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[WIP] CineCam | Cinematic Third-Person Camera Replacement
zooloo75 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
CineCam | Cinematic Third-Person Camera Replacement by Zooloo75 Steam Workshop Page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1551751531 Version: 0.15 / Nov 1, 2018 Development Began: Oct 27, 2018 License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Disclaimer: This mod is not for everyone. Some players may feel motion sickness. Some features are unavailable or are not fully implemented while in CineCam's third-person. CineCam could break or cause issues in missions that manipulate the camera. Description: This mod replaces the third-person camera. This replacement is more dynamic, moving based on context. The camera positions itself according to the player's actions. If the player is moving with their weapon lowered, then the camera will follow centered behind the player, exuding a feeling of tranquility. When the player has their weapon raised, the camera will go over the player's shoulder, allowing for a clear shot of what's ahead. Free-look moves the camera in closer towards the player's head, improving feedback. The camera's motion is derived from various properties of the player. The weight of the player's movement can be felt through the camera. Known Issues / ToDo: [Issue] Reloading a secondary weapon while in third-person will reload the primary weapon first if it needs to be reloaded (limitation of `reload` command). [Issue] Reloading in third-person sometimes doesn't work. [Issue] Action menu cannot be accessed while in third-person due to technical limitations of being switched to a separate camera. [Issue] Aiming down sights can stop working in both third or first person. [Issue] Zooming in by holding right click while in third-person, and then releasing zoom, doesn't return back to the third-person camera. [Issue] Sprinting while the player's weapon is lowered causes the camera to go into shoulder-cam mode (`weaponLowered` command is unreliable). [Issue] Switching fire modes in third-person sometimes fails. [Issue] Firing full-auto in third-person for certain weapons does not work (need to build up list of full-auto fire mode names -- if you come across a weapon that doesn't fire in full-auto while in third-person, let me know). [Issue] Clicking in menus causes the player's weapon to fire. [ToDo] Add crosshair to third-person, which can be toggled via CineCam's Addons Settings. [ToDo] Make camera translations work with relative-space vectors, instead of global-space for easier camera manipulation. [ToDo] Camera yaw does not utilize torque yet (need to figure out how to handle rotation from 359deg to 0deg, as it rotates 359deg backwards instead of 1deg forward). [ToDo] Respect different vision modes, such as night vision, and thermal vision. [ToDo] Separate camera position offset handling for both left and right leaning (common problem of limited visibility when leaning left with right-oriented shoulder cam). [ToDo] Improve recoil feedback (perhaps tie it to arm/shoulder movement since that should accurately represent the recoil motion?). [ToDo] Make camera settings user-configurable. [ToDo] Handle third-person vehicle camera. [ToDo] Potentially use `cameraEffect` to allow for various post-process effects and the ability to change field of view (player loses control of character when using `cameraEffect` at the moment). [ToDo] Initialize camera position on player. [ToDo] Allow for shoulder-cam to be toggled between left and right shoulder. [ToDo] Allow for shoulder-cam position switching to be disabled. [ToDo] Obligatory code refactor. Changelog: 0.16 / TBA: Code cleanup. 0.15 / Nov 1, 2018: Made camera settings configurable (via Options > Addon Options > CineCam). Reduced default film grain value. Disabled CineCam's post-process effects by default (can be enabled via Addon Options). 0.14 / Oct 31, 2018: Improved camera offsets for practicality. Prevent firing while viewing map. Fixed issue where attempting to fire in full-auto with an empty magazine would playing the click sound every frame. Fixed issue where firing in full-auto for certain machine guns would only fire single shots. Remove inadequate night-vision handling. 0.13 / Oct 31, 2018: Allow for shoulder-cam to flip position offset depending on player's lean direction. Added keybinding to manually toggle shoulder-cam position (accessible via Options > Controls > Configure Addons > CineCam > Toggle Camera Shoulder). Allow for inventory to be accessed while in third-person. Fixed issue where sprinting while the weapon was lowered caused the camera to go into shoulder-cam mode (should only happen if the weapon is raised). Added mild post-process effects for eyecandy. Removed inadequate camera shake that represented weapon recoil (will be revisited at a later date). Improved combat lean stance detection for shoulder-cam flipping. Prevent firing while in dialogs. 0.12 / Oct 30, 2018: Fix issue where player can't aim down sights while in first-person. 0.11 / Oct 29, 2018: Fix issue where players couldn't fire in full-auto while in third-person. 0.1 / Oct 29, 2018: Initial release. Media:- 33 replies
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DOWNLOAD [ARMAHOLIC] DOWNLOAD [sIX] "Impulse" adds gunshot reverb to ArmA3. The addon is compatible with all other sound mods/weapons/maps/etc (it is completely independent [and can be used in conjunction with other weapon sound mods for more immersion]). Requires CBA. *Video contains vanilla ArmA3 weapon sounds* Changelog 3/8/2015 Version 1.3: + Vehicle weapon pressure sound now differs from the small-arms pressure sound. + Reverb for grenades and explosives. (Still tweaking this) + Certain audio replaced. + Values tweaked. 3/5/2015 Version 1.2: + "Slapback" effect re-added. + Object/Outdoor echoes improved. + Sounds tweaked. 3/2/2015 Version 1.1: + Major performance optimizations + Sounds tweaked + Gunfire now echoes off objects/rocks/vegetation Written in 3 days.
