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Everything posted by major_shepard

  1. Just tested your FTP on the /test folder, everything seems working fine for me. Be sure the url of Upload options is properly set.
  2. Could give me the access to the ftp with the login you use to upload by pm? Try also replacing ArmA3Sync.jar file by this one ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/ArmA3Sync.jar
  3. Run ArmA3Sync-DEBUG.exe and you can see what happening. Pretty sure your are mistaking with the /.a3s/sync file
  4. Edit ArmA3Sync.bat file, remove the line: RUNAS /user:Administrator Then launch ArmA3Sync using the bat file. Be sure to have write permission on the ArmA3Sync installation directory. If the directory is in Program files, move it to another location.
  5. If you delete the remote /.a3s/sync file then ArmA3Sync will re-upload everything to guarantee the corresponding between the /.a3s/sync file and the repository content. You can perfectly do whatever you want manually as long as you can still guarantee that the /a3s/sync file is corresponding to the repo file content.
  6. Working fine here. Presumably your anti virus is doing crap with ArmA3Sync.
  7. Are you using multiple connections along with speed limit? What happens with 1 connection + speed limit?
  8. Presumably the repo url is wrong or server conf issue. Use a web browser to test the access/browse/download with the repo.
  9. What's strange is that you have ArmA3 and ArmA3Server as addons ??? Do remove all the paths from Addon options panel -> addon search directories. Create a dedicated directory for your addon and add this path to addon search directories.
  10. What is the file structure of the @Unshaved folder? is it @Unshaved\addons\*.pbo or @Unshaved\@AddonName\Addons\*.pbo? If it is the first case just add Steamapps/common/arma3 in the Addon seach directory and should be fine.
  11. Check Addon options panel -> Addon search directories
  12. A priori URL du envoies moi en mp les infos de connection au repository.
  13. Just check on the FTP after the upload that the /.a3s/sync have been replaced by looking to the file modification date. At the beginning of the upload, ArmA3Sync compares the remote and local /.a3s/sync file to determine which file to upload/delete so that only changes are applied on the FTP. If you use FileZilla client/whatever you will have to re upload everything. Uploading on (localhost) is not possible if you have internet distance between your pc and the FTP server. if you are able to access the machine hosting the FTP (remote console/remote desktop), simply install ArmA3Sync on the machine and build the repository from there.
  14. Could you check if you are not missing overwrite permission on the FTP? Typically if the /.a3s/sync failed to be replaced which happens just after the delete cycle then no change in the repo is detected has /.a3s/sync hold the metadata required for the synchronization. Auto retry after connection/write timeout could be added yes.
  15. major_shepard

    MOD Key Extraction

    ArmA3Sync can do this. From GUI, menu Tools -> Bikey extactor or command line ArmA3Sync-console.bat/.sh -> Extract
  16. What you must do: 1 - On the FTP create a dedicated directory for the repository 2 - Move every mods on the FTP to this directory 3 - On your pc build the repository with the exact same content. 4 - Upload manually the /.a3s folder using binary transfer mode to the remote repository 5. From this point the repository should work ok 6. Next time you want to update the remote repository, rebuild the repo on your pc then use the upload arma3sync command. ArmA3Sync will compare the local and remote /.a3s/sync file and then upload only the new/updated files.
  17. If you have a web server for hosting your clan site you can use it to distribute the autoconfig file of the FTP repository, auto-config url will then looks like http://blabla/autoconfig so that end users wont know the password.
  18. Your provider won't give you an anonymous access on the FTP as it is a shared kind of server.
  19. The correct url of the repo is on port 8821 Using this url I was able to both upload and download the repo with arma3sync.
  20. Send me the login and password by pm.
  21. password protected (= anonymous connection refused) Again use your Web browser to test the repository url. You must be able to browse and download file from there. If you are not able to create an anonymous connection to the repository you can import the autoconfig file.
  22. See wiki user part If your question is how to import the autoconfig file ask Google about anonymous connection and filezilla server
  23. You can. Be sure to Use binary transfer mode.
  24. Check the Upload options button and be sure to configure properly the url and the user login into FileZilla Server with full permissions on the remote directory.