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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Road painting and concrete surface tutorial

    Note sure what is happening then :( Like you said all my roads working great have all my roads on a few layers then i export when I change / add Export to shapes > roads.shp This all works great . but my problem comes when i create a new Pol Shape... so I created a new layer and made some nice shapes for my Towns for concrete then if i change add a new road to my road Layer and export shapes to roads.shp I then get all new files in my Roads folder now instead of Roads.shp i now get Road_Polylines.shp & Road_Polyshapes.shp ( even tho I am exporting to roads.shp) ?? run bulldozer i get no roads any more ..... Delete the Polshape layer delete the new files that it created i.e Road_Polylines.shp then re-export to roads.shp and all back working again in Bulldozer. So it all seems to stop working when i create a new Pol Shape so no idea why ? Hope that makes some sense ****RESOLVED************** OK worked it out when i export my shapes after a change i had it set to Document not just my Road layers, so i was getting new files ( no idea why tho but i was) So all works now with shapes > and using this tut got my new Layers Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. 1para{god-father}

    Road painting and concrete surface tutorial

    hmm OK some advice please ! All was working great I exported shapes to \data\roads\roads.shp as i only had pol lines (for my roads) so i now made some nice new shapes so i can export to imagery- which changed my roads.shp to Road_Polylines.shp and now i cannot see any roads in bulldoze anymore ? even if i change my config ...newRoadsShape to the new path i still get no roads ?? Any idea what i need to change to get roads in BD working again ? So i now made a new shape
  3. 1para{god-father}

    Road painting and concrete surface tutorial

    Thanks for that ! What does "Create Surface Mask " tick box on the export do ?
  4. 1para{god-father}

    proper guide for road painting?

    Well you could use L3DT and create a Flat area and use a concrete surface for layers - place your Custom building on top - and there you go - but how big is the Custom building away !?
  5. 1para{god-father}

    [eods] explosive ordnance disposal suite

    Any chance for a Server Key :)
  6. 1para{god-father}


    I believe they are just Key points - so make a new Key-point in TB and it will create the file for you If not just create an empty text file and rename it to abc_sample.hpp and try again that will work until you want to add keypoints HTH
  7. first off Use PBOProject to pack your island up as that will show any errors and is far far better than the BIS one and will save you SOOOOO much time ! It will not let you pack it up if there is an error so you can track it down better unlike Add-on Builder. Try that first then you can post up the error log if needed ! https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files
  8. 1para{god-father}

    No textures in-game

    Have you generated your layers and set them up correct ?
  9. 1para{god-father}

    getpos Height

    OK having an issue ! If I stack a few objects on top of each then try and get the Relative height of the object for some reason it only ever shows the vertical position above the object beneath it & places them all on the ground :( using this :- _relElevation = (getPos _x) select 2; wikik " it returns the vertical position above the object beneath it" #define conFile(_msg) "debug_console" callExtension (_msg + "~0000") #define conFileTime(_msg) "debug_console" callExtension (_msg + "~0001") if ( isNil "KK_fnc_PTspecial" ) then { KK_fnc_PTspecial = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "KK_fnc_PTspecial.sqf"; }; if ( isNil "KK_fnc_floatToString" ) then { KK_fnc_floatToString = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "KK_fnc_floatToString.sqf"; }; _northing = 0; _easting = 200000; conFileTime( "--------------------------------" ); conFileTime( "----- BEGIN OUTPUT -----" ); conFileTime( "--------------------------------" ); { private [ "_objType", "_spawnType", "_posATL", "_dir", "_pitchBank", "_pitch", "_bank", "_msg" ]; if ! ( _x isKindOf "Animal" ) then { _objType = typeOf _x; _spawnType = "CAN_COLLIDE"; // _posASL = ( getPosASL _x ) call KK_fnc_PTspecial; // _posATL = ( getPosATL _x ); _xPos = _easting + ((getPos _x) select 0); _yPos = _northing + ((getPos _x) select 1); _pitchBank = _x call BIS_fnc_getPitchBank; _pitch = _pitchBank select 0; _bank = _pitchBank select 1; _dir = getDir _x; _modelRaw = getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> ( typeOf _x ) >> "model" ); _modelX = [ _modelRaw, "\" ] call BIS_fnc_splitString; _modelCom = _modelX select ( count _modelX - 1 ); _modelY = [ _modelCom, "." ] call BIS_fnc_splitString; _model = _modelY select 0; _relElevation = (getPos _x) select 2; _output = format [ '"%1";%2;%3;%4;0.0;0.0;1.0;%5', _model, _xPos, _ypos, _dir ,_relElevation]; conFile(_output); }; } forEach ( curatorEditableObjects myZeusModule );
  10. 1para{god-father}

