Knight Rider
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MCC Sandbox - Mission making the easy way
Knight Rider replied to spirit6's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Some more stuff I found out setting up a mission. Multiple CAS does not work. I can select more than one CAS run, 2-6, but it only seems to have one CAS run. How long do you have to wait for the 2nd etc.? I'm patient but after some time waiting I got bored. I hope the GUE start point issue I mentioned earlier can be fixed in the next release. I really need it :) -
MCC Sandbox - Mission making the easy way
Knight Rider replied to spirit6's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Something else I found out: When you place an object and delete it with 3D, then save the mission to clipboard + load it from clipboard, the deleted object will return and is still placed on the old deleted location. -
MCC Sandbox - Mission making the easy way
Knight Rider replied to spirit6's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Hi, been testing MCC some more an loving it of course. I did run into something, when I use the Start location -> Start Guer, it says -> Start WEST location updated. So it seems to update the west location instead of the GUE location. Any way to chance this or have a work around so I can also change the Resistance start location? Now I can also not use the mobile respawn for GUE of course. Hmm when I change the EAST location it also says West. Am I missing something here? Also when I'm an undercover agent GUE and respawn, I repawn with a rifle and don't have the draw/holster option anymore. Any change to get that back when respawning? It would be nice to also have the option to hijak/high command civilians. Just some things I ran into while trying to make some nice missions. -
CO MCC USMC - All Island (generator)
Knight Rider replied to spirit6's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Could you guys also add some civilian server slots? Haris as a camera guy for instance and some others. -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Is is possible to change te server slot classes, like Operator to a unit from an addon? Or change it to the standard USMC units? (We have a unit addon with a replacement pack, which replaces the usmc guys) If so how can you do that? I know you can change classes in the MASH but that gives to many problems unfortunately. -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Any change VTS can now use the ALICE(2) ? See: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12335 -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Some other remarks and a feature request: - Feature request: Turn off spectating for enemy/other units. An opfor unit can spectate a blufor unit for instance. It could be used to cheat if dead people pass on the location of the enemy by spectating. - Remark: Spawning an empty vehicle in OA VTS can give problems for the human players. Sometimes they can't get in,out or can't control their character anymore, it seems an AI took over and they can just spectate (not the be confused with the feature request info :p) or so. - Also when I place a unit and have the not move option and afterwards I try to give them a go to point on map order they don't do that and just stand there. It seems to me that OA gives some problems here and there in VTS. -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
The RTE has the buildin save function and then MCC has a save function for the placement of it's own features. Implementing the RTE would let the GM use that editor and save what is placed within that editor, so without the VTS features. Both save functions would be nice but it would help a lot if the GM can use the RTE to have a worked out basis of a basic mission to load. Then the GM can start with that and quickly add the on the fly options, the dynamic part and other cool VTS functions. If you want to attack an airport for instance, you can add all the units, vehicles and some extra static placements etc. with RTE in advance in your own time. Then when you load that airport mission, you can use VTS to add some extra units with different patrol options, add the spawn points, populate the airport with extra ai or so and other VTS stuff and then start the mission. Then chance stuff on the fly when needed, send the extraction heli, teleport people etc. etc. It will add an extra dimension to VTS I would say. It would save GM's a lot of time making the mission. As I said before I start 30 min in advance to set up a mission and that actually always takes longer even though I have written it out in advance (checked everything in (VTS) with coordinates, which weapon crate, vehicle etc). I sometimes even have to start a mission and then let the teams do their thing while I keep on editing trying to finish setting up the mission. I would rather spend that time checking and helping (or not, sending enemies their way) the team. VTS is a great platform for making missions for our team(s), but I guess we want to much out of a mission :) -
RTE(Real Time Editor) or some alternative for OA MP
