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Posts posted by A-SUICIDAL

  1. The stuff you had for the init gave me errors. Typo maybe? IDK

    ---------- Post added at 10:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

    Also, the way you have it set up it's not removing the action.

    I found a way to remove the action at Kylania's example script page here.

    So I incorporated it in the script.

    I went back to using a trigger to detect and here's what I changed in the script:

    _atv = _this select 0;
    _unit=_this select 1;
    _p = _this select 0;
    _id = _this select 2;
    [_p] joinSilent _unit;
    _p removeaction _id;
    _atv lockDriver true;
    _atv lockCargo true;
    _unit setPos [ getPos _atv select 0, (getPos _atv select 1) +1, getPos _atv select 2];
    _atv setPos [ getPos _atv select 0, (getPos _atv select 1) +0, getPos _atv select 2];
    _unit switchMove "RepairingKneel";
    _unit setDir 170;
    _atv setDamage 0;
    sleep 20;
    _unit switchMove "aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_idlesteady02";
    _atv lockDriver false;
    _atv lockCargo false;

    ---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 PM ----------

    Bugs so far:

    1.) You can choose to repair the vehicle from like 10 meters away, where as the action to get in the vehicle appears from like 2 or 3 meters away. I need a way to decrease the action distance some how.

    2.) The vehicle still offers the action after the vehicle has been completely destroyed. I need a way to remove the action if it's destroyed.

    3.) If you get shot and killed while repairing the vehicle, the repair animation continues and when the animation completes moments later, that's when it finally shows your death animation. I need a way to stop the repair animation from continuing if the player is shot and killed.

  2. For example, to get player "s3" to moveInCargo as soon as he or she respawns, I used a trigger grouped (blue line)to s3, with radius 20000 (LoL), condition "alive s3", trigger set to repeatedly, with a 1 second (min,mid,max) timer and on activation "s3 moveInCargo plane1".

    When one of the 8 bunkers is captured the trigger that moves s3 into cargo is then deleted. I know, it's totally ghetto. I do have other loops that run from sqf files, but I didn't know how to script the loop to get the player to moveInCargo. So I settled for the ghetto trigger.

    When you said "Save and update the current respawn position in a variable", I don't exactly know how to do that. I'm a total variable noob. I learn fast though.

    Here's an example of how much of a determined novice scripter I am... I just started a thread regarding my "Flip/Repair ATV" script". I don't know if the script already exists for an ATV, but I didn't copy anybody's script, as you can easily tell by looking at the novice way I threw the script together. A did ask for help improving the script and offered a sample mission.

    I'll keep trying to fix the JIP players to moveInCargo and also try to get the JIP players to move to the bunkers as the bunkers are captured, but with little skills I have with variables, I don't see myself being able to figure this out anytime soon. I really don't want to remove the plane in the beginning and redesign my mission to use a HALO flagpole. Are there any missions that exist that I can download and examine that uses a script similar to what I am trying to accomplish?

  3. An example of how much of a determined novice scripter I am.

    I flipped my ATV on its side when I hit a very tiny rock. I got pissed. My friend laughed. I left the game and came back a half an hour later and asked him to join my game for a minute, then I introduced him to my new ATV vehicle. Broom! Broom!

    Here is the example mission:


    This script will add an action to your ATV that will appear only if the ATV is damaged or lying on its side or both. When the action is performed while still riding on the vehicle, it will first remove the action, then it will make you hop off, locks the vehicle, sets your position 1 meter from the vehicle, turns you 170 so you are facing the vehicle, sets the vehicle back on its feet again, then an animation starts where you turn even more towards the vehicle, then kneel and repair the for 20 seconds, sets the vehicle back to full health, then switches you to a kneeling position with weapon lowered, unlocks the vehicle, then you are free to hop back on and keep driving. If you hop off the vehicle first and then choose the action to "Flip/Repair" the vehicle, the same functions are performed.

    I have multiple remove action commands because I don't know how to create variables and all that select 0 and select 1 stuff, so I am asking for help from the experts here to help me make my novice script more professional. I'm sure that there is an entirely different and better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, but for now, it does work and I am using it in my current mission creation. It makes perfect sense that you should be able to flip an ATV back on it's feet using your muscles and that there would be a console in the vehicle containing a can of Fix-A-Flat and a simple toolkit. This script is not meant for 10000 ton tanks.