"So gory, that Bohemia Interactive once banned it from the Workshop!" "The most badass mod you've ever used." Adds various elements of gore to ArmA3 such as blood splatters, blood sprays, blood pooling, bleeding, gibbing, and other misc details. For Multiplayer: Servers and clients must run the addon. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667953829 Github: https://github.com/zooloo75/BloodLust/ Requires CBA! The addon must be running on the server and all clients. YOU MAY NOT RUN BLOODLUST ON A MONETIZED SERVER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! Support my endeavors with a generous donation using the "Donate" button below. Donations go towards coffee/beer and stuff. Thank you for your generosity! 🙂 Changelog:
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BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
BloodLust2 is now on the ArmA Reforger workshop! -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
The decal system and new material editor is very nice! -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Will be remaking it. Just need to learn the new scripting system. https://imgur.com/a/Z6lqMkB -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
👀 Reforger is out -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I’ve never ran into that error before. Does this happen with just BloodLust and CBA? -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Good news, Steam Support has resolved my issues with updating the mod on the workshop. I’ve uploaded the latest version to the workshop page along with a new update today where I’ve ported the old settings menu to CBA’s Addon Settings system, and revamped the multiplayer compatibility component of the mod. Now multiplayer behaves closely with the detail of singleplayer, and server admins have control over every aspect of BloodLust, having the option to override any setting they want for all clients.- 1008 replies
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BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I allow modified/forked versions of BloodLust to be redistributed. I don’t allow my version to be redistributed though. Not really worth enforcing it though, I don’t really care. -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I prefer to distribute the mod through the Nexus over Workshop since Nexus Mods pays me for downloads. I haven’t received donations in years, and I could really use the money. Also just about everything is configurable in BloodLust. If you just want blood and no gibs, you can disable vaporization in the BloodLust settings. I made BloodLust as configurable as possible so people can have any type of experience they want. The mod can be quite performant if the settings are tweaked to make it so. Disabling everything but blood splatters would result in a very consistent performance; all of the extras like bleeding and blood splashes, blood pooling, etc can be disabled if one wants just basic blood splattering onto surfaces when units are shot. This is what I originally had in the initial versions of BloodLust, and it’s enough for most use-cases. I wouldn’t recommend keeping much else enabled for typical playthroughs, as a lot of the features can be performance intensive at usual ArmA scales. I personally stick to playing little scenarios I put together in the editor with only a few units, and want all the bloody detail that I can get. -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I was banned from the ArmA3 hub by Steam Support. Did a little too much trolling a while back I guess lol. -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Version 2022.03.28 released! Video: https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/fSN0hiODvLrNL/d1337ShAkR8d?invite=cr-MSwzdTcsMzI4MDE1NjUs ## 2022.03.28 - Added blood trails that are triggered by head shots (configurable via `BloodLust_IsBloodTrailEnabled`). - Disabled blood splattering and bleeding for units that are inside vehicles (configurable via `BloodLust_IsSplatteringEnabledForUnitsInVehicles`). -
BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Long time no see! I've released an update to BloodLust: https://www.nexusmods.com/arma3/mods/31 I am unable to update my mod on the Workshop due to Steam Support permabanning me from the ArmA3 hub for some dumb reason. I will be keeping the Nexus Mods version updated, and also Nexus pays modders based on downloads, so this'd help me out in the long run. Version 2022.03.24 - Added blood splatters at the base of characters when they're hit, making hits more bloody (toggleable via `BloodLust_IsUnderCharacterBloodSplatterEnabled`). - Added setting to disable BloodLust processing on dead units for optimization (toggleable via `BloodLust_IsBloodLustEnabledForDeadUnits`, disabled by default). - Bleeding and smearing slows down over time (configurable via `BloodLust_BleedFrequencySlowdownAmount` and `BloodLust_BleedSmearingFrequencySlowdownAmount`). - Swapped out usages of createVehicleLocal to createSimpleObject for spawning objects such as blood splatters when in singleplayer for improved performance. - Disabled blood pooling by default due to flickering issue. - Tweaked blood smearing angle calculation, reducing instances where blood smears are rotated incorrectly. - Reduced blood pool size. - Reduced bleed droplet size. - Increased blood brightness. - Couple bleed smearing to bleed interval, introducing variation and eliminating excessive streaks which can impact performance. - Improved surface detection for blood splatter placement, allowing blood to splatter on more surfaces. - Fixed very transparent bleed droplet textures. - Fixed large blood splatters not rendering properly from dead vaporized units. - Fixed issue where invalid hit selections were causing blood smears to appear when they should be droplets during bleeding.- 1008 replies
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[Need Help] ArmA3 Publisher: InsufficientPrivilege
zooloo75 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
I'm trying to update my BloodLust mod, but when I try to publish the update, it fails with the following: -
[Need Help] ArmA3 Publisher: InsufficientPrivilege
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
Thanks. Even when I try to edit the Steam workshop page itself directly it errors out on me. I just checked the Steam Discussions too and it says I've been permanently banned by Steam Support, wtf. I guess this prevents me from doing any actions across anything ArmA3 related on Steam... You have been permanently banned from the Arma 3 Hub. You were banned by a member of Steam Support. Reason: "This post has been identified as being disrespectful. When posting in the Community, please ensure that content is respectful and constructive." I went ahead and just uploaded the update to Nexus Mods instead. I can't even leave a comment on my own workshop page to notify subscribers about this either... https://www.nexusmods.com/arma3/mods/31 -
[Need Help] Attaching object to hitPosition of unit
zooloo75 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi everyone, I'm trying to attach an object to a unit at the exact position they were hit, via the HitPart event handler. I'd like for this attached object to follow the rotation of the selection that was hit as well. So far from my experimenting, the attached object is not accurately placed where I shot the unit. I've tried various LOD indexes, and the different `selectionPosition` syntaxes but have had no luck. It seems impossible to attach an object to the exact position a unit was hit at and have it maintain a relative transform to the bone/selection that was hit. Has anyone else tried doing something like this successfully and could give some advice? Thanks. -
[Need Help] Attaching object to hitPosition of unit
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
You are correct! I've wanted to do this even before BloodLust. Would be nice to have something like Max Payne 3's impact wounds. The new scripting commands since then make this seem more possible, but it looks like there are still blockers for this. -
Is it possible to disable the falling animation of a unit?
