    UPDATE New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.45.zip Official BloodLust Website: http://bitdungeon.org/arma/bloodlust/ Note: The server and clients must run the addon. [12-3-2016] v2.45: Exposed all configurables to the BloodLust Settings Menu, expanding the usage of third-party/custom content for BloodLust. Fixed issue where some settings wouldn't apply when imported. Fixed splatter rotation math (blood smears now rotate correctly, following the wound path, instead of being a random rotation). Blood splatters are now rotated to visualize the projectile path. Please throw a few bucks my way! :868:
  6. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Current changelog for v2.45: Exposed all configurables to the BloodLust Settings Menu, expanding the usage of third-party/custom content for BloodLust. Fixed issue where some settings wouldn't apply when imported. ------ I was able to replace the mod's blood splatter textures with some test images loaded in from the game's root directory (not packed in a PBO). This means that swapping of texture packs for BloodLust can be done on the fly! Simply place your textures somewhere in the ArmA directory, then replace the blood splatter texture paths in the BloodLust Settings Menu. For quicker access, once you do this, you can export your settings and share them with others.
  7. zooloo75

    [SP/MP] Old West - Wild West Map

    Looking forward to this!
  8. zooloo75

    USA election 2016

    Give the guy a chance. He's not even in office yet...
  9. zooloo75

    1.66 feedback

    With 5.1 surround sound, everything my character does while in first person view sounds like it's emitting 5 meters behind me.
  10. It sounds like you make the original content, then take the time to port it to the game. It's still your work, so you can do whatever you want with it.
  11. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Some Littlebird action! Vaporization in effect ;)
  12. zooloo75


    http://www.calytrix.com/products/titan/core-features.html Noice
  13. zooloo75


    I'm going to play the living shit out of this simulator -- and mod it. That is, if we can buy it.
  14. zooloo75


    Glad to see Outerra finally being put to use!
  15. zooloo75

    oh man , estimate on optimisations ?

    Specs? Also what missions and mods are you running? Performance can vary heavily from so many factors.
  16. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    UPDATE New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.44.zip Official BloodLust Website: http://bitdungeon.org/arma/bloodlust/ Note: The server and clients must run the addon. [11-28-2016] v2.44: Replaced blood splatter monitoring algorithm, which removed splatters from destroyed buildings, with an event-driven system for better performance. Vaporized gibs will now emit blood smears instead of blood droplets.
  17. How about a grenade explosion? You can try spawning a grenade, making it invisible, then positioning the grenade on to the unit, then setting its damage to 1 (which I think would cause it to explode -- maybe).
  18. zooloo75


    It might be a problem on my end, but I swear performance used to be better in Georgetown the last time I played ArmA (which was when Apex was released).
  19. zooloo75


    i7 4790k GTX 980Ti SC+ 16GB RAM 512GB SSD Windows 10 Graphics settings don't make much difference between low and ultra in terms of performance. In Georgetown, Tanoa, I get about 25-40fps with lowest draw distances at 500. This is in the editor with about 30 units. Less object-dense areas yield a nice fps above 80-110. There are so many factors that can cause poor performance in this game, and it's no easy job to solve. Could be anything or everything, ranging from too many objects in the scene, poorly optimized scripts, slow algorithms in the game, etc.
  20. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Increase the BloodLust_VaporizationDamageThreshold.
  21. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Settings carry over between versions as long as I don't change the name of the settings, which I haven't yet.
  22. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    UPDATE New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.43.zip Official BloodLust Website: http://bitdungeon.org/arma/bloodlust/ Note: The server and clients must run the addon. [11-28-2016] v2.43: Added settings to limit the total number of blood sprays. Minor optimizations applied to blood spray animation function. The game will now pause while in the BloodLust Settings menu. Try out my latest settings: [["BloodLust_MaxArterialBloodSprays",5],["BloodLust_MaxBloodSprays",5],["BloodLust_MaxBloodSplatters",500],["BloodLust_MaxBleedSplatters",500],["BloodLust_MaxGibs",50],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIterationCaliberMultiplier",0.9],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIterations",10],["BloodLust_VaporizedBloodSplatterIterations",50],["BloodLust_VaporizedBloodSplatterJitterAmount",10],["BloodLust_VaporizationDamageThreshold",0.6],["BloodLust_IsVaporizationEnabled",true],["BloodLust_IsVaporizationEnabledOnPlayer",true],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterGroundMaxDistance",1.5],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIntersectionMaxDistance",4],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterJitterAmount",0.015],["BloodLust_BloodLustActivationDistance",200],["BloodLust_IsBleedingEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BleedDuration",1],["BloodLust_BleedFrequency",0.005],["BloodLust_BleedFrequencyVariance",0.05],["BloodLust_BleedSplatterJitterAmount",0.5],["BloodLust_BleedSoundAudibleVolume",4],["BloodLust_BleedSoundAudibleDistance",10],["BloodLust_IsBloodSprayEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BloodSprayFramerate",120],["BloodLust_IsGibbingEnabled",true],["BloodLust_GibIterations",3],["BloodLust_GibSpeed",1.75],["BloodLust_GibProbability",0.15],["BloodLust_GibbingProjectileSpeedThreshold",300],["BloodLust_VaporizationGibIterations",17],["BloodLust_VaporizationAmmoClassnames",["MissileCore","RocketCore","TimeBombCore","GrenadeCore","ShellCore","BombCore"]],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterIntersectionBlackList",["#particlesource","dummyweapon.p3d","BloodSplatter_Plane","BloodSplatter_SprayPlane","BloodSplatter_MeatChunk_1","BloodSplatter_Brain","WeaponHolderSimulated","WeaponHolder","Thing","Man","AllVehicles","Default"]],["BloodLust_IsBloodSplatterMonitoringEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BloodSprayProbability",0.75],["BloodLust_BloodSprayIterations",7],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterProbability",1],["BloodLust_BloodSplatterMonitoringDelay",0.5],["BloodLust_GibBleedDuration",3],["BloodLust_GibCaliberThreshold",0.4],["BloodLust_IsCleanUpEnabled",true],["BloodLust_CleanUpDistance",100],["BloodLust_CleanUpDelay",30],["BloodLust_IsUnitVehicleCollisionEffectsEnabled",true],["BloodLust_UnitVehicleVaporizationCollisionSpeed",30],["BloodLust_UnitVehicleVaporizationProbability",0.25],["BloodLust_ExplosionBloodSplatterIterationMultiplier",30],["BloodLust_IsVaporizedHeatWaveEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BleedSmearSpacing",0.05],["BloodLust_ArterialBloodSprayFramerate",60],["BloodLust_ArterialBloodSprayProbability",1],["BloodLust_IsArterialBloodSprayEnabled",true],["BloodLust_ArterialBloodSprayDuration",1],["BloodLust_IsMultiplayerCoreEnabledInSingleplayer",false],["BloodLust_BloodSpraySoundAudibleVolume",1.5],["BloodLust_BloodSpraySoundAudibleDistance",7],["BloodLust_IsBloodSpraySoundEnabled",true],["BloodLust_BleedSmearDuration",5],["BloodLust_IsBloodLustEnabled",true],["BloodLust_IsVehicleCrewVaporizationEnabled",true],["BloodLust_IsVaporizedGibCamSwitchEnabled",false],["BloodLust_IsFallingVaporizationEnabled",true],["BloodLust_FallingVaporizationSpeedThreshold",20],["BloodLust_FallingVaporizationGibSpeedScalar",0.2],["BloodLust_ExplosionDamageThreshold",0.2]]