  4. Thank you so much shk, it works now. Words can't describe how thankful I am. If it wasn't for you I would have probably gave up completely.

    I had everything set up the way you said, but I was using a briefing.sqs, then I noticed that you had the invisible H pad with the tasks in it - in the example mission that you posted. Once I set up the tasks like you did, everything then started working properly for JIP players, except for a few things, but I figured out a way to fix all but 1 thing. I'll explain...

    There are 8 enemy bunkers that need to be captured. When a bunker is captured it then becomes our respawn area. We start the mission in cargo of a plane. The plane circles around Bunker 1 at 5000 meters up(to avoid enemy patrolling gunships that fly low). There is a Drop Zone marker near Bunker 1 that we para drop to and regroup. If we a player dies before a bunker is captured, a trigger then detects when that a player is alive again and then moves the player back into the cargo of the plane and the player has to jump again. Once 1 of the 8 objectives is captured, the triggers that move players in cargo of the plane are then deleted so they can't move in cargo of the plane ever again and players then respawn at which ever bunker was most recently captured. As bunkers are captured, the respawn area keeps moving to to that new position. All this works great except for JIP players. This is what I need to do...

    I need to make it so JIP players are moved into the cargo of the plane if none of the bunkers have been captured yet. After a 1 of the 8 bunkers is captured, I need to move JIP players to the most recently captured bunker. So if we capture bunker 1, then 2, then 3 and then somebody joins the game, the JIP player would then be instantly moved to bunker 3 respawn area. Can this be done and if so how?

  5. And you quoted me late, because I had already proofread and fixed the reply before you hit submit, and I fixed it just for you.

    Also I tried starting a new thread a while back and only Shk tried to help me with a 2 trigger system and I couldn't get it working. I tried a few times to bring the thread back up to the top, but it kept getting buried fast and nobody ever replied. Then when somebody finally came forward with some help, they basically linked to this post, which I accidentally replied to thinking that I was replying to my old thread.


    ---------- Post added at 07:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 AM ----------

    You said that most people won't even bother reading my big long garble post. So I replied... "But you did". I was just being funny. I also read all of your script that was hard to decipher, but after pasting it into word it made more sense. I usually just use notepad. Hey, as long as I can get it to view somehow, I don't care what I need to open it with.

  6. I'm trying to figure out how I can make the mutlitask stuff work in my mission. So I've turned the "steal documents" thing in your mission into a trigger so you simply enter the trigger radius and then it execs the docsTake.sqf and deletes the trigger. But lets say that when the documents are stolen that I would want the "Commander's Barracks" marker to turn green for everybody including JIP players that join later. Would that be possible? And if so how would I make that happen?

    There are other things that I would want to make happen too, like moving a respawn_west marker to that marker position, an ammo box, change a flag texture at that location, etc, but for now I'm just asking about the marker color since the "Commander's Barracks" marker is already in your example mission.

    Once I can get some of this stuff figured out I will then apply it to my own mission. I have no intention of using your example mission for anything other than to experiment with and learn from.

    Sorry about the other long post. Deadfast did ask me...

    Can you name some of those 20 games you've edited?

    If my reply to Deadfast was too long for anybody, well, what can I say. Don't read it. Nobody is twisting your arm.

    As for my long paragraph from hell with no caps, typos and bad grammar, well... I spend my work days proof reading and fixing grammer in high end websites for big companies, making sure everything is perfect, so when I'm in a forum board I tend to type like I'm sending a text message on my phone because... I can, and it's easier, and I don't care nor give it much thought. I don't see why its such a big deal how I type. I see others do it in these forums. But since Deadfast is being so helpful and mature, and basically putting up with me... I'll work on my grammar here.

    If it's okay with everybody, I'd like to stick to the MultiTask topic and understand as best I can - how I can incorporate the same MultiTask system into my mission. The more I've studied it, the more its starting to make sense, but I'm still a little lost. Yeah, the "Commander's Barracks" marker color, how would I make that change for everybody including JIP?