    getpos Height

    Many thanks - any idea how to get an accurate Pitch / Bank as the BIS func is terrible and is very hit / miss
  11. 1para{god-father}

    import obejct template

    It is the class name that is wrong as I had the same issue on an import and I was missing a "_" in one of my class names
  12. 1para{god-father}

    Performance warning Error

    Does anyone have any idea what this error means , when i check my .rpt log on my terrain it is spamming this a lot. Many thanks :Performance warning: Very large search for -999 (>400 m) Performance warning: Unsucessfull search for -999 was very large (20520 m)
  13. Any idea why my .rpt is spamming this ? Can't change owner from 0 to 2 Object id a022196a (362) not found in slot 67,257 Link cannot be resolved Object id a022196a (362) not found in slot 67,257 Link cannot be resolved Object id a022196a (362) not found in slot 67,257 Link cannot be resolved Object id a022196a (362) not found in slot 67,257 Link cannot be resolved Object id a022196a (362) not found in slot 67,257 Link cannot be resolved Object id a022196a (362) not found in slot 67,257 Link cannot be resolved
  14. 1para{god-father}

    EMF help

    Yes i am using EMF to PNG from A2 which works great to convert It is sort of solved - it will not export into 1 image best I could get was 9 images , but after stitching together and amending the size to my needs it is still slightly off when I try an line them up so not sure it is 100% working yet. Will keep testing and get back
  15. 1para{god-father}

    Concrete in polygon? / Runway Road libs

    It is done the same way as grass in layers just assign a colour and set it to use your concrete.rvmat simple as that really
  16. 1para{god-father}

    How to smooth the ground texture?

    +1 to that sounds very interesting love to see a TUT
  17. 1para{god-father}

    X-Cam prototype map

    Looking nice t8 :)
  18. 1para{god-father}

    How to smooth the ground texture?

    You need to set the Tress yourself in TB or use world tools : (is for A2 but does work with A3 with a little tinkering :)) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10508
  19. 1para{god-father}

    How to smooth the ground texture?

    That is very normal , when you have ground clutter put on top when you pack it up it will hide those nasty things :) You could instead of having a line where you change texture use a spray effect to it is now and again that might also help a little but like I said above you will not see much anyway
  20. 1para{god-father}

    Paths - walkways

    OK I would like to have a lot of walkways to show where people have been walking over the grass, any way to make theses ? Any tips ? is there a way to do this like roads ?
  21. It fixed my issue when i use the exact same size Mask as my terrain i.e 4096x4096 *5 cell = 20480x20480 worth a try :)
  22. Could be this ? Also I had the same issue and from memory it was due to my mask not being 1:1 pelto_dry[]={{244,0,253}; missing } pelto_dry[]={{244,0,253}[color="#FF0000"]}[/color];
  23. 1para{god-father}

    After Update of PboProject issues

    Thanks for your Support ! All Up and running now after updating Makepbo :)
  24. I have just updated ProjectPBO and now it will not Pack and i get a LOT of errors :( I have tried to work out where it is failing but cannot seem to work out what is happing and why it does now not pack as nothing has changed. The Logs are below if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be very helpful https://www.dropbox.com/s/2waswipuybtu27z/Kapaulio.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dm78rlymd2svhbk/Kapaulio_packing.log?dl=0 Thanks in advance !