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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Good news about the update: with the implementation of my animation system, this brings potential for animated splatters and other effects. Maybe blood pools forming?
  2. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    UPDATE! New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v1.8.zip v1.8: Expanded upon vaporization with a new gib model and more blood splatters. Added blood spray animations for exit wounds. Added weight to gibs, reducing bounciness. Bug fixes (such as floating bleed splatters) and code refactoring. Spent most of the day finishing the implementation of blood sprays, squashing bugs (gah!!! majority of the day wasted here), and refactoring the code base. Consider donating beer money. I seriously need it. :beeeers:
  3. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Tried out your mod! Love it! :D
  4. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Awesome! Can't wait to try this out ingame! BloodLust v1.8 is keeping me very occupied right now :P
  5. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Are you referring to the position that the spray is spawned? If so, I've fixed it already -- positioned it a bit further ahead.
  6. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Alright, I've got the blood sprays just the way I want them. Now to fix that floating bleed splatter bug. v1.8 sure is something, isn't it? ;)
  7. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Decided to get rid of the cloud spray. I prefer the spiky sprays more. Consistency is key! :D The cloudy spray doesn't really look too believable on a flat plane / billboard model as much as the spiky spray does.
  8. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I have all 4 animations chosen at random. The cloudy one seems to overwhelm the spiky ones though. FYI, opaque is how much an object CAN'T be seen through :P
  9. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I need opinions on this new blood cloud animation. Not sure if I should keep it or not.
  10. Awww yeaa!! BadBenson showed me his helmet shooting off script, and it looked great!
  11. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Remade the blood spray animations from stock footage of (hopefully fake) blood spraying from gunshots. ...I'm going to sleep now. P.S. Nice vid asuseroako
  12. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    BadBenson linked me to a very nice spritesheet for an exit spray -- so I tried it out :D
  13. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Preview of the animated exit wound sprays (WIP): Right now, it's just a sloppy, tiny, 3 frame blood spray animation. More frames to better portray the blood exiting and then dissipating will look better.
  14. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Working on something new: It is animated.
  15. zooloo75

    Optical/Active Camo

    Shaders are your friends!
  16. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    UPDATE! New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v1.71.zip v1.71: Fixed script error on bleed.
  17. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Meat chunks/gibs can be disabled (through a not so user-friendly method right now). If you look into the scripts, you should see a variable named, "IsGibbingEnabled". Set it to false in game either through the scripting console, or set the appropriate profileNamespace variable to save this setting: profileNamespace setVariable ["IsGibbingEnabled_v1.7", false];
  18. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I did not create brain splatter textures, as I'm going to model actual brain to attach to a person's head as well as creating better meat chunks. The file size is reduced due to the fewer textures in this version.
  19. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    UPDATE! New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v1.7.zip v1.7: Remade blood splatter textures. Overhauled blood splatter system to use units' hitpoint health, resulting in large, medium, and small blood splatters. Dead units will now continue to bleed out, leaving puddles of blood where they were hit. Performance improvements.