  7. Duke Nukem 3D (43 level total conversion), Shadow Warrior, Unreal, Operation Flashpoint Cold Crisis/Resistance(about 8 or 9 public released missions that included my own med kit script and a reworked version of keygetys spectate script that offered more camera views from different angles and distances - way back around 2002), Unreal Tournament, Tactical-Ops(over 50 maps public released and 5 soundpacks), Unreal Tournament 3, Rainbow Six Raven Shield/Athena Sword (5 Public released maps), Counter Strike Source (very difficult), Joint Ops Typhoon Rising/Escalation, Far Cry (too easy), Crysis, BF2 (but gave up early on), Call of Duty 4 (I hate the engine and the editors are a pain in the ass. I was paid to learn it and then enter a mission design contest), Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising (1 released coop mission "SHELL SHOCK" and the best coop mission you will ever play for that game, also comes with a training mission, called it quits on OFDR when I bought arma2 and OA), A few other games that I tried using the editor and basically became uninterested but I did learn a lot. Some games I just can't remember off hand. Well, maybe 20 games was a bad estimate on my part, but it feels like I've been editing for a lot more than 20 games. Tactical Ops uses the UnrealEd editor and I must have designed nearly 200 maps, but most were never released. At one point I had 6 TacOps maps in the top 10 for over 6 months at the levelrating website of over 250 custom maps that were rated. Same thing with the nearly 50 Raven Shield maps I made, most were never released. A friend I helped teach how to use the UnrealEd editor, later when he turned 15 years old - he was offered a spot on the design team and later when the mod went retail, his map "CIA" was used as the main image on the cover of the box on the shelf, I helped him every step of the way. I turned down the same offer since I never had any intension to do it for money. It's my favorite hobby and if I was paid to design maps, levels or missions I would then begin to hate it. I am most upset that Rainbow 6 Vegas2 never released an updated UnrealEd version for public use, but since that game can be played on xbox and playstation, they did not want to release the updated UnrealEd because they didn't want guys like me making vegas2 maps for pc users only, which totally sux. I'd be making vegas2 maps right now if they did release the editor. I was the co leader, webmaster and mapper and designer for 4 years, then I was founder and owner of a 50+ member competitive clan for 5 years, my xgirlfriend of 15 years was the leader. I designed the flash site, the forum boards, cgi member application page, bragshots page lol, over 40 flash signature images for members that posted in the forums. I've designed many other clan sites and forums. I'm a graphics designer, web designer, scripter, programmer, 3d Modeler, animator, death metal rhythm guitarist all my life - was in a few awesome bands, used to race street cars too, but then moved to NYC, now at the age of 39 I'll be enlisted and off to afghan land soon. been there done everything and I'm bored, can't wait to go, but I'm not going to let them know that I can use a computer since i want to be in the field where i best belong. Yeah, basically I buy every first person shooter that hits the shelf with the main purpose to learn the editor. For example... I bought games like Men Of Valor, Vietcong, Black Hawk Down, Fear and tried to edit for them and before I became too involved I started to dislike the engine and physics and would steer towards a different editor. I helped teach some friends how to use the UnrealEd editor when the first stages of red orchestra was in development and they later became some of the best designers I've ever known and look how far that game has come since then. They have a new game coming out soon. There are a bunch of games that I have used the UnrealEd editor to create maps for. Stalker was fun. Infiltration. I wanted to learn how to use the counter strike editor so I could work on a game called Hostile Intent, great game back in the day. My main focus now will be creating maps for Duke Nukem Forever. It will be the best game ever. I figure since that's where I started - that is where I would like to finish, but I don't think I will get the chance to edit for the game since I'll probably leaving before it releases.

