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dragon zen

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Everything posted by dragon zen

  1. Hey guys: I have some question on deleteVehicle. First, to delete empty vehicle, I use the carstatus.sqf (below). As you see, while the car is existing, it will be checked again and again. My question is : if I run some other script, in which this car be deleted directly. How carstatus.sqf work? It may still check (getDammage _veh), but _veh has been deleted ! I just want to ask: whether this sqf will exit normally, or there will be some bug? I will use this sqf many many many times, if the sqf can't close normally, in another word, it remains in RAM, it will be a disaster for my mission!! Dose anybody make an answer? THX
  2. O, Thanks. In http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteVehicle , I read some note below: "Deleting a vehicle, which is still being accessed by a running script, can result in a CTD." What is CTD??
  3. O, thanks. hehe, I haven't used editor in game for a long time.
  4. Hey friends, I have a question: I know there are "addMagazineCargo" and "clearMagazineCargo", but how can I get the Cargo list of the Ammobox? I want to move those ammos in Ammobox into another Ammobox or Car, how can I make this? Thanks for your help.
  5. Sorry? Where to type out, click and press F1, in editor?? BTW, I also want to design my mission for latest version, but I think RU and USMC are more comparable rather than US versus terrorist.:D
  6. Ah..... I see the update at biki. But, getWeaponCargo is introduced in OA 1.54. Though I have combine AA2 and OA in my PC, but my mission is designed for pure AA2. Does somebody make sure that those codes OK for AA2 1.08??
  7. Sorry, I can't find those code in AA2. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 and getWeaponCargo is a code for VBS2... :(
  8. Ha, OK, thanks for your help, I will try this.
  9. Hello brothers: I want to use Combo and I found it seems that I can't use lbAdd. First, in my description.ext, I have prepared the #define, and set up a RscCombo as a model, and then create ComboTry. Before create dialog FirstCombo, I run "lblb.sqf" below. However, when I run lblb.sqf. The hint said "lbValue is 0", not 3. :eek: I don't know why. It seems that idc 821 didn't response to the lblb.sqf?? lbAdd failed?? What's more, if I call the dialog, there is only a huge arrow, no row, no content. I think it is because idc 821 is empty. Thanks for your help.:butbut:
  10. Sorry I still don't know what your mean. What should I do?? 821 is in the description.ext and ext has already run when game start. And I run lblb.sqf during the game. What's wrong?? :confused: ---------- Post added at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ---------- Is there any code or any where to "create idc" or "create control"??
  11. Sorry, I have a question: When I use those code. I got a BIG arrow, and I don't have scroll, don't have content, why?? I'm sorry I can't send a picture...
  12. Hey guys: In my mission, I create a new group after a group die, and I meet some bug in late period of my game. I don't know what is the true reason, but I suspect the group number. After create much groups, radio channel doesn't appear those marker, such as A-1-2. Is there a limitation of group number? If yes, is it possible to meet some trouble when create a new team? And how to deal with this trouble? To use "deletegroup" code? Or to create new soldiers into existing group, which has been emtpy? THX
  13. OK, thanks for your explanation. If I have deleted those emtpy groups, they won't employ position in 144, isn't it? Or you mean I can only create 144 groups, no matter whether I delete existing groups? Another question is: whether can I delete a group in which there are soldiers alive?? I mean, I wonder whether computer ignore the code, for example: "{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _gp;deleteGroup _gp;" Does this code ensure the group has been deleted?
  14. I want to set camera to a parachute and view the battleground in the air, just like a UAV detection. I create a parachute, and run the code: "parachute1 switchcamera "internal";". Now the camera attach to the chute, but I can just see the horizontal direction. If it is difficult to control the camera by player, at least I want to set the camera direction adown, how can I make it?:confused: In the script of UAV module, it combines the "switchcamera" and "remoteControl" to control the UAV. But it seems I can't control the head of the pilot in chopper and the behavior of those animal by these codes. Is it neccessary to attach an animal to chute and use "selectplayer" to act as that animal, so that I can make the function I want? Is there any other way??:butbut: ---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ---------- In addition, I don't know how to control the camera at all. For example, how to follow the tracks of a flying missile? I think it will be cool.
  15. Hi friends, I combine my two question here:p: 1st: I don't use the official artillery module, but I want to use its sound such as "fire", "splash". How can I cite those sound in scripts? Where can I find them? 2st: When I use module such as UAV, how can I take more control as an editor. For example, I want to set a certain waypoints for UAV instead of the square wp, or, I want to forbid player setting the position of UAV. The effect seems like player is just have a look from screen and UAV control by others. How can I make this? I think other module have the same problem, such as artillery in SecOp just have limited choice and limited number of fire, no matter how many D30 you set. I want more control of the function. Thanks for your help.;)
  16. OKOK, thanks brothers. I just want to find the file containing those functions.
  17. OK, several question, waiting for answer...
  18. Sorry I have another question: After we did above, if I use UAV module, player can see the battleground from UAV screen. But when I use module, is there any possible to disable player's control to that UAV? I don't want player to set the position around which the UAV fly, just give player a way to have a look from that UAV.
  19. Additional Question again: when UAV destroy, there is a message box appear and game is stop, how to avoid this message? And, Is there a script code can make player out of that UAV screen??
  20. Thx, I notice disableAI recently. There is another quesiton: In my mission, when chopper get into the battlefield, in the same condition, AI in AH1Z can fire hellfire even when they are going down, but, AI in Mi24_V always fly through but fire nothing. That's why?? Mi24 also have missile but AI just don't use it...They are both setcombatmode red, and so on, but make different result.
  21. Thanks Xeno, I have know how to create a flying plane/chopper. My question is above: 1st: When I create a A10(ro Su39) at MarkerA, I add waypoint to Marker B. There is a battlefield between A and B, full of tanks and so on. Now, I want the pilot to fly directly to B, just like there is nothing on the ground, but fire missile to those enemies. Those airplanes seem to change their way and join the battle. Ah.....I'm sorry, not very sure after I try it again. OK, just "theoretic say", plz tell me how make that effect, directly fly and attack. Should I use some "setcombatmode" or "setWaypointType"??:confused: 2nd: How to use "setVelocity". When I write setVelocity after creating a plane, that plane just get that velocity within 1 second, and then lose speed, crash down... :(Who can tell me how to change V to a certain values smoothly? Thanks a lot.
  22. Sorry guys, my question is how to make a flexible waypoint to UAV. When I use a UAV with module, it is always a square track. With module, it is useful to let player set the position of square, but now I need to edit a waypoint out of the control of player and I wish it could be a normal waypoint(not square). Ahhh...at least, how can I setPos for the center of the square with script? With this way, I can force the waypoint of UAV, even its square... How should I make it? THX.
  23. UP. Same question need to be solved......