Knight Rider replied to n0pp3's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Here is how I got it to work: - I have jayArma2Lib installed - In RTE Capture my profile points to arma2oa.exe and I have jayArma2Lib in the command line of course but I also have RTE Capture DLL active - I start the game via RTE Capture - In game start RTE which takes a couple of seconds to load. The status is not connected untill you are in RTE - Then via projects I can save and load again -
CO MCC USMC - All Island (generator)
Knight Rider replied to spirit6's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
It's been a month already (well almost), any more news? I'm just really looking forward to this one. Safe/save and mission briefing etc. for the win! We can we test it :p -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
The Real Time Editor (RTE link) also has a save function. Maybe the RTE could be implemented in VTS like it is in the Mission Control Centre (MCC link). Then you can set up the basis of the main part of the mission like units, vehicles, buildings, save it and then use the dynamic part of VTS for the rest of the mission. Right now I start 30 min ahead of my team to set up the mission as I want to set up units, vehicles, buildings etc. in advance. That takes up time and if something happens to the server or me it is lost and you have to start all over again. It would also be nice of course to have several missions set up and saved in advance so you can play those dynamicly one after an other. Dunno if something like that would be possbile but it is one of the main options I really miss in VTS. -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Thanks, the Freecam is a nice touch. Is there also a way to add the new Freecam to 3D placement so we can place units even better? I still don't see the "place" or "drop" button/function in 3D placement of units and moving units around. Might be my screen settings. Can that option be placed at the top of the screen maybe? Just some more comments on things I noticed while playing: - If you let the game start with the parameter "Starting with weapons: NO" and you teleport someone, they get their weapons back. - If the GM uses the interact option "join" on human vs human or a player uses the option "Group with nearest unit" the player who joined becomes sort of an AI spectator. They are bascially an AI and look through their eyes and can not control their character anymore. The "Leave current group" does not work either so they have to restart. These are cool features and I hope they can be improved. - The change class at the spawnpoint/MASH also has a few things which don't work out to well. If you select default you sometimes can not change class again or select the enemy class. It's fun to be a dog but if you are trying to get your team ready to move and they try to be funny they get stuck. It teaches them a lesson but it does not help the game :) - If a player selects civilian as faction for instance and they try to get in a vehicle of the west human players they can not get in if other west players are in it already. It has to be empty first before the civilian faction player can get in. Then the rest of the human west players can get in after him. - The options on objects are usually hard to find and use, like "change class", "get in as driver" etc. I usually have to walk around them a couple of times before I get the option. Don't know if that is VTS thing or just Arma 2 thing. - I see dots of people on the map which don't seem to be there. For friendlies, enemy and civilians. Even after waiting a long time. Can't delete them either. - The "Fill roads with vehicles from current side" is a nice option. Can it also be set so you can select which vehicle is spawned? Or limit it to vehicles with weapons at least? - Would it be possible to make a (instant) revive option for the GM? Selecting respawn in the main menu does not make the GM get up, the revive screen is still there. If he is hit and the revive timer kicks in, he is limited in the GM options and the game might not be able to move on properly then. The (free) camera does not work properly then for instance. - Could the Artillery be more precise? When I zoom in and set the coordinates for the Arty it is a bit off and can not hit the exact location I want it to drop. - Could you make the civilians white again as before, they were easier to spot/see on the map then. - Would it be possible to add an option for a unit to move into the nearest building and stay there (next to patrol building radius)? - Is there a way to also add things like placing IED's, hostages that can be rescued etc. to VTS? - Last question, I remember that you were trying to get a save function in VTS. How's that going? -
CO MCC USMC - All Island (generator)
Knight Rider replied to spirit6's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Looks great, looking forward to it. (safe and load... I'm guessing it is sa"v"e and load, a typo right?) Saving is an option I'm really looking forward to. Thanks -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
When using the 3d placement option I don't get the "Place" button anymore after setting the AI in the right position. Is it just me or is it gone? -
VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor
Knight Rider replied to gonza's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - USER MISSIONS
Sweet, thanks for a new version! Could you also add some things/scripts like placing IED's, hostages etc. to VTS? And are you still trying to get a save function in VTS? __________________