  8. you guys are wrong for thinking that i was ranting on his multitask example. I am sorry if i came off sounding that way. all i said was that i couldnt understand it. and it made no sense when i opened it because everything viewed as 1 long sentence. i had to paste all the script into a word doc to makes sense of it, which i did after my last post. i explained that i was upset that i spent a zillion hours on my mission and finally completed it and then i found out about the join in progress problems. thats what im upset about, not the multitask stuff. you misinterpreted what i said, so please dont make it seem as if i was pissed at the guy that created the multitask stuff. am i not allowed to get pissed about the JIP problems after all the work i put into my own mission? is it wrong of me to also stress my opinion that the multitask example didnt make any sense "to me". maybe the scripting geniuses might understand it well, but im having trouble with it. i searched forever to find info on the JIP stuff. i posted and asked and only shk tried to help me and what he suggested didn't work for me and i posted/replied a few more times and nobody replied with any help. i very much appreciated the help shk tried to give me as well as the mutlitask stuff that was made public. most of the missions i've extracted and examined in the editor don't have anything set up for JIP and also have the same problems when i tested. the few mission i know that do work for JIP, like domi west revive, are too impossible to dissect, decipher and understand. so i decided that this JIP is a complete piss off. i bought the game to make missions. i make levels for tons of games. i used to make cold crisis and resistance missions 10 years ago. excuse me if i lost my ofp "now arma2/oa" scripting edge and forgot most of this stuff. there were no jip problems back then. there should definately be more information available regarding JIP. I am very thankful that i saw that somebody came forth with multitask stuff. i just wish i didn't need to take a course to understand it all. i am currently trying my best to make sense of it all. i don't give up very easily so i probably will figure it out eventually. if i can get the jip stuff working, my intensions are to make a mission pack for OA. otherwise i'll be editing for a different game and calling it quits here, which im sure nobody cares either way. though i would miss these forums and what could have been a long fun ride.

    I have a ton of respect for many of the members in these forums. sorry if i dont stress it in every reply i might make. sorry if i am upset that the jip stuff for this game is total bs. of the over 20 games i've edited for, i've never heard of needing to update a client that joins a game late. if an objective has been completed already, they should see it as completed when they join late without a mission creator needing to drive himself nuts with a bunch of extra script to update players that join late. it's bs. please dont jump down my back for getting pissed about it. im entitled to be upset with JIP stuff.

    ---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------

    Who ever wrote the script needs to go out to the store and buy a line break.


    is it obvious that this JIP stuff has gotten under my skin? sorry about remark. but yeah, i had to remove all the comments and add line spaces between the code to then try to understand it better.

    I have 10 main objectives and a 11th extract objective. the 10 main objectives are simple in design. you simple enter a small trigger area inside an enemy gun nest and the objective is complete, the marker changes from red to green, the task shows as being completed, the respawn_west area and ammo box moves to that marker location, a drumroll sound and hint message appears announcing that the objective has been completed. the 10 trigger objectives are all enemy gun nests that need to be captured. they are roughly 200 to 300 meters apart and can be captured in any order. The trigger is inside the nest and a player simply needs to enter the nest to complete the objective, which is not easy since the enemy heavily defend the objective. As enemy are killed off, new enemy spawn throughout the mission far out of view and move to next objective area. There are a ton of extra features in the mission including some of my own inventive ideas. My friends that have played it think it's some of the best game play they have experienced, and then i started feeling like i wanted to just throw it all in the garbage because of the JIP issues that started to occur. But I'm going to try to figure this multitask stuff out the best i can first.

    is there a simple way of explaining how to use the multitask stuff for a trigger like the ones in my mission?

    then i can try applying the method to my 10 triggers and figure out my extract objective based on the mutlitask example infiltrate objective.

  9. Honestly. I'm thinking that it's not going to be worth it to open my mission up in the editor and spend another 10 hours editing 11 objectives and all the triggers and to work with this MultiTask stuff that so far seems to make no sense at all to me. The example mission uses 2 objectives, the first one is to avoid being detected, and the second is to steal documents, which can't even be set as a current task at all. Maybe if there was more solid objective example and if the example scripts weren't filled with so much //blah blah blah//blah blah blah terribly hard to understand one incredibly long unformatted for scripting gods script, lol.

    As it is now.. my game is still installed. I find this amazing. If I dare to put several more hours of hard work into my mission to then see it still not working, I will uninstall this omg headache game and throw it in the garbage. I stopped using the editor a couple of weeks ago. I stopped playing the game too. I might play it again one day. All because this JIP stuff is total bullsh*t. It's not worth it. I asked for help with a lot of things. There was always somebody there to help. Now my missions completed and this JIP stuff bit me in the ass, and the little help available isn't making any sense and doesn't seem like it will work easily. I can predict the errors now.

    Unless somebody has some other easier tutorial to follow or an example mission or something that makes more sense, I'm going to call it quits. This MultiTask example is not worth the confusion. I opened it in notepad and it was all one big long sentence. I tried opening it in wordpad and I couldn't tell where the comments stopped and the code started. Who ever wrote the script needs to go out to the store and buy a line break.

    I'm sorry if I sound upset, but after all the hard work I put in, well... yeah, I'm a little pissed off with this game, the editor and just everything about it.

  10. I did what you said, at least I think I did what you said, but still it doesn't seem to work at all. Players that join at mission start do see the briefing and tasks and as objectives are completed they do see the objective markers on the map change in color from red to green and they also see the task showing as being completed on the tasks list. Players that join late in the mission do not see the briefing or tasks at all and the objectives that have been completed on the map show as red instead of green for the JIP players as if the objectives were never completed.

    Here is an example of the two triggers for obj_2. A Player just needs to enter the 1st trigger area and the objective shows as being completed, but players that join after are not updated at all.

    Trigger 1

    [b]Activation:[/b] BLUFOR
    [b]Condition:[/b] this
    [b]On Act.[/b]
    obj_2 = true; 
    publicVariable "obj_2";  
    playSound "drumroll";  
    hint composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.4' align='center' color='#6698FF'>AREA SECURED%1</t><br/><t size='1.1' align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>You can now respawn and rearm at this location%1</t>"]];

    Trigger 2

    [b]Activation:[/b] NONE
    [b]Condition:[/b] obj_2
    [b]On Act.[/b]
    "2" objStatus "DONE";
    tskobj_2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";
    Tak_Flag1 setFlagTexture "usa.paa";
    ammobox setPos (getmarkerPos "box1");
    "respawn_west" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "flag1";
    "area1" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";

    I tried Mr-Murrays guide and read the stuff regarding JIP and still had no luck and started receiving errors. I stopped working on my mission for a while, which is basically all done except for the JIP problems, and basically I just feel sick that I can't get this JIP stuff working at all after all the hard working I put into the mission.

    Is there a simple example mission out there that somebody can't point me in the direction of that I could examine and use as a guide?

  11. Besides, you don't even need to setpos it to the plane position since you move players into the cargo. So, I'd just remove that line completely and place the marker in editor to a suitable position where players can respawn, before they are moved into the plane.

    I did what you said what you said above. Good idea.

    Now the next part... there are 9 enemy gun nest spread out about 200 to 300 meters apart from one another, they are heavily defended and each is an objective that needs to be captured.

    For the first objective "obj1" all a player needs to do is enter inside the gun nest and a trigger then activates and completes that objective. Here is what is in the activation field for the trigger.

    "1" objStatus "DONE";
    tskobj1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";
    player setCurrentTask tskobj2;
    obj1 = true; 
    publicVariable "obj1";
    "respawn_west" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "area1";

    Is this good for JIP players? Like if they join after obj1 has been captured, is there anything else I need to do in order to make sure the JIP players will see that obj1 has already been completed?

    And would I need to use onPlayerConnected to get JIP players to start where ever the respawn_west marker has been moved to? And if so, how?

  12. "respawn_west" setmarkerpos getpos plane1

    then after we capture the first objective area...

    "respawn_west" setmarkerpos getpos objArea1

    and every time we capture a new area the respawn marker moves to that new location. How can I get join in progress players to join at the most recently captured objective/respawn area? and also make it so they can see the completed objectives correctly?

  13. There are 2 rifles in a crate, one has a lot of recoil the other has very low recoil, both shoot the same ammo and do the same damage. Which one are you going to grab? Are you going to grab the one that's labeled "Will keep you alive" or are you going to grab the rifle that is labeled "Will get you killed fast" ?

  14. I made a 8 man coop mission. It's basically completed. I tested it with friends and when one of my friends joined in late, problems then started to occur.

    First I'll explain quick how the mission works. At mission start we all start out in a plane that circles high above a drop zone. If any player dies, that player respawns back in the plane cargo. I did this by attaching a respawn_west marker to the plane and also by detecting by trigger when a player is alive and then move the player back in cargo of the plane. Once we complete the first objective, the completed objective area becomes our new respawn location and the trigger that moves us in cargo of the plane is deleted. There are several objectives that we complete throughout the mission and each one becomes our new respawn area. AI are turned off in the mission. The only thing in my init.sqs files is... execVM "briefing.sqf";

    When my friend joined late he spawned on the ground where the players were initially placed in the editor. He was miles behind us. My other friends and I had already completed many objectives that we were respawning at when we ever we died. The first time I got got killed after my friend joined late, I suddenly respawned far away in the middle of nowhere and then I immediately looked at my map and noticed that the plane that we start in at mission start was directly above me at the moment I respawned. Apparently when my friend joined it screwed up my respawn location. I asked my friend later after we stopped playing the mission if he remembered seeing the completed objectives on the tasks list and he said that he didn't see any objectives completed at all, yet we had completed 7 of 10 objectives before he joined the game.

    So how do I fix my mission for players that join in progress? What do I need to put in my init.sqs file to make JIP stuff work? How can I make it so JIP players are updated with the completed objectives when they enter? Since the respawn_west marker does move around a lot in my mission. Is there a way to make it so players that join in late will start where the respawn_west marker is currently set?

    My mission was working great up until the JIP issues bit me in the $@#$&. I worked really hard on this mission. I was feeling proud. Now I feel like crap. Please help.

  15. lol Mosh, I was just messin with ya. I'm bored. Actually, I played the game lots today and I didn't notice anything new about the recoil changes, but yeah, in general some of the guns kick pretty hard, but that's okay, because I already ordered an Acme "Ridda-Recoil" mouse shoulder stock attachment from newegg. It arrives in 2 days. Once I have that baby mounted onto my mouse, no amount of heavy recoil will ruin my day.

  16. I can't believe some of the replies I've read. lol. Yeah, everybody is entitled to their opinion, it just seems like some opinions are coming from a young age group. It would help if the developers simply made it so the skill levels in the game incorporated recoil levels, so some noob out there that wants low recoil could simply choose an easy skill setting that incorporates low recoil and host a low recoil server, and all the realism guys that want MEGA recoil could host a server set to some hardcore skill setting that incorporates heavy recoil and other things that they desire.

    If your going to talk about how real guns shoot in real life, well, um, this is a game. No game will ever be anything like real life EVER. Not enough recoil, too much recoil, I'm just thankful to be playing this game for what it is. Geez, I spend most my time in the editor and when I do finally sit down to play the game I've usually had a few cocktails and can't aim worth a shiz anyway. Recoil ways heavily on realism. If you like extra recoil, then you must like your game as realistic as possible. If you want your game to be as realistic as possible, then here's what you do... buy a shooter game, install it, play it, and when you get killed, uninstall it and then never play it again because your dead and dead people don't respawn. lol.

    I always thought real guns shot just like BB guns. I had no idea. Thanks Mosh, now I can appreciate the ridiculous amount of recoil even more than I did before. God I love this game.

  17. nobody wants to help me lately :(

    I couldn't get the above to work at all. For some reason, anything with a sleep command in my scripts always gives me errors. Makes no sense. I copy the script exactly as shown and use it in my mission and always the sleep thing gives me errors.

    I remember how I made a camera scene for one of my missions a while back, then I thought I would try scripting the attached marker another way.

    "respawn_west" setmarkerpos getpos plane1;
    goto "loop";

    ...and it worked. But is this going to cause the server to lag when it keeps looping?

  18. I have a plane circling around at height 5000, a trigger connected to each player that detects if the player is alive and moves them in cargo, once objective 1 is captured the triggers connected to each player are all deleted and the player then respawn at the newly captured objective 1 area and the marker called "US Current" then moves from being attached to the plane to the newly captured area. The problem is, I can't get the marker to attach to the plane. Right now the marker just sits where the plane first starts, but once objective 1 is captured the marker does move to the new location. If my plane is called "plane1" and the marker is called "respawn_west", how would I script this to stay attached to the plane? I tried some of the examples from this thread which I added to my init.sqs file but I just couldn't get it to work in my coop mission.

    I tried:

    "respawn_west" setmarkerpos getpos helo1;

    I also tried:

    [] spawn {
     while {not isnull helo1} do { "respawn_west" setmarkerpos getpos helo1; sleep 0.5; };

    What am I doing wrong?
