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10 Good

About Rifler

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  1. Hey Folks, i'm searching for a clan inside Europe, mainly because of the bad ping you get when playing on Servers outside of the EU. I would like to prefer a clan with vanilla setup servers, which is related to the fact I only have a medium class system. Really tried it with ACE2, but that simply didn't work because of much to high FPS impact. I've tried to join the 6th sense clan in Europe, but unfortunately they are using ACE on their Servers and so i'm in search for a similar clan, that likes coop playing with realistic, tactical, infantry oriented and expert settings and gameplay. Jumping into missions with parachutes or helis is ok, but don't expect me to use any of the "hardware". I'm a good rifleman up to 1.000 meter range and usually prefer hunter/scout classes. I don't necessarily have commanding skills, but if people want me to motivate them, I can do that too...:D I have teamspeak installed and a headset ready. I'm using no mods, apart from thoose improving the performance of my game. I'm looking forward to some decent gameplay and simulation of "a soldiers life". Greets Rifler aka Frontsalat