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Everything posted by classic

  1. correct link. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Advanced-Combat-Radio-Environment/401861336534139
  2. classic

    MRAP Cougar

    Great news!:)
  3. It is very simple, remove the ". -showScriptErrors command is useful to discover the error. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters#Developer_Options
  4. classic

    Firing Drills - Challenge!

    my best time for the red course
  5. Hey sickboy. Can you add backpack classnames? http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=138123
  6. classic

    Force Recon

    Awesome work!
  7. classic

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    It's good news!:D So i have a one question. Will the release be on Sunday UTC midnight?
  8. Nice addon. downloading now.
  9. :bounce3::bounce3::bounce3::bounce3::bounce3::bounce3:
  10. classic

    ACE for OA 1.13

    hi. This @bink_usmc unit why it was deleted?
  11. classic

    JSDF MOD 1.0 released

    Great job mate:yay:
  12. Please add OCP to SU. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=125360
  13. classic


    very very nice mod! plz add Six Updater. quote by Sickboy @ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98609&page=39
  14. like this http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/OA/Weapons/pistols/full/revolver_EP1.jpg Please tell the command. I used google transistor.
  15. nice map:) quote by Sickboy @http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98609&page=39