zooloo75 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Step by step: I've placed a unit on the ground. I switched his animation via switchMove. I froze his velocity so he doesn't fall. I can change the unit's altitude via up and down keys. Once the unit goes above a certain altitude, he switches to a falling animation. I've already tried switchMove in a loop, but it doesn't allow me rotate my unit around freely -- it locks/resets his rotation. -
Dynamic Cover System Take that, Battlefield 4! >.< Making cover more convenient. This mod allows players to take cover behind objects and automatically pop-out of cover when they aim down their sights. Once the player has left their sights, they will automatically pop back into cover. All stance adjustments are automated, removing the need for clunky key presses during combat. Last Update: June 24th Demonstration video by asuseroako Frequently Asked Questions Download (From any of these fine sites) Requirements Community Based Addons Credits BadBenson - Helping me with the lineIntersects command. Dynamic Cover System by Zooloo75 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This script will allow units to place an explosive charge on a vehicle and allow them to touch them off. Spent about an hour on this as a response to this feature being "axed" by the devs. How to use: 1. Equip the unit with an Explosive Charge. 2. Have the unit get close to a vehicle. 3. Have the unit attach the explosive to the vehicle via action menu. 4. Either have the unit set a timer on the explosive, or perform a touch-off. This script works with both AI and players. I have tested it with AI and you are able to tell them to attach the explosive and set it off, etc as you would with any action they have available via commanding. -=Changelog=- 7/20/2013: Added Satchel Charges to the script. Added functions to allow separate explosion classnames for different explosives.
Access Points A simple to use system which allows mission makers to easily setup access points that allow players to reach places they wouldn't be able to normally reach (but should) *whew*. Why'd I make it? Because Tanoa looks pretty, but the skyscrapers don't have interiors, making players unable to access the rooftops by foot. Download: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/AccessPoints.Tanoa.v0.3.zip Multiplayer Compatible! Updated on 6-9-2016 Demo Video License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Setup Preliminary: Copy the "AccessPoints" directory into your mission. Copy the "execVM" statement into your mission's "Init.sqf". 1. Find yourself a nice building that you want to rig. 2. Place a trigger that you want a player to enter to access the roof. 3. Resize the trigger to better fit the doorway (optional) 4. Change the "Text" attribute of the trigger to follow the format "AccessPoint_UniquePairNameHere". This distinguishes this access point pair from the others. 5. Apply the change to the trigger text. 6. Copy the trigger (or create a new one, if you hate yourself). 7. Paste the trigger at the position you want players to be able to access. 8. Tweak the rotation and scaling of the new access point to your heart's desire. 9. Start the scenario and test it out! 10. Boom! That's it! You got it done like the badass you are. Changelog
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Download Below Dropbox contains the latest update! REQUIRES CBA! Fire-Fight Improvement System * Fire-Fight Improvement System by Zooloo75 * Causes incoming gunfire to scramble a group, simulating panic, fear, and surprise. * Units may accidentally fire their weapon out of fear from incoming fire (possibly resulting in friendly fire). * Units do evasive maneuvers to avoid gunfire. * Suppression is now effective against AI. * Higher skilled soldiers tend to regain focus quicker. * AI can now suppress other AI. * Units lose focus as they take fire, making them difficult to command. * Firefights last longer. -=Update 8/18/2013=- * Groups attempt to flank their shooter(s) and continue engagement. * Units will pop smoke when under fire. * Sniper units react differently than non-sniper units. * Bleed-outs now result in actual blood loss instead of just behaving as a visual. -=Update 8/19/2013=- * Added userConfig file. * Added functionality to vehicles. * AI can call in artillery support. * Added wind simulation to most types of projectiles. (Can be toggled via userConfig) -=Update 8/20/2013=- * Added more options to the userConfig file. * Units with LMG's will try to suppress the shooter's position, firing in full-auto. I started this system yesterday because I disliked how uniform the units reacted to incoming gunfire. Without this system, units receiving fire usually take a few steps then crouch and immediately return fire with ultimate precision. This changes that by prolonging firefights; making AI lay down suppression; Evade incoming fire by moving around, attempting to find cover; and also report that they are taking fire and where. Units that are taking fire are difficult to command as they disregard orders in an attempt to keep themselves alive. Groups also attempt to flank their shooters and continue combat instead of cluelessly standing around after taking fire. User Configuration Inside the download there is a userConfig folder. Inside is a file called FFIS.hpp. Open the file in your preferred text editor (such as Notepad++) to toggle certain features of the mod. For example, if you don't like the panic feature then you can toggle it by changing the SS_FFIS_LOSECOMMAND value to false; or if your PC can't handle all the smoke grenades the AI throws, you can toggle that feature by changing the SS_FFIS_USESMOKE value to false. Copyright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
HBAOPlus Post-Processing Effect
zooloo75 replied to zooloo75's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Wow